The perfect ranger template



Trapp, not bad yes, I would argue a case for my spec slightley more...

I think the PF at 36 is very handy. I think taking pierce that high may be a bit of over kill....

Either way there is very little difference... and your sec probably suits your playing style a bit more which is gr8.

well done on 50 too.


pre 1.50(since yank beta2 volly/longshot where meant to be going in as high bow skills, not anymore)

I was going


After 1.50 and I can respec alittle its gona be

39cd ( hurricane / solar flare combo )

of course I'll change me mind again at some point as I always have done

1 thing poke vs blades.... after 1.50 ya going to end up fighting backstabbers more offen maybe changing to blades for the + to leather might be a good idea

just my 10pence

Tank Init

there is no perfect ranger template it how u the player plays the ranger that counts not the stats


Here's my perfect template and it IS perfect:
Stealth: 50
Pierce: 50
Blades: 50
Pathfinding: 50
Recurve Bow: 50
Celtic Dual: 50

Still working out the details - but hey! - this looks rather perfect to me :clap:


ok. made a shade a while back since they looked fun while i was watching our casters drop onto the floor all the time in emain (me included, damn mallus :)) but since they just basically screwed every assasin class in the next patch ("next" as in next US patch) i've ditched my shade... but since i still want a stealther because they look seriously fun i've decided on a ranger, my lvl 32 eld means that i've more than enough money to pay for arrows too so that should make leveling a lot easier i'd guess.

ok my personal way of making a ranger goes something along the following lines: my ranger will be an assasin basically... just think of him as a ranged nightshade. very high stealth, very high bow, very high path because it gives you decend buffs and will get you out of trouble as well with the timed run buff.

now the main thing is that i'll be playing my ranger as a lone assasin... VERY deep in the enemy frontiers most of the time so having seriously high stealth is a must, not for attacking but surviving, kill some people in yggdra and it's not too long before people come looking for you, in that situation having high stealth will make you basically invulnerable (don't ask about the spelling:)) to anything other than pure assassin classes such as shadowblades and infiltrators, nothing else will ever find you at high lvl with very high stealth, that's why i'm not taking the route of "rangers need less stealth since to attack you'll still be far away", because the high stealth isn't for attacking, it's for surviving.

and as such i'll be doing little meelee at all. more concentrating on making a kill or two from very long range and then backing off and stealthing before they manage to reach and find me.

but one thing most ranger tutorials have said from what i see is that they dont bother taking into account realm rank bonuses. as a sniper you'll find realm ranks completely achievable and as such, not considering them when creating your ranger template is just wasting points... even realm rank 4 will save you an IMMENSE amount of points if your planning on maxing a skill to 50 because it'll save you those last 4 lvl's of skill points... at lvl 50 that's 240 points on each skill your planning to take to 50, easily enough to take another skill much higher than you otherwise could. and since the highest bow skill is at 27 and you dont get stealth skills as a ranger anyway, so these are prime targets to rank and item buff. this is all probably old news to most of you but to anyone who's making their ranger template and hasn't considered this then please dont forget to take item and rank bonuses into account, it'll save you truely VAST numbers of spec points.

and yes i'm well aware that we dont NEED anymore rangers here... but i'm actually enjoying this character! leveling the shade was just utter boredom, was waiting until rvr for it to get good, but i'm actually having fun with this one :)

ok here goes... lvl 50 TRAINED spec!

stealth = 40
bow = 40
path = 43
pierce = 25
CD = 11

i'm not maxing bow with training since the final crit shot is at 27 and volley/long shot are both now realm abilities, may as well max bow with items + rank and save a huge amount of points, you'll get EXACTLY the same effect afterall (i THINK... pls read the section at the end because i dont know if speccing it over 50 will get anything extra :)).

ok now rank 4 shouldnt be too hard to achieve OVER TIME with a sniper so that'll be meaning i'll be leaving four skill lvl's for realm bonuses at least.

so. with realm bonuses it'll be this:

stealth = 44
bow = 44
path = 47
pierce = 29
CD = 15

with item buffs it'll be this below (not counting realm bonuses) probably, but of course it's tricky to say exactly what item bonuses will be... so it's just approximate:

stealth = 46
bow = 46
path = 45
pierce = 29
CD = 13

with item buffs AND realm bonuses it should look something like this:

stealth = 50
bow = 50
path = 49
pierce = 33
CD = 17

any suggestions? the high path is PURELY for the last run insta, plus it gives me the best AF buff (not too bothered about that one though) and the second best of each of the other buffs.

pierce is only as high as that because by the time i'd gotten everything i actually wanted from my ranger template i still had a load of points left which i didnt know what to do with, made sense to use them to give me at least SOME meelee capability, of course being a ranger will mean crap meelee regardless of weapon spec anyway... your a bow user not a tank afterall.

a question about the run buff's... as you get higher versions do they get faster? i've heared that they do, BUT i've also heared that they stay the same and only the duration get's longer. so could someone specced in path please answer this maybe?

one thing though... do you ACTUALLY do more damage from speccing a skill above your level using items, rank etc... for example: if i specced recurve bow to 50, then had item and rank bonuses to take it to about 60, would i do more damage then if i still had a recurve of 50? not such a stupid question, i'm not completely thick, hehe i know increasing your training in a weapon skill effects the damage... i know HOW it does it too, but does it still help if you spec it PAST your lvl? because this would effect my recurve bow TRAINED spec quite a bit, and i wont be using meelee for basically anything in rvr anyway so i can just take points from there or from path (although i'd still like the top run insta).

so what do you think? keep path as high? or use the points from that and piercing to add to something else? just curious since the above spec basically gives me everything that i want from my ranger but was wondering if i could get just a little more blood from the stone :D

and no i'm not interested in becoming a 1337 uber KI11A or anything... seems quite pointless to me. just interested in enjoying that type of character but at the same time no one wants to find that they've gimped theyre char :)


Originally posted by Dunham
Here's my perfect template and it IS perfect:
Stealth: 50
Pierce: 50
Blades: 50
Pathfinding: 50
Recurve Bow: 50
Celtic Dual: 50

Still working out the details - but hey! - this looks rather perfect to me :clap:

heheheheh :)

but you forgot the rank bonuses :D


Charonel, when your lvl 50 +11 from items (that's the max u can add) should be np at all. Epic armor gives +6, and most high lvl bows give +4. Stealth items are also really easy to find and cap. 39 should be the highest you should raise bow/stealth to if you want 50, you could take a few off for RP bonuses if you wanted them too.


Oh and one more thing.. there is no such thing as +pathfinding items :)


ahh... didnt know item buffs where that easy to get.

and didnt know about the zero +path either, thought you could basically get + anything... although it did seem a bit pointless when it's only a buff line... having it specced without training seemed unnecessary. guess this is why there are no +path items :p

thx :)

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