The Sorcerer Thread



Okay. This is it - THE Sorcerer Thread. I think that we need to settle this once and for all. I (and most of Albion) have been whining that we sorely lack any mezzing power in RvR due to there being so few sorcerers. However, if you look at the numbers we actually have quite a few high level sorcerers about:

41 Sorcerers are between levels 45-50
19 Sorcerers are levels 50

We have about even numbers to the Hib Bards:

40 Bards are between levels 45-50
16 Bards are level 50

If anyone is interested, Mid Healers numbers are kinda scary:

73 Healers are between 45-50
47 Healers are level 50
(yes, you do get mezzed that much vs. mids)

There is obviously something amiss though because out of the 40 high level sorcerers we have we see 3-4 sorcerers in emain and that's about it - and that is not at the same time. This is reflected in the RP:

Top 10 Sorcerers:

Sorusi - 401,097
Riwen - 235,038
Iskander Dymas - 227,452
Stt - 214,739
Spandau Ballet - 157,248
Wou Mindbarrier - 131,571
Kayla - 128,462
Afun Mindbreaker - 110,872
Aurelius Ambrosius - 108,666
Teleri - 84,855

(Not including Veeshan, as she is not currently guilded.)

If you compare these numbers to any other Albion class then it's obvious that our sorcerers aren't participating in RvR.

Please note that I understand that Sorcerers don't get RP for mezzing, so maybe RPs aren't the best guide to judge Sorcerers presence in RvR. However, Rejuv Clerics don't get RP for healing, stunning, mezzing, and most of all rezzing (huge power drain), but we seem to be able to acquire RPs. Also, it has been proven by Veeshan and more recently by Sorusi that Sorcerers can earn quite a few RPs.

Now lets get to the point of all this. Why aren't our sorcerers playing in RvR? I would really like to hear from the sorcerers themselves on what we can do as a realm to make RvR more fun/viable for our Sorcerers. Both those with RvR experience and those who have levelled an often-difficult character all the way to 50 only to then put it aside and never use it in RvR :rolleyes: . I would have thought that the Sorcerer would shine in RvR. Obviously, anyone can respond to this thread, but I would love to hear from the Sorcerers. Tell us what has gone wrong for the Sorcerer in RvR!

*** Note - Lets try to keep this as a discussion and avoid flames, going way off topic, & etc.

PS - I have a feeling that the lack of Sorcerers is directly related to the lack of Rejuv Clerics (ie they just die - even if they do get a mez off), but maybe I am biased.


Ok, this is on-topic and not a flame - but Albs are too RP-hungry even when playing classes that require a group in RvR to shine. Lack of decent RvR groups for Sorcs is propably one of the myriad of reasons why they're so inactive there.


In a smaller group away from the Zerg it can be fun, but big zergs can be a nightmare for Sorcs.

Typical scenario:

With my group, see a bunch of enemy players.

I run up front and get a q/c mez off - any that resist/purge/whatever come straight for me.

I turn around looking for my groupmates, who often aren't near me due to the chaos of a zerg battle.

I die and get no rps for the ones I mezzed...

My armour is paper-thin, most often I get one shotted


Possibly also, Sorcs are kinda rare at times in RvR so maybe people just don't know how to work with them.

At the moment, I'm concentrating on getting up to 50 - but having just read the 1.53a Patch Notes, I don't know if I'm going to bother :rolleyes:


After 40 days played with my infil and my experience with a level 24 sorc in the BGs I really would like to try a level 50 one out in usual RVR. So if anyone has one for sale please pm me!


I'm sure Sorusi will post his view shortly. But I think it comes down to 2 things mainly; lack of protection & mezz breakers.

As Loth said (and bards and healers get it the same) any tank who saw who mezzed him will go right for them when it breaks. We fkin hate it. What doesnt help is ppl who are inexperienced in mezz warfare (and there are lots in Alb) breaking mezz on something they cant handle/kill/stun fast enuf. This is why hibs are uber in RvR, most the time its a caster that breaks mezz, with a 9 sec stun. Plenty time to nuke fk outta pretty much anything and EVERY hib caster gets it. If it isnt moving/casting, leave it till last to kill.

