The One Thing



A new porting system that allows u to go to some battlegrounds where only 8vs8 can happen or even 8vs8vs8

Would be easy if u make one big "map" with several zonewalls that divide the map into smaller arenas and make spawnplaces for every 8-man group per small zone on that big map.

If you dont know what i mean, try looking at rocket arena mod for quake3 , i know its not possible to make anything like that where u can pick the zone u play in on the big map. But its in that direction that a 8vs8 battleground would go.


A place where you can go to hire in game buffbots, solves all the problems, as which would you rather pay, real money for another account or some in game gold? :kissit:


Weaken RA's or get rid of stuff like IP. Atm the weaker get stronger whilst the stronger become uber. Its a cycle that lowbies cant keep up with. Also, make RvR more attractive to lvl 40-45 classes.
Without any bg's for these levels (which wud be bad anyway), there are no RvR opportunities for perhaps the hardest and slowest part of the game making it very booooring because there is no alternative other than lvling.

Also, guild arenas would be nice, like in everquest, where you can duel rival guilds and such.

Give classes the ability to teleport players across albion or in the frontier, again like in Everquest.

Make the terrain in places like Emain and odins more interesting. In shrouded Isles the scenery is stunning and varied, why cant it be like that? Also...more water in the frontier lol. Bg's were fun just for that (bottlenecks on the bridges were great).


I'de like to see a Battleground only for tanks, i'de love a pure mele zone like that, of course adding healing classes too, altho maybe disabling their offensive spells while they're there? one for casters too, and rouge classes? :p well....bugger 'em :)


Fix Champ specific RA.

Nowadays its a pbaoe DD on a 15min timer at the cost of 10RA points, does like 100dmg (similar to thane instapb DD).. Its just a joke, increase its dmg and make it on a 2 min timer or just remove it and make something totally new.. something usefull.. something matching the champ nature (homming missile.)


Fix casters (e.g. resists and/or interrupts)


i hate the timeconsuming horseroute from DL to innis ....

Why not have recalls insetad of horses..Playing this game is mucho about moving around in Realm and thats not funny...

No recalls in RvR zones but in homelands..

If not recalls i can go with gates to take you to all cities in homelands...

*For NoN UO players recalls = a stone where you mark a location in world and when you want come back there u cast a spell and you arrive where you marked the recallstone.*


Necromancer fix's,
Make the pets equal level of owners which would fix a few issues and fix all the ra's for necro so they work for pet not shade (purge etc) and some of them just don't work at all =(


"Magicfield" around the telekeeps so buffclasses buffs dont work until the buffer goes outside the "magicalfield" or the "safezone". Dont set range.. nerf the buffclass isnt right way to solve the problem imo.


Artisan tradeskill.

People who can add particle effects to weapons, designs to armours (if they can be uniquely drawn that would be very nice) and create various funky dyes. Maybe even stuff for foundations too!



No no no not those things we have now, where yo run to point A kill mob 1, run to poin B kill mob 2+3 etc. etc.

I mean real quests, ones that take practice, precision. Make it one with a variety of rewards, some which are legion quality usables, others which do no more than prove you completed it.

These quests should take maybe 2 FG to attempt, with a good spread of classes and abilities. They could maybe happen in a DG type dungeon, where other realms would also go to attempt their quest, so that you would have to fight for a resource.

If anyone needs to see how good a quest like this can get, go take a look at quests in Asherons Call, such as the Olthoi queen, Lady Aerfalle or the Focus Stone. Now THATS content!


A Lightsabre that cut straight through the toughest Arcanium.

and oh, remove buffbots and abit RAs


I would like to see the BD issues resolved. Here's why:

BDs have become unappealing to play because of the last patch's nerf of the BD total pet lvls and the fact that the massive bugs haven't been fixed. I know a lot of even high lvl BDs who have shelved theirs for another character. There is no point in casting the higher lvl pets anymore because who really wants to go RvRing with 1 lvl 30-something pet at lvl 50? This basically forces BDs to spec Supp line because having 3 lvl 18 or so pets from either the Darkness or BA line is pointless. It's very expensive to get these pets... you can only ever get the highest lvl ones if you spec to full in one line. But now, what is the point? Even Supp line is hobbled because all we have are life taps, debuffs, and roots. The debuffs aren't even AoE like an SM's. I think that the nerf should be removed or at least toned down so that we're not the laughing stock class of Midgard.

The BD Darkness spec line is pointless to play. BDs who spec this way have to give up the precious lifetap that would keep them alive for some of the poorest DDs and debuffs. The pets are pointless to cast (lvl 18 nukers shooting spells against a lvl 50 player in SCed gear is like a fly farting at them) . My question is, what about that new DD they added to the RM and SM Darkness lines? Are BDs getting it? And if not, why shouldn't they? I also think they should have some sort of BD specific nuke, and not a crappy version of the baseline DDs that all Mid casters get.

The pet AI is very bad, especially for the healer pets. The fact that several pets funnel XP from mob kills and is coupled with horrible pet AI makes BDs very undesirable in groups. For example, I don't see why the healer pet aggro AI was added, since it easily results in the death of the BD. The pets also have a tendancy of running into walls, and seem to have unlimited range for how far they can run. This forces the BD to go into melee with whatever mob he pulls. This is quite silly for a cloth caster. Thus I suggest that the pet AI for all sorts of pets be fixed. The fact that AoE DoTed pets only heal themselves and not the caster, and then don't heal at all once the DoT has gone away is something that has been exploited time and time again against me in RvR. This obviously needs fixing.

I also don't like the fact that our pets can be mezzed so easily. Because they are lower lvl than just about anything else in the battlefield, they never resist either roots or mezzes. Mezzed pets means dead BD. BDs are just as reliant on their pets as theurges are, so I think that mezzing should either be removed as a possible means of controlling them, or at least boost their resistances to be on par with an average lvl 50 player (no SC gear). Otherwise, with the range that sorcerer mezz now has, it's just way too easy to take down a BD. BDs also have no great means of crowd control outside of a very expensive AoE root (at lvl 36 supp I still didn't have it). I think that a BD should have some way of being able to escape in situations where his low lvl pets can't help.

I would also like to see the option of having a ranged commander. This would make the use of archer and nuker pets more viable to the BD. As it stands now, forcing the commander into melee will get the entire group of pets killed since a commander can be 2 shotted easily in RvR.

Lastly, I would like to see a different sort of pet tab that would ease the control of numerous pets. The pet tab that is used currently is really subpar for this class.

M® Zîllâ

Albion 2h/pole not haveing to spec a base damage ie,thr/sla/cru


Power regen with timer 10min added to the spiritsmasters suppline

lots of one things =)

Added Stunshout for Skald


Give 2 /as channels. One for RvR and one for PvE/Chatting. That way we can get rid of most problems related to tention on the use of /as :)


Abolish porting in RvR and make the frontiers a separate single zone to the main realms. On entering the FK you zone into the frontier (helping to reduce the size of this zone). Redesign HW/Emain/Odin’s so that they are interconnected directly either though 6 MGs and connecting passes/valleys or as an open zone – one designed to keep zerging to a minimum. Make holding the siege keeps a tactical advantage to being in this zone.

This will force realms to look after their keeps and literally move the frontline in the frontier when they are taken forcing the defending realm to retake if they want to be able to engage effectively in the no-mans-land or take enemy keeps. This would move the incentive to hold keeps away from just being a tool to gain DF; occupied friendly keeps (without porting) will be closer than enemy keeps also increasing incentive to take back friendly keeps first rather than just porting and taking a siege keep to get DF.

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