The slow & painful death of a scout



Originally posted by old.Jadow
Scouts womble around the countryside pretty well hidden, but they are -never- going to be able to outhide any assassin class. It would ruin the whole point of the assassin class.
My point exactly! YOU ALREADY OUTHIDE US! So why need of some goddamn see hidden...


Ahhh its no big deal, just hide behind trees. You should be doing that anyway to help with not being located after the first arrow is released. At lvl 39 I've got stealth to about 32, I don't think I'll bother taking it any higher, as a ranged attacker I try not to go close to enemies to anyways.

Yeah that link is pants, massive over reaction. However, for some reason you do seem to fumble more the higher you level WTF? Again no biggie really.

Getting groups with a scout in the first few months of DaoC was a nightmare (and I was as annoyed with it as anyone, people saying crap like "NO! Scouts are useless!!" to you is rather irritating), but now people seem to understand more about other classes it's not so bad. Though maybe thats just down to at higher levels our pulling and damage dealing skills are more evident and the general newb factor has decreased.

Oh and yes assassins take us easy, but then not many classes can take us at all if you're doing hit and run. I've picked off full blue-yellow-orange con groups many times on my own, we're a pretty powerfull class to be able to do that, but its balanced out by had they sorted their group and had an Assassin with them I couldn't of nailed them so utterly and would more than likely ended up face down :p

And if we do need to become more of a group class, that's kewl, I already quite like being at the rear laying the smacketh down :D

My only complaint about the Scout class is we don't get a tracking skill, not letting us perform a scouts real role. Some sort of ability like the tracking skill in UO where you can tell which direction enemies are. I'd prefer that to stealth myself.


See Hidden

It wasn't the assassins who were whining. They were pretty happy IIRC.

It was all the unhappy casters who didn't think it was much fun to be taken out from a distance in one shot by an uncatcheable foe who got See Hidden brought in. So assassins now are better able to protect their weaker realm mates from the archers. Also, archers were getting huge amounts of RP compared to all other classes so I figure there was some desire to balance that out. (Was just unfortunate that minstrels got hit also, because I don't think we were really the main target.)


Was just heading into the bg with a group of 8 and one of our group got picked off. We looked around abit and couldn't see anything. So we started to head to the keep but one of the people got leaft behind and got picked off. So we went back and took a look around. Then suddenly I get the attack messages of our tank hitting the scout. A Goblin then came along so the scout managed to slip away. But we asked him how he saw him and he said, "I saw his name behind a tree". Sounds like some of you stealther are way to clumsy to me :p Got my scout to lvl 9 and it's abit expensive. I transfered 60 gold to her at lvl 5 and now she's down to 20 at lvl 9. Really want to get her to the first bg :p Like my ns and bard


Although the link in question is a bit over the top, unfortunately the points in it are basically true :(
I have definitely been fumbling and missing a lot more since the patch and the line of sight is a pain when the target is 2ft in front of me and i get the "you cannot see your target" spam.
Add to this pulsing blade-turns(almost impossible to hit anyone with a scouts slow draw times),damage cap (a Wizzy friend still does 1400+ on grey mobs),crit shots on a standing target sometimes being changed during firing to normal shots (not sure why yet).
Oh well,mus'nt grumble,at least lev20 Assassins with 8 Realm points ca'nt auto-detect me at clipping range.........oops
Hopefully i can get to Lev50 before See Hidden is implemented otherwise i'll probably not bother levelling him anymore.......but then again i'm a stubborn so and so ;)
As for getting into RvR there's no problem,but in PvE scouts do have problems getting into casual groups......which is why so many of us end up soloing for a lot of the time instead of waiting around for a group to eventually take us in.
I started an Armsman and Scout on Day 1 of the English release and levelled them both at the same time until i decided i liked to play my Scout more.
I still enjoy playing him,but it has started to become more of a chore when i see my damage lessened and/or spending 15secs before i get to shoot at a mob after i've fumbled and missed(that's if i can even see the target)....soloing i have to sprint away,in a group this can get someone killed.
This may seem bitter,which in some ways it is,but when a character i've spent months developing has begun to become less than it grates.
Mythic should have taken the path of improving other classes to counter Scouts uberness in RvR NOT improving other classes and nerfing Scouts at the same time....this also applies to any class who has been/or will be nerfed in the future.
All classes should be allowed to advance and develop,not have skills e.t.c. taken away or rendered useless by each forthcoming patch.
Like i mentioned above, i'm stubborn so i'll continue on until it gets too much and in the meantime i'll try to level my Infiltrator bit by bit (until he gets nerfed as well ;) ) at which point i may look around for another game that lets me develop my character and not have to begin a new class because my original choice has become less than it was.

Sermon/rant over.....geez,i did ramble on a bit there.....time for the medicine now................... /yell NURSE ;)


Agreed with Linnet.

Im a scout, I feel that there is more of a balance now. The patch that allows see hidden will be annoying but it will allow the assasins to assasinate and do their job.

Once and again if you take stealth to 50 like that dude did you end up with a nurfed scout anyhow. What you wanna do is slam the nuts off your opponent and finish with some arrows. And take an infiltrator buddy with you, by heck theres enough of them now. So much so that sometimes all you see are infiltrator scout groups.

I have an infiltrator in the offing too. I have only been killed twice by an assasin, its a damned skald that always kicks my ass.

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