On the protection thing, its the same for wizards. We do 50 lvls of xping protecting our mages and healers and when we put on a necklace to Emain it all goes out the window :rolleyes: Use guard/intercept/engage, it works in RvR the same as PvE (just not as well) but it does work.
If your a defensive armsman/paladin make it your mission to keep a caster alive for as long as possible, he will do more dmg for your group than u could possibly hope to.
I can understand Sorc frustration at mezzing most of the enemy and winning the fight for us, but seeing few if any of the rps for thier work cos they are chewing grass early on. Having said that Sorcs can help themselves somewhat too by not standing right next to the ppl they've mezzd ;) Get in get the job done AND BACK THE HELL AWAY.


I posted some stats on this here

Other thread

I don't think it's because sorcs don't participate in RvR much, it's because the percentage of sorcs in relation to the total population is small. This means on average only 1 group in 3 can have a sorc, compared to every mid group being able to have a healer.

So in conclusion, sorcs probably RvR as often as any other class but on average you need about 24 people out there for a sorc to be statistically present, that's 3 full groups per sorc.


P.s. Here's the stats in case you don't want to read the other thread, probably a fortnight or so old now though :)

Level 40+

Sorc = 51 (Total population 1204, therefore 4.2% sorcs)
Bard = 66 (Total population 619, therefore 10.7% bards)
Healer = 119 (Total population 811, therefore 14.7% healers)

This means if everyone were in Emain in full groups

Alb group with sorc 51, without 99.5
Hibs groups with bard 66, without 11.3
Mid groups with healer... all of them

33.8% of albs have a sorc
85.7% of hibs have a bard
100% of mids have a healer


Agreed on the dirt eating troubles. Of the RvR I have done, pretty much every time I've got a nice mezz off which has worked wonders, but with people breaking it and and resists/purges, life expectancy is low. Our epic amour may as well have a big bullseye on the front....

Getting rp's is not at all my first priority, and if I die but our grp wins, then I'm happy, but the fact that everyone else is reeling in rp's while we inspect the grass/snow/dirt really can irk at times. The thing that bugs me most is the fact that I very very rarely get a rez until the battle is over, maybe it's thought that my job is done(or not) so leaving me dead is no big deal. Maybe there's some merit in that, but lying dead while everyone else gets a rez just makes me angry.

As for backing off after the mezz, I've never done anything else, but going out in pyjamas means that i'm going to go down in two/three shots anyway. With the mez bullseye, that's never going to be enough time to keep me alive.

That all sounded very bitter, but it's not really. I love my sorc, and the joy of stopping a grp in its tracks is priceless. But I think only other sorcs can really understand the crap we have to put up with....


Originally posted by Simius
The thing that bugs me most is the fact that I very very rarely get a rez until the battle is over, maybe it's thought that my job is done(or not) so leaving me dead is no big deal. Maybe there's some merit in that, but lying dead while everyone else gets a rez just makes me angry.

I can only agree with you on this one

I am only a lvl 42 sorc but am number 21 in the Sorcerer realm point rankings. How many times do you run in, get the near perfect mezz in, only to be hacked down by the one tank that resists. Everyone else in the group then reaps the benifits of my sacrifice and I lie eating grass until they decide to res me.

By the time i DO get a res, the foe is all dead, the rp's have been gained by the others in my group and all i am left with is no power/health/endurance and 5 minutes of res sickness to cope with.

I think that this current trend of other class to reap the rewards from our sacrifice is why RvR is so unattractive to Sorcerers.

Oh.. that and the constant gimping by Mythic.


I can understand the no rez complaint, I've been in the same situation but in reverse, you leap in and hack the bard down, thus interrupting his AoE mezzes (even if you don't kill them), you stand no chance of survival but you probably bought the albs time to get ontop of the hibs etc... You then spend the fight on the grass.

