The recent scam mails thats been around..

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Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Heard nothing about this affecting any of the US comrades I have on Mythic servers though I had plenty of people I know playing EU servers getting them.

I would however like to whine a bit in this late hour
sanya thomas actually posting about this on the USA news page. I see NOTHING on GOA´s page about this. Freddyshouse or not its a shame that GOA tells Mythic and not even bothering posting it on their webpag as a warning for people thats maybe new to the game or unaware people.

Mythic actually posts about it after receiving info from GOA and GOA dont bother posting about it on their own homepage?

I was reading trough all the latest news on Europe page and couldnt find anything close to a warning, If im mistaken Im the fool here. if not I know who is..


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
people are probably more likely to read the herald on a weekday than the daoc-europe site ;) however I'd hope to see a note in the friday news.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Well I think its AWFUL that GOA just dont even post a little note where as Mythic actually post about it and even mention that they received the info from GOA themselfs

Oh and the only reason I read Herald over camelot-europe is that I hate all that bling bling loading jibberisch they use ;) Sanya news=win


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
We would have posted a warning about it on Monday when we were made aware of the issue, however by that time the email address used by the scammers was already closed down and so there was no risk of people being caught by it anymore. We did actually get a few complaints via RightNow that the email address that 'we'd sent them to verify their account' no longer worked... We are intending to roll out our periodical warning about scam emails in the news tomorrow.
If the scam had still been 'active' - i.e. had a live email address or website or was still actively targetting people then we would of course have issued a warning immediately on Monday.

As a matter of course we pass on warning of scams like this to Mythic - especially as in this case the emails were purporting to be sent by a Mythic staffer - and they made their own decision regarding a warning.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
My bad Requiel. Still think you could of bothered with a little note. ;)
Edit: Because even if the Email was closed down there is no guarantee that the hacker wouldnt instantly setup a whole new adress and keep at it.

We all know that GOA isnt very active on the News update section compared to Mythic.

good night


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Requiel said:
granted it was no longer a threat, it should still have been included in the friday news, even if it was just to remind players that they should be craefull with login info.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Requiel said:
We did actually get a few complaints via RightNow that the email address that 'we'd sent them to verify their account' no longer worked...

makes u wonder how many people actually fell for it then..


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Raven said:
granted it was no longer a threat, it should still have been included in the friday news, even if it was just to remind players that they should be craefull with login info.

Sad part here is that we even have something called friday news and not customer news like Mythic has.

It cant be so rough to just type down last news story and press update can it. Perhaps its the flash :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2005
Can I just make a point that although the email account has been closed down I have had no confirmation that the original account the scammer is using to send the mails out from has been closed down. All the scammer needs to do is find another email account to make a mythic@/goa@.

Yeh ok I am and always will be a bit!!?? dippy and not so aware as alot of you guys but I had FH to run to and beg for help, alot of DAOC players dont use FH so wouldnt know if it was a scam or not if they were on my level of dippyness.

SOMETHING needs to be done to warn EVERYONE about this, not just through forums as not ALL players use them, or some poor soul out there is going to lose their account to this scamming scum bag (hope their genitals turn square and fester) < I DINT TYPE THAT HONEST GUV!!!!!!!!11111111

:fluffle: Thongy


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
people should be aware in general when they are on the interent that ANY email claiming they are from a company you deal with asking for any security information should be ignored and possibly forwarded onto your local fraud office. If you are really concerned then you should actually ring your company and ask them.

In this instance i would go onto the goa website and email them not use the email address embedded in the email. And forward the email to them asking if it is vaild. OK if it is valid that means that goa have just received 100k worth of emails from its customer base confirming if its true.

the address was shut down very quickly which is well done to runbox.

Always question whats in your email box even if its from Your mum you shoudlnt trust it. Simple rule

if in doubt contact the company they are claiming the be. Otherwise just delete the email. Scammers get there money from stupid people who should really READ the internet instead of just using it.


Dec 22, 2003
tbht the scams were so obvious only americans would fall for them. Thus the post on the herald.



One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Someone refered to the ppl who would loose their account to this scammer as "poor people". Tbh I agree with Tilda, it was fairly obvious from the words in the mail that it was not serious. And if that didn't ring your alarm bells, surely the email adress should, I mean, come on: if you managed to scramble your way onto internet to play in the first place, you should at least know that people working in GOA/Mythic would have either "goa" or "mythic" AFTER the @, not before :p

Too bad he didn't use "", I bet still some ppl would send their info to such an adress though.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2006
Tilda said:
tbht the scams were so obvious only americans would fall for them. Thus the post on the herald.


Ahahah :m00:

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Tilda again." :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Sigh.. the usual social darwinism "we´re all so clever" approach, aka "people who´re clicking on those links deserver it" :)

Regardless how obvious a scam might appear to you or me, there ARE people around playing this game who don´t know nothing about the dangers of emails and links and WILL give out informations. Do you remember the guy who insisted on sending emails back to and kept complaining that they won´t get through? I used to sit next to the support guy in my company for a year.. you won´t believe what kind of questions this guy had to answer every day. "Where´s the backslash" was one of the easier ones. One dude litterally OPENED his CD drive, when the support guy told him to "look, there´s a file on your CD". No BS, true story!
What´s obvious for us, who´re dealing with computers every day, isn´t neccessarily obvious for a 12yo kid or a guy who just bought his computer in a supermarket, enjoying the fun of TehIntarnet and all the "multimedia" content. ;)
It´s time to get ussed to the idea, that computers are being used by all kinds of people.


