The relic has been returned



Congratulations to all those brave souls who worked for nearly 12 straight hours to get it back.

Was well worth the fight.

Congratulations, and VIVA LA ALBION!


/salute albion

And there was me thinking by joining in at 10pm i'd missed all the fun ;)


Man its 7 am now, 12 hours is a long time of keep taking, but well worth it.

/Salute All

Well executed, well played and well deserved.

But lets try and put as much effort into keeping the relics this time, as we all know future patches will only make relic raids ever harder. Its easier to defend then to take, we've learnt our lesson, lets keep them where they belong.

Night night all.




Ghaladriel lvl 50 Alerion Knight [First Cohort]

Tunda lvl 24 Guardian [Alamut]


what?? and i missed it?? :(

but :clap: for the ones involved, hey even a double :clap: :clap:


Thanks to everyone who attended, stayed awake, listened and avoided the usual Alb royal fuckups.

/slap to Parlain for almost succeding with that royal fuckup :p nah j/k not your fault I suppose.

Important we hold em now though, get all alb keeps claimed, lvl10, doors highly upgraded, guardspam being relayed to other alliances, and keeps protected. It's not hard, but it does require people to leave emain :)


Yay. I couldn't help because I was forced to log early. :(

But what a nice birthday present for me Albion. :D


Gratz :)

I saw nottmoor taken by mids at about 3am and thought "shit, bye relic raid" but now i'm happy :) Don't know why are they whinning, i can't play but looking keep state i knew there was a relic raid, is their fault if they didn't defend the relics beacuse it was not a lame time RR, was a very long time and very good planned RR.

And now forgot emain and defend hadrians :)

(trinnilim, should be VIVA ALBION :) )

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Well done. Now listen verrrrry carefully, I shall say zis only once...


Well done though! This is friggin' awesome! You guys deserve a big pat on the back and a nice jug of ale each. :D only get a pat though because I drank all the ale.


Well done guys,nice suprise when waking at morning and logging :clap:


Peculiar ... I leave and relics return home?
Ah well big gratz!
Contact Loxleyhood or Kirennia for money when doors get dented. I supplied them with 20p each.


Nerr, Nerr. We've got a corpse summoner :kissit:

Joking aside, grats on the raid Albion scum. I was asleep at the time but i hear it was well diserved on your part.... but don't think you've won, you've gone and given us reason to come to your frontier again so batten down the hatches cause its time to reap the tornado :great:


Very well done albs =)

And lets hope albs will defend our own frontier this time =)


Anyone said something about the time when it was executed? :rolleyes:


Originally posted by etcetra
Anyone said something about the time when it was executed? :rolleyes:

Ok, we admit it, we stole the timetable from the mids.


Mids have forgotten what time they took the 3 relics already?


/slap to Parlain for almost succeding with that royal fuckup nah j/k not your fault I suppose.


Not my fault my backpack had a hole in it; blame Kurik-he tailored it. :rolleyes:

Kurik, I'd like a refund :flame:


Well done guys, I cant believe you managed to do it in mid prime time to ;p


Originally posted by Archeon
Nerr, Nerr. We've got a corpse summoner :kissit:

Joking aside, grats on the raid Albion scum. I was asleep at the time but i hear it was well diserved on your part.... but don't think you've won, you've gone and given us reason to come to your frontier again so batten down the hatches cause its time to reap the tornado :great:

keep in mind next patch you can only use 3 rams per door, and we got the ultimate defense until then..

pheer de necros!


Originally posted by Duryn
Mids have forgotten what time they took the 3 relics already?

We have not forgotten what time we took the 3 str relics, but obviously you have ;) We started taking keeps the night before at 20.00 CET and defended them till around 01.00 CET. At the most 3 FGs showed up and they died :)

Then we logged on designated locs throughtout Pennine and went to bed. We logged on again at 10.00 am CET started taking more keeps just as planned. When second door went down on Erasleigh and Berkstead, we ordered the relic attack force to move in, keep taking forces arrived just after that and we knocked down the doors on Excalibur. Mid str relic was removed from it's shrine at around 10.45 and home in Midgard at around 11.00.