Unfortunately as a Merc I can't help you sorcs there, but I do spend most fights screaming at my Paladin girlfriend to rez our group mates so they get rps before it's all over ;)



Talfer - I disagree with you. Firstly a level 40 character will be eaten alive in RvR. I was trying to focus on the Sorcerers that we do have - 41 at levels 45-50. It does not matter what percentage they make up. However, if you want to concentrate on that... We have a similar number of Wizards at level 45-50 (47), and yet I don't think that a Wizard is a rare thing in RvR. It is almost more common to see a Friar (16 lvl 45-50) or Cabalist (5! Lvl 45-50) in RvR than a Sorcerer.

The statistics of how many people you need to have present for a Sorcerer to statistically be there is complete nonsense. Those numbers have nothing to do with the fact that our Sorcerers are not getting any RP with the exception of 4 or 5 players. They are the most sought after player in RvR right now, therefore they should be able to get into the best groups and they should be able to earn RP just as well as other classes and certainly as well as other cloth caster classes. I mean come on! There are 5 level 45-50 cabbies right now and I see one or two AT THE SAME time when there are only 20 people in Emain. What are the chances of that statistically? Statistics are bs. We do not have proportionate numbers of Sorcerers to the Population in the Emain population. The issue isn't that we don't have Sorcerers - we do have them. The issue is that they don't RvR.

Your numbers and statistics are all well and good, but I can tell you from hours of experience in Emain:

**EVERY hib group has a bard because the HAVE to have them for the speed (ok there maybe one or two groups somewhere that don't have one, but they are still making their way from the Gorge, we might see them next week since they don't have speed). (note to hibbies: I am not saying it's your fault that you all have to have bards or that it's your fault that we don't have sorcerers or that bards are over powered. I am saying that you do have a bard in every group.)

**EVERY mid group has a healer - ok obviously small stealthier/skald groups sometimes don't have one, but most mid groups seems to have at least one, if not more healers. (note to mids, see above note to hibs)

Back to the questions at hand...
What can we do to make RvR more fun for Sorcerers?

It sounds like it comes down to the fact that we don't look after them well enough. So screaming that we need more sorcerers is all well and good, but if we aren't looking after the few we have, then what is the point in getting more? They just will quit playing too.



Originally posted by Talifer
P.s. Here's the stats in case you don't want to read the other thread, probably a fortnight or so old now though :)

Level 40+

This means if everyone were in Emain in full groups

Alb group with sorc 51, without 99.5
Hibs groups with bard 66, without 11.3
Mid groups with healer... all of them
With 150.5 full groups in Emain, whether or not you have sorcerers is somewhat moot. Mezzed or unmezzed, the 77.3 Hib groups are going to eat grass. :p


With 150.5 groups in emain the zone would crash :p


I think I can speak for most every sorc when I say: Protect us, stop breaking our mezzes, and rez us in time to get some RP and we might start showing up in your groups more.

There's nothing worse than getting to emain or whatever mezzing and dying and being rezzed AFTER the battle 10 times a day. This is the reason the only RvR I do is keep takes or relic attempts/defence. Other wise I just count the grains of dirt on the ground while everyone else is busy picking off the mezzed and gaining rp.


In my experince the best life guards for the sorc is a shield spec'ed armsman and a smite clr ..

it migth change with the smite nerf

When we have done guild groups we often assign 2 ppl as life guards to the casters..

the PBAOE mezz and the Sheild can buy the few sec a caster need to run to safety.. most trolls and Mooses want to smash stuff up and if you get a bit out of agro range they often forget you and bash on something else.

I have seen Veeshan run all the way out of clipping range and back to clear Troll agro .. it sometimes work .. not allways

but i know it must be very hard for sorc cause i allways eat grass instantly they see my instruments .. and i wear chain ...


Herfølge Boldklub


As reflected in the rp list of sorcs , seems to be most are inexperienced in rvr anyway. Maybe a little more rvr might help. The ones that have taken the time to learn their classes RvR skills, are good. But you can tell the ones that visit every now and again need to improve skills.

Nice post kate, and we do really need them, not like they struggle for a grp RvR.
veeshan sorc ownage

Starion - friar /dead
Fast -minstrel /fun


1) I die very fast and have to relay most times on friends or people in the group for a rezz.

Even at amg or mmg when every one stands at one side it's sometimes hard to get a rez.

Had times a whole zerg runed over me.