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
People shouldn't use the internet if they dont know the risks involved in doing so. BT should make people fill out questionaires before they install their ADSL lines assessing whether or not they are competent enough to use it :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
DocWolfe said:
BT should make people fill out questionaires before they install their ADSL lines assessing whether or not they are competent enough to use it :p

I think BT should fill out the questionnaire themselves tbh, cos they sure aint competent to run a phone company.

Anyways .. i thought everyone knew that subscription game companies you have a 'password' with will never ask for it, why would they, they will either already know it or dont need it to get access.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Lots of people who use the internet today know very little about computers and do not know - for example - that you can spoof an e-mail address to make it look like it came from somewhere it didn't.

To suggest that these people who are victims of crime deserve it because they innocently clicked a link or replied to an e-mail that looked genuine is disgraceful.

In GOA's defense there is a scam e-mail warning in almost every Friday News :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2004
Awarkle said:
people should be aware in general when they are on the interent that ANY email claiming they are from a company you deal with asking for any security information should be ignored and possibly forwarded onto your local fraud office. If you are really concerned then you should actually ring your company and ask them.

How can we ring GoA when they don't even leave a number for Customer Support on their Hompage??

May I suggest to you Mr Goa that you put a number for Customer Support on your Hompage for all to see.

Alliance Leader of Supremacy Alliance
GM of Legion Flavia Firma
GM of Supremacy


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
ceator said:
Awarkle said:
people should be aware in general when they are on the interent that ANY email claiming they are from a company you deal with asking for any security information should be ignored and possibly forwarded onto your local fraud office. If you are really concerned then you should actually ring your company and ask them.

How can we ring GoA when they don't even leave a number for Customer Support on their Hompage??

May I suggest to you Mr Goa that you put a number for Customer Support on your Hompage for all to see.

Alliance Leader of Supremacy Alliance
GM of Legion Flavia Firma
GM of Supremacy

Customer support can be reached by clicking on the large 'Support' button on both the news and marketing official websites.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
you cant phone them up because they are a faceless support organisation hiding behind emails and sarcastic retorts!


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
rampant said:
you cant phone them up because they are a faceless support organisation hiding behind emails and sarcastic retorts!

... shall I cut and paste the PM you sent me when returning from your previous ban??? :p


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Jupitus said:
... shall I cut and paste the PM you sent me when returning from your previous ban??? :p

i aint trolling!

i am pointing out the GOA DO NOT want you to phone them - their prefered method of communication is via anonymous emails and they are hiding behind this.

Whenever someone posts something that is even remotely critical of GOA - we very often get GM's posting sarcastic comments.

You only have to look at the poll that was posted upon login to the DAOC servers this morning..

quote: 'do you read the friday news' ....

well they quite clearly issue other information that ISNT on a friday (like the 2day poll that noone saw cos it was posted on a monday or tuesday) - while ignoring other information on the community news website (and i dont think that FH should be used by GOA to give out information as not all of the DAOC community read here)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
I think the reason they don't give a phone number out is probably a) the game is played by people of multiple language's and countries and they cba to employ people from several countries just to answer phones and b) they cba to employ people from several countries to answer phones to questions such as "I just got ganked by a fg its not fair can you sort it out" and "can you please stop player x adding on my fights" and "when does teh mob spawn for the arti I am camping"

I would put a lot of money on a phoneline just being overun by whine's tbh and people who really needed help would just get an engaged tone...


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
umm presumably the "do you read the friday news" is to check whether people actually read it or whether they should be making more effort to promote its existance.

As posting info on a website isn't use to anyone if noone looks at it.

But hey maybe what the poll actually said was:

Do you suck?
[] yes
[] yes
[] maybe


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
evzy said:
I think the reason they don't give a phone number out is probably a) the game is played by people of multiple language's and countries and they cba to employ people from several countries just to answer phones and b) they cba to employ people from several countries to answer phones to questions such as "I just got ganked by a fg its not fair can you sort it out" and "can you please stop player x adding on my fights" and "when does teh mob spawn for the arti I am camping"

I would put a lot of money on a phoneline just being overun by whine's tbh and people who really needed help would just get an engaged tone...

bullshit, we got a universal language called english which people not living in the third world should be able to master in some what exstent. Then again its a classic thing that the french love themselfs and their own language so they basically get offended if you even try to talk to talk english with them. German are the same in away but not even close.

There is no way a person can make it look that GOA service is even close to Mythic´s.
And Im not here to praise Mythic, Because I left their servers a while ago due to the fact thats important in this game. Playing with friends and all that. Im just saying if GOA just gave half of the effort mythic does it wouldnt exist this kind of whine.

Or if you read the boards of whine aka VN you NEVER heard whine about things we on europe have to face and whine about every other week.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Chimaira said:
bullshit, we got a universal language called english which people not living in the third world should be able to master in some what exstent. Then again its a classic thing that the french love themselfs and their own language so they basically get offended if you even try to talk to talk english with them. German are the same in away but not even close.

Great idea that dude...lets be sooo ignorant that everyone in the world has to speak our language because we can't be bothered to learn theirs..... Kind of person who goes to spain and speaks louder to the barman in the assumption that the louder you talk the easier it will be for him to what you wrote above...take a deep breath and see if you can see what is wrong with that statement......


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Just noticed your avatar as well...kinda ironic with that kind of statement...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
evzy said:
Great idea that dude...lets be sooo ignorant that everyone in the world has to speak our language because we can't be bothered to learn theirs..... Kind of person who goes to spain and speaks louder to the barman in the assumption that the louder you talk the easier it will be for him to what you wrote above...take a deep breath and see if you can see what is wrong with that statement......

English is regarded as the business language of the world, there fore most people learn it as say compared to swahili or esperanto. If a business wishes to expand outside its national boundaries, it is prudent that they speak english.

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