Boring teams, boring game.
Spain, Germany final then?
Spain have been the most boring team in the euros so far.
Who won? (i fell asleep at 2nd half's start)
Nope, England-Spain believe it!
As a Spaniard, do you enjoy watching your team play?
Who won? (i fell asleep at 2nd half's start)
As a Spaniard, do you enjoy watching your team play?
No. It pissesme off to see this potential wasted by an inept who is a master at taking round champion teams and leech titles from them by just letting the players do as they please.
They just won because their players are so above the rest that even playin shite is enuff to send France back home with 2 goals.
soze said:Muggy ITV site is just streaming a green blurry mess again that site never streams for me. Even after a laptop rebuild still fuck all. Why are the games not all on ITVTV Catch Up for me again then.