Btw my lvl 37 merc survives most times longer then my lvl 50 sorc.

2) Most mezzes don't last long, becouse everyone attacks a different target most of the time. So doesn't have that much impact.
But it pulls most tanks to me when they breack free, if I m not allready nuked twice.

3) Most of my spells become useless when I meet hibs or mids.
Compare it to a fighter with a shield, whole PvE he blocked a lot, but when he meets hibs or mids he is lucky if he gets one block.

And then the only 2 spells of 10+ spells that gives RP's is a low nuke and live tab ( nice if you need heath fast or the cleric is nuking,
thats the only thing that I mis when playing my merc ).

4) The only times I realy enjoy RvR (and PvE) is in a good group or with friends, becouse I get some protection and heals.


Teleri is one of my best online mates and the reason he dont play in emain much is cus he is busy doing other stuff like helping guild, retaking albion keeps, killing epic mobs etc, he also has a lvl 50 cleric tiarta and is lvling a merc up as well.

So he like me prefers a bit of variation rather than playing one char in one place all the time :)

P.S I had great fun playing his sorc in emain while he was on holiday, MUCH more fun than a theurgist.


1. Veeshan (new veeshan rejoined today) and Sorusi both FC - the way to rvr well is to keep them alive and if they die ress straight away 99% of alb clerics will leave them dead.


Sorusi - 401,097 - Active
Riwen - 235,038 - Semi Active
Iskander Dymas - 227,452 - Semi Active
Stt - 214,739 - Normally Plays Scout
Spandau Ballet - 157,248 - Inactive
Wou Mindbarrier - 131,571 - Semi Active
Kayla - 128,462 - Very Semi Active
Afun Mindbreaker - 110,872 - Exps more than RvR now
Aurelius Ambrosius - 108,666 - Active
Teleri - 84,855 - Plays alts normally

top 10 sorcs 1/2 active out of the other 9 lvl 50s i think u found that they have aout 100k between them...the other 45-50 never rvr (or hardly)

3. They arn't playing RvR cus they are either...

A) in exp
B) only drop hunting
C) bored of game
D) suck at rvr so we don't notice then
E) another reason



It doesn't look very hopefull, does it...


I rez sorcerers every time I see them, as soon as I can. I would hope that all clerics would do the same.

If you are a high level sorcerer and you need a decent group, feel free to msg me. I don't play that much at the moment, but I am never anon. I can't promise anything, but we can try and see how it goes?


Ok ill place my coppers here...

Sorcs wear cloth and low hps (i got 950 myself unbuffed, maxxed out any +hp item) - this makes us 2 - 3 hit to death targets.

Sorcs are being out-mezzed by healers, most of them time when you fight an good healer that know what hes doing (and got insta mezz rdy) you will get mezzed and if your not very fast at purgeing (if you got it) your group will soon be wasted.

Sorc dont get any rps at all for mezzing - exacly like the rej clerics. A group is a must to get rps.

Sorcs need protection! Were target #1 in rvr (since CCs and casters allways go down first - we are lucky to be both).

As any other support char sorcs need good clerics (even better than normal ones) since we get like 3 - 5 ppl shooting at us at the start and end of the battles.

Alot ppl break mezz - makes you VERY frustrateing.. ive lvled from L5 -> 50 and ppl keept breaking mezzes and when they do it at L50 and act as idiots (mezz breaking gets the sorc killed) you get REALLY pissed off.

Sorcs are a hard class to play - yes you heard me, its frustrating and its hard stuff you got to put up with.... Chargeing an enemy being in the front lead as a caster does get you killed along with they as soon as your first mezz has landed everyone with some brain will attack you.


lets sum it up:

You die 400x more than anyone else.
You got ppl getting YOU killed when they break mezz.
Lots of times you managed to land mezz, and then die = no rps, you did the work - this can be VERY frustrateing.
Lack of good clerics like Kate and others :)
Lack of good tanks (really lots of them doesnt protect casters for jack shit)

Most ppl think sorcs are uber at soloing, aoe mezz + mega nuke...

Fact is we got only aoe mezz, nuke is really crap.. well atleast if you specc like i did 41body,34mind...

