The Paladin Thread



Greetings fellow honourable Paladins!

I would like to know your specs and your experiences with your paladin in combat.

I am a level 40, 2handed Paladin specs (that I can remember)

Chants 37
2-Handed 34
Slash 17
Parry 21

Combat Experiences

Currently using lesser telamon scimitar (2h) - 14.2 dps, 5 spd
Against blues: 120 damage with style (not including criticals)
Against yellows: 100 damage " " " "
Against oranges: 80 damage " " " "
Against reds: 60 damage " " " "
Against purples: 40 damage " " " "

Styles used: Bone Bruiser and Bone Breaker

Armour: Mixture of scaled and fluted asterite courtesy of Fattus the Armoursmith - AF 620 (with aura and AF chant)

I am quite happy with the character as

a) I like roleplaying an honourable warrior of God
b) The damage I deal in combat is fine with me
c) I can solo all blues and most yellows (shows I'm not gimped)

I plan on having the following at level 50

Chants 48
2-handed 50
Slash 21
Parry 24

1 point left over.

I would like to hear from other paladins and any comments about my character, whether I could have spent my points better etc.


If you take a look at the class boards at the IGN VAult you might see a hell of a lot of paladins/armsmen etc planning on changing their slash to crush/thrust with the respec that is coming due to losing 100 odd damage in rvr due to most opponents wearing chain armour. Crush apparently has no deductions and thrust has very few. Slash however has a few more. There are posts about the death of the sword etc...

You 50th lvl template tho is pretty much similar to the ones i have seen there apart from the slash.

Here are some templates i picked up. I started a pally recently and would choose one of the bottom two templates because i love them 2 handed weps. I probably wont raise him tho because i love to smite so much :)

39 Crush
46 Chants
42 Shield
20 Parry

2H 50
chants 48
Crush 34
parry 10
shield 7

48 chants
42 2H
39 slash/crush/thrust
13 parry
7 shield



I think it'll be at least 2 months before we get to the 1.50 patch (that includes the respec) here in Europa so I'll just have to live with having chain users laughing at me.

Anyway, I would rather use my greatsword and feel like a true paladin than switch to crushing or thrust weapons. Its just that I find swords fascinating ever since my father used to display 4 Japanese Katanas (samurai swords) on the living room wall when I was a young scrote. And then there's the fascination with the film Excalibur, anyone seen that? PM me if you want a copy....(not implying piracy here so dont remove this thread).


Lvl 31 Paladin here.
Spec at the moment is..
Chants - 32
2H - 22
Slash - 15
Parry - 14

Using full adamantium plate, and worn asterite battle axe(yes i know its a crappy weapon, im working on it :))
For some reason I always end up being the main tank in the group, so use damage add constantly, switching to and from heal to draw aggro.
Styles: Bone Bruiser and Bone Slasher

Didn't chose armsman cos they can't do owt but fight, at least with a paladin you feel like your actually helping, with res etc..

Alwych - Why shield 7 in your templates??


looking good man, perhaps u wanna higher slash some and keep chant at 46 - this one u've got now are fine but as u fullspec in 2h i think u should raise your slash a little higher (just IMHO ;)

And hurry up with the patch please? :eek:


I was thinking of changing to crush when the respec comes in - not so sure now as EVERYONE seems to want to do it.

If lots of people abandon slash/thrust I imagine Mythic may take note and correct the imbalances somehow (I also see crush damage resistant stuff becoming very popular :))

I'm gonna just live with slash for now.


At the moment I'm a lvl 39 paladin that's using sword and shield instead of 2h. I already worked out my template for lvl 50 and it should be like this:

Slash: 50
Chants: 48
Shield: 22
Parry: 22


As tilde says the guys on the usa boards said 7 shield was great against archers even at such a low level. Anything is better than nothing.


Paladin Spec

Jorath, Level 40.5 Paladin.

From what I can remember (hehe)

1hs 25
2hs 29
Chants 38
Shield 14
Parry 14

Mix of asterite and mortification armour, around 615-620af with shield and chant. And I really, really hate that 'you are protected by your local paladin' spammed 8 times on MY screen.

Using an ancient ebony scimitar for 1hs, and the epic 2h sword reward, both Orange con at L40.

2hs does about 80-100dmg to Orange con, and procs for another 90...criticals for 80'odd aswell. Tis nice :)

1hs does about 45-50dmg to Orange con. When it procs it'l be a lot nicer.

I was happy with Jorath, until he hit 40. Nice for about 20 minutes with a new sword...but I was getting just a little bit annoyed by hitting the goblins. Repeatedly. For hours. Id been doing that since L35....need to find more interesting things.

Group to Llyn Barfog? no, came the reply Dartmoor then? no. So, what do you want to do? Pygmies. Byebye then.

Got me a new Scout now, and its really frustrating sometimes not to be start attacking a blue and then make a cup of coffee, knowing you are going to come back and find the blue dead...Scouts arent tanks 8(


Paladins need swords

MY paladin is now level 41 and is one hand slash. I find that when grouping I am the aggro magnet (with th eheal chant running) and the 30 odd points I have in sheild (working towards 42 for slam) are very useful when mobs are hitting for 300 or so damage a couple of blocks a fight makes all the difference (not to mention being able to guard anothe party member

The engage style is invaluable in RvR, if you get hit with an arrow just stick it on while your team mates go find the culprit ;) I also use it alot in keep raids once a ranged atack guard hits me I stick engage on tell the local cleric and keep that target out of action (OK so it doesn't get you accolades but it does save alot of lives!)