Now when did you take back the relics? Around 06.00 CET right? I think you know what's coming, the question is: will you be able to stay awake?


So let me get this straight, in spite of Albs not showing up when you took the keeps you STILL decided to go to bed and set your alarm clocks for an even more inconvinient time just to absolute positively make sure no Albs would be around? And you somehow think that this was more decent of you?

Fuck what the clock said, we fought all night constantly and moved to Mjollnir on the minute the last Corpse Summoner was up. Had the time been 2am when we'd been done then we'd have attacked at 2am. There was no "going to bed to make the enemies loose interest before we attack" tactics, you could spot the raid miles off and it proceeded without interruptions and in the end you couldn't stop it.

I think you know what's coming

I sure do. Whining, more whining, cheating accusations, smug Mids with stupid excuses then followed by a new record in inconvinent time and a grand excuse for it.


Originally posted by Tigerius

Fuck what the clock said, we fought all night constantly and moved to Mjollnir on the minute the last Corpse Summoner was up. Had the time been 2am when we'd been done then we'd have attacked at 2am. There was no "going to bed to make the enemies loose interest before we attack" tactics, you could spot the raid miles off and it proceeded without interruptions and in the end you couldn't stop it.

here here :clap: :clap:

We fought long and hard for those relics, no lame ass deliberatley logging for the night and then all logging on @ 6:00am. I personally was there from somewhere around 8:00pm until the relics were taken, as were most of the people involved and certainly all of my group.

We systematically took all the keeps and then attacked the relic, hardly a "stealth" raid. I don't think there was a point all evening when the albs were not around, collecting rams, taking keeps, defending keeps etc.

It was dam good fun. If either the mids or hibs manage to pull off the same then I will be here congratuating them because it's dam hard work.


Oh you've already given us a grand excuse for it. We can raid you at any inconvenient time we want without feeling bad about it. And the thing is, no matter how many defenders you've got logged inside the relic fort you won't be able to defend yourself, because they're not online. Now is that what you wanted?

I know that it's not what I want atleast, I like the challenge. I'd like to outsmart you, I'd like to beat you fair. But you don't deserve to be beaten fair right now... I won't be proud over it, but I will do it. When mids have taken back the relics, you have two choices: you can either take back the relics fair or you can do what you just did. If you take them fair then we'll try to grab them back fair. I would NEVER raid you at any lameass hour if you take them between the hours 09.00-00.00 CET, I've successfully organized the retrieval of 5 relics to Midgard the last couple of months so I know how it's done. The time for the raid on Dun Dagda was questionable and I'd never do it again on hibs unless they do it to us. Maximum respect to hibs! They certainly don't have to fear for any relic raids on them outside these hours from me, and I'm the only one who organize relic raids in Midgard atm. Many mids have nice ideas and plans but for the last 6 months it has only been me who have arranged succesful relic raids.

Beat us with superior numbers or beat us with superior tactics and planning, like the hibs did and it will all be fine. Then you deserve to have the relics and we don't. Ever heard of ninja relic raids or coordinated simultaneous keep takings with a separate relic raid force attacking the relic fort? If I can grab half your keeps on prime time with hundreds of albs running around then what do you think I'll be able to do in the middle of the night? Do you think you will have any chance at all in the end?


Originally posted by ardamels
what do you think I'll be able to do in the middle of the night? Do you think you will have any chance at all in the end?

Have you even read what myself and others have posted?

If you start a raid and keep up the pressure on us for 12 HOURS and then take the relics, then fair play. Try another lame ass stunt like all logging off and coming back at an anti-social hour and I will flame you on BW along with everyone else!

I personally thought our raid was more than fair, you could see it comming a mile off and had the opertunity to stay and defend. All quiting and then comming back @ 5:00am with no warning is no fun, we fought hard for the keeps and for the relic and won. Do the same and I will be here on BW to congratulate you.

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