This is everyhing i got to say /sorusi


6 am here and post is too big to read it all so ill just say:

Healers arent overpowered they are gimped.

Nuff said :D


sorcers live longer then bards tho

bard : crit(800), normal (400) = dead bard
sorcer: crit(absorbed by bt), normal, normal = dead sorcer

maybe with alot slash resist , enemy prolly need 4 shots.
I think it's good to do this(stole this from enchanters :p)

put pet on defensive. when you're shot pet will aggro enemy
quickcast bt and run other side.


Self BT is over-rated.

Most high damage attacks punch right through it.

Molten Lava

Only lvl 41

Dont know if I may speak here, being lvl 41.5 and all :) but I agree to all sorcs above:

Die to quick, primary target for hibs/mids, mezz breaking etc etc...what I also like to say is that (and I know this is not the topic here) even in normal levelling it takes ages to get at a nice RvR lvl (read 47+)

I.e. last weekend it took me 11 hours to get from 41-41.5 I died 12 times and most of my groupmates only max 1 time. Ok maybe 'm not good at playing a sorc, but if
1. its so hard to get to a nice RvR lvl
2. you still die 100 times a day in RvR
3. and get no XP
4. And Mythic dares to gimp us so bad (we dont get anything in return for the mezz-nerfing)
I can imagine not much sorcs around after patch 1.53 (even before that)

So applause to all the people that got lvl 45+ and pls albs help the few that play in RvR (and the lower ones to get there :) so we can have a healthy sorc population even after 1.53 (aka Sorc-killing-mezz-nerfing-nothing-in-return-for-that Patch)

/em Anything sits down


I did play a bit with my alt, lvl 43 mind sorc, in RvR in order to get some nice ra's :) But the agony of dying while you mezzed 50% of a team (ungrouped mind you, nobody wants a lowbie sorc in RvR, and mezzing lvl 50 enemies is tough still) and then to only get one shotted by something...

I only tend to get paladin rezzes, something that despite my serenity II and MCL I will leave me out of business for ages. And indeed, rezzes only take place AFTER a battle. If a cleric heals me during combat he gets xp also... so why not the same with RvR? I mean, all leech from eachother anyway. The only important thing in RvR are the mezzes and the stuns.. If you get a mezz of, you can then stun each individual and slaughter them. My main tank spend a long time mezzed and stunned on the battlefield.. seems they can stack them even :p Even got determination in the hope I can maybe surprise them one day :p

A lot of groups will tell my tank off if I defend the group casters, and do not focus on attacking the hib/mid casters. I know that the group might live if we kill the enemy casters, but I feel that the casters deserve some chance of living also.. just running after the caster while your own gets killed is not fair in my opinion, yes, you get some rp's, but also a rez sick theurg, wiz, cabbie or sorc.
Paladins should have shield maxed, and defending casters. Armsman should tank like no tommorow...

Even more important... I'm starting to hate clerics bitching about the rezzing. Getting a rez is now taking ages, with the only ones rezzing are paladins really. Those damn clerics are only trying to smite, instead of heal... Sorry clerics, delete your character if you want an offensive class... Clerics are only in game to heal... HEAL DAMNIT. I have yet to see a cleric heal during RvR. All they are doing is trying to smite the enemy... while other are getting killed...
And also, at respec... pls, pls... get rid of smite, and go for rejuv and enhance... will help a lot more.
I mean, my sorc will be mind 44, knowing it will be group dependant.. but in the end, we are all group dependant.. Only exception maybe an inf and a scout (scout is getting so gimped, they will also be group dependant).
But anyway, why RvR if you will die first, get no reward, get a crap rez (as clerics waisted their mana on a smyte... while if they had kept the wiz alive, he could have done a bit more damage than their 150 hp...). But I guess you need to find a good group, of just try to leech of an Alb zerg.
Regards, Glottis


Let's see ...

