the pest of the game

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I'd just like to point out that GOA were advertising for a Spanish translator for their DAoC team a little while back... so it may be that the Spanish 'problem' (please note the quote marks before flaming) will become less of an issue in the future.

Will be kind of annoying if that does happen though - the population of Excal and Prydwen would take a hit and we'll be even further away from a 3rd english server than we are now :(


Originally posted by old.Kian
I'd just like to point out that GOA were advertising for a Spanish translator for their DAoC team a little while back... so it may be that the Spanish 'problem' (please note the quote marks before flaming) will become less of an issue in the future.

Will be kind of annoying if that does happen though - the population of Excal and Prydwen would take a hit and we'll be even further away from a 3rd english server than we are now :(

Nah, they were asking for a spanish translator not for DAOC but for GOa itself. Maybe for future projects...


Difficult to know for sure - but given the advert specified MMOG and RPG experience, and applications were to be emailed to a camelot-europe address, I'd say a Spanish server is a distinct possibility. There certainly seem to be enough spaniards playing to justify one (although how a realm consisting mostly of suicidal paladins and necromancers would fare is anybody's guess :D )

I would like to see a spanish server - like I said, there are enough spanish players around (and a quick marketing campaign could net more) that they deserve a server in their mother tongue.

I would like to see a (non-pvp) third english server.

I'd like to see a roleplaying server (on the US model) too, not entirely sure if I'd move to it myself but the option should be there.

And I'd like to see a retard-free server - one where you have to pass some sort of basic IQ test before it'll let you roll a character. That would have made some of the groups I've been in recently MUCH less stressful :p


"Me: Hello there m8, im sorry to say that this camp cannot support another player at this time, i will however be happy to give you a tell when il leave.
Problem: ?
<10 min later>
Me: please respect other players camps m8
Problem: S(=)# LAMER FU"

The problem is the "Me". First you have to be clear with the rules. Theres nowhere said in the official rules that a player owns a camp. It's nowhere said x players are allowed at 1 camp.

So. The problem is ethical. Imho, the right thing to do IS to let this person join you at the camp. I'm pretty sure the xp will be low compared to if this person solos at the same camp.

However, it's selfish, very selfish to claim that you are entitled to the best camp for that level for aprox 3h (for example) while another player should take a less good camp, or if he doesn't know another camp, nor find it comfortable camping elsewhere.

What you need to know is that this person joining you, wanting to share the camp with you will also not get maximum xp. Despite that, he is there for a reason. He thinks the xp is worth it with sharing. Why don't you?


2 points:

1) Using 'RightNow' I posted loads of ideas to the European Support of DAoC about 6 months ago - one of which was a suggestion for a Spanish server. I worded it carefully and politely obviously aware of a potential racist tint, of which please be assured I am not. They wrote back thanking me for my suggestions which they would forward to Mythic. They did however specifically say that there were no plans for a Spanish server, either now or in the future. Of course, time can change things, but that was their line 6 months ago.

2) Camping spots and trying to stop others moving in. I think practically everyone does this - there's nothing more annoying than setting up a group where there are only enough spawns for one group and having some higher level char or another group come and stand next to you. However, according to a recent grab-bag it is game policy to let anybody camp where they want - even if it's already camped. Personally I think it's a matter of gaming etiquette to try and not spoilt someone elses fun. But these things can and do happen.


Originally posted by sloppysue
I writing this because i have a problem.
The problem is one i doubt i can do anything about, but i write this anyway because i hope that some of the people that are "the problem" will read it, and maybe, just maybe they will take a minute and think about it, and how they act twoards other people.

Lets first identify then symptoms of this problem.

If you have ever seen any of the conversations below, you also have been exposed to "the problem", and can be a part of the sulotion.


Problem: Plz plz plz rez me friend, very very close
Me: ofc m8, will you lead the way please.
<10 min later>
Me: erh, this isnt very close...
Problem: ?


Me: Hello there m8, im sorry to say that this camp cannot support another player at this time, i will however be happy to give you a tell when il leave.
Problem: ?
<10 min later>
Me: please respect other players camps m8 :(
Problem: S(=)# LAMER FU


Problem: ppplllllzzz pl me only neeede 1 bub
Me: Maybe someother time m8, im already pling guild.

You got it right, im talking about the spanish people, and the 3 of em that went to school and knows how to read will probebly flame me now since they mean that you can't judge an entire people from the encounters with a few, but i say you can, i sofar haven't met on nice spanish person. I truly respec their culture and that inbreeding is a important part of it, but they have to be able to function with the rest of europs albion population aswell. :(

And these are only my personal side of the story, their negative impact is far greater, like how they cause wipeouts on raids, or bug the encounters in sidi. And how they pull the relic keep guards.

I frankly dont know what could be done to solve it, for a while i had as a rule that i wouldnt rezz any of em (they are easy to identify on their guildnames). But it seems that even if i had a minor impact on the veryppl i got to deny rez, its far from enough, what realy is needed is to give them a own server, since they clearly cannot function in an english speaking society.

First of all, go buy a brain, u're clearly in need of one.

I'm spanish btw. Write down my char names and don't rezz me please, i wouldn't accept a rezz from such a retarded and racist player like u.

Do you really think the spanish player community will move to a spanish server if Mythic set up one? Maybe the new players will, but most of the spanish ppl playing at Exc atm won't move.


Do you really think the spanish player community will move to a spanish server if Mythic set up one? Maybe the new players will, but most of the spanish ppl playing at Exc atm won't move.


We need more players on excal and pryd to get that third server :)



Originally posted by mongoose/revor

We need more players on excal and pryd to get that third server :)



1) i doubt there will be a new english anytime soon

2) we dont really need one TBH as it will just be underpopulated.
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