Final word, I won't be respeccing to crush or thrust, Paladins should use swords and since I do like some semblance of rp'ing I wn't be chaning just to be more 'uber' on the battlefield (hell I even ecsewed using the various fang/tusk OTDs because they simply weren't paladin-like ;)


Does engage work against enemy archer characters? As parry does not work against enemy tanks using styles ....


Yes it does

Engage works on enemy archers...have used it myself recently when attacked by a damned stealther, think he gave up after 3 shots :clap:

Paryy also works a little, but not against styles or something? I have certainly parried at least once in emain :p


get hit - use /engage then /face then "run forward and Slam the scum" :puke:


Well that's the plan

Originally posted by tilde
get hit - use /engage then /face then "run forward and Slam the scum" :puke:

Just as soon as I get shield to level 42 :rolleyes:


Got epic 2handed sword and shield 7 now!

Got epic 2handed sword and shield 7 now!

The sword is the Greatsword of Eternal Virtue (DPS 14.0, SPD 5.0, 100% everything, BONUS 20%, +6 2handed, +3 Parry)

Procs for 79 fire damage (base).

It is yummy!

Of course u get a choice of weapons so dont worry, there are other great epic swords and maces waiting for your selection at level 40 :D

When I half-dinged at 40.5 and got 40 skill points to spend I decided to bring up my shield to 8 for a good engage ability so I think I'm sorted now :D

If not I'll respec later....(hopefully the option will come by January 2012 as the world will end then).



Bah I want speccable shield... or even just a proccing shield... mmm procs... :D


Best is defensive one!

I think (IMHO) best template for paladin is the defensive one:
My final template will be this:
Slash 39
Shield 42
Chants 48
Parry 15

Right now I'm at lvl 40 (40.4) and I've got a well balanced (always IMHO) paladin:
Slash 29 (so I have Ametyst Slash)
Shield 30 (20% to block a blow and very useful in guarding, and (for what I read) 95% of success in engagin enemy archers)
Chants 35 (I stopped it at 30 for a while: right now I'm putting points until I reach 38 and then stop again until my shield will be at 42)
Parry 13 (11.5% to parry a blow)

My next step is to reach shield at 42 at level 44.5 so my char at that level will look like this:
Slash 29
Shield 42
Chants 38
Parry 13

Shield at 42 is really important in fact I will get "Slam" that enables me to use it anytime and do a long duration stun (that I will use in pair with Back Slash (when I will get it at slash 39) to make deadly attacks)

In addtion I have one of the best aggro taker char in game and for what I heard many 2h paladins regret to not have that shield that saves life!
In fact I think that if you want to deal a lot of damage, it is better you would have chosen armsmen that do a lot more damage than a two handed paladin!
Paladin is a defensive role, our goal is to protect well clerics and casters not to break enemy lines! Let armsmen do that!

Here there are two useful links for you paladins out of there (yes I know you all already know these links) however I post it again
Char builder (the best for planning your levels wisely!)
Message board devoted to paladins:

I hope this helps!


Can someone please slap the full lowdown on engage please? I haven't really used it yet but from the comments here I feel I am missing something! :)



I have shield 8 (not including bonuses) and last night I used "engage" to block most of the midgard archers attacks during a retake of Caer Benowyc.

The archer hit me with an arrow, he is autotargetted by me, I type /face, I click "Engage". Thats it. I just stood there while the rest of the team hit down the keep door.

Of course, engage takes up endurance so when I ran out I had to get out of range and sit for a while. By the time I had my endurance back both keep doors were down :)


Ah, what other uses does it have aside from archers then?

Are you a 1H slash + shield Pally?


Well I am a 2h pally, and have just trained in shield for RvR purpose only, i am not completely sure, but I think it might also enable you to block those bleedin midgard magic bolts, or at least partially block them. :)
I'll try it out in emain later, I will be the one wearing the bright red and yellow armour and cloak ;)


I'm a 2handed pally too. Check my first post at the top. Like Ardwan I only trained in shield (8 points) for RVR.


Plus when you go on raids, everyone whines about taking yer guild cloak off, so at least you can have emblem on yer shield without anyone moaning ;)


aye, on the raids, everyone wants to milk those extra 2fps that you gain from removing emblemed cloaks....prolly complete rubbish as I haven;t noticed any difference in performance, as there is little difference in 13fps and 9fps....both are gonna be. HIT F8, TYPE /STICK, HIT F6....PRAY I DON'T DIE BEFORE THE NEXT FRAME COMES AROUND....;)


How do people feel about their paladin compared to an equal level armsman?

In the US all the paladins are bitching about us having cleric-hitpoints, cleric-melee-damage and being mezzed/ranged killed in RvR.

According to certain server logs, Paladins are the worst realm point gainers of all classes.

Maybe its time us paladins forget about this class and start levelling our alts.


I do not care.
I think Mythic will handle this situation sooner or later (yes and Goa then very later).
However I've chosen to be a paladin because I liked the idea of being a paladin, not to be the best fighter all over the world!
As I have said just some post above, Paladin IMHO must be a defensive one, must take care of clerics and nukers and that's my role!

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