For starters it Isn't easy to get a sorc to lvl 50.
We only get invited into groups post 35+ (tanglers & trees). With the chain nerf I doubt many people will still prefer a sorc over a min in group. The min can do the required mob controll, and play manabattery while sorcs atill only good for bigger mob controll, and some nuking / debuffing

Come RvR there are several problems aswell. The one thing we are good at in RvR is mob controll, mezzing (if you are a true sorc that is, and not specced as a would be wiz). We have unequal weapons. our Mez is on a 3 sec timer, other classes/realms get insta mezz. Imagine you have to stand still for 3 sec trying to cast a spell.. Often by the time it would land you are insta mezzed/stunned/nuked/beaten to death

Alot of Mythics nerfs will hit us inderectly or directly. Soon our DD gets nerfed, and resistances to it get upped. expext to see "you hit xxx for 50 damage (-170)

Mez will get nerfed to hell. Although mezz is overpowered the way mythic choose to handle it will destroy most sorcs.
It is not our mezz that gets people upset, it's the insta crap other people got.

Now in RvR itself I can not count the times I got killed by the stupidity of fellow albs. It seems some people think the Zzzzz floating over enemies heads are a sign to AE nuke / smite their hearts out. If they do use a single nuke it HAS to be on the tank standing 3 feet from the sorcerer.
Lots of people don't know how to protect the sorcerer. We die and we die alot.
Often we lay there waiting for a Rez while we get trampeled by a horde of RP horny abls, leaving us there to auto..
Battles get lost cause they run out of Mezzers (who are prime target).
If we do get a rez it's 80% a getto rez (although I appreciate the paladins that take the efford to rez us, do look if there isn't a cleric trying to cast a decent rez first, cause we are quite useless ithout HP & mana)

There are some great clerics out there (Kate , Onlyone and Herbal to name a few), who give good rezzes, but way to manny take the time and mana to help us on our feet again.

Iskander Dymas
Lvl 50 sorcerer <The Royal Guard>
Gryphon Knight


Even more important... I'm starting to hate clerics bitching about the rezzing. Getting a rez is now taking ages, with the only ones rezzing are paladins really. Those damn clerics are only trying to smite, instead of heal... Sorry clerics, delete your character if you want an offensive class... Clerics are only in game to heal... HEAL DAMNIT. I have yet to see a cleric heal during RvR. All they are doing is trying to smite the enemy... while other are getting killed...

Well when i started out as a cleric months ago, i wanted to be a smite 48 now i have reached my desired level in smite, and rest of the point are going into buffs and rej.
Everyone chose a character for some sort of reason...mine was simple -> cleric has chain (better defence than a wiz), can heal (he is a cleric of course), he can mezz/stun (if he is lucky not to be mezzed 10* before) and he can rezz (and when not specced rej it takes 1/2 to 3/4 power to rezz and orange...and full bar when he's red).

I know its important to rezz people, and i do it a lot more than i used to, since at 48 the chance i rezz a blue-yellow con realmmate is a lot higher and a lot less demanding on my pow bar.
BUT when in a group i always take care of them FIRST.
I try to mezz (oh joy gets nerfed also..30 sec to 5 min), and try to stand back to heal...even if have chain..i get killed quickly also since they see me heal -> take healer out = dead group (same story as with sorcer mezzing). When in a good group i wont even have to smite since they will go down anyway and i can heal if not under attack, only time i use smite a lot these days is when going for keepraid/defence....

After respec im going rej.enh probably cause they gonna nerf smite so when i finally reach 50 i get a char that is completely changed, and is NOT the char i wanted to play to start with (heal heal heal heal heal rezz heal heal rezz rezz heal heal...see my point)...i can change my quickbars to heal and rezz (2 buttons) more use for smite, stun, area smite, direct dmg, insta mezz, etc....i know i'm a cleric, but they made the smite line for a reason didn't they?

If i'm in a xp group, and they need only healing, i will do it..won't complain...and have a base ehaling that will do teh job most of the time..even if im more a smite cleric.

i know smiters are a bit overpowered, but compared in dmg to a wizz they do no dmg at all (but they can finish of running enemies while tanks need to chase them)...but do get a chance to survive thx to chain and insta heals, while wiz can do major dmg but has no chance 1 vs 1.

All classes have pro and contra's, and maybe in a few months everything is gonna be completely different again... and we all can respec to something's a game after all

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