The new Webite Sucks



It's been fluff-ised

It now takes extra clicks to be able to rad the news, and when I tried to look at the guild information (Something that I have been waiting for) It didn't work the first time and the interface is so stupid and animated and slow, And I can't even tell if it is thinking or not, I think the whole thing I am trying to say is that It sucks.


Oh, and the mouse wheel doesn't work.

And the 'scrollbars' (especially on the guild members list) Sucks.


Ahh constructive criticism at its best.

Wait for the XML, mr luddite, then you can go read it somewhere else without the bells and whistles.



Im sure if you came second in the lottery and won 20 mill £ you would say that it sucks that you didnt come in fist.
Be happy with what you get or do something about it.


Someone should lock this - a more constructive criticism thread on the website is already there (infact there's two)


Originally posted by Xgkkp

...and the interface is so stupid and animated and slow, And I can't even tell if it is thinking or not,...

Buy a better computer, most websites use flash nowadays.


The XML stuff is already up .. my found my guild info!

By my reckoning, they are numbered in order of creation, 0 - 9 being for internal use which is why 2.xml has two level 100 chars in it.

That being said Servants of the Lake (10.xml) were the first ever guild to be registered on Prydwen! Out of all the realms.


Originally posted by Deadparrot
Buy a better computer, most sites use flash nowadays

Theres nothing wrong with flash - IN MODERATION

I really think they have screwed up here. The old one was much better.

Oh, and the speed has nothing to do with my computer speed.

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Gef
Servants of the Lake (10.xml) were the first ever guild to be registered on Prydwen! Out of all the realms.

Aww :) I knew we were first in Albion, but beating the Hibs/Mids to it feels good :)

And you're right, that's the XML info Mythic uses for the herald. Notice the thigns like guild emblem/last on etc which isn't avaible on GOA's site - as yet :) Now go make a custom site :D

Madonion Slicer

Just my two cents but i like the site, compared to the amout of content they had before, now there is actually a reason to visit it, not just to renew my subs.

GOA :clap: your coming on in leaps and bounds keep up the good work.


Originally posted by Xgkkp

Oh, and the speed has nothing to do with my computer speed.

Runs nice and quick on mine, only thing that slows it down is my 56k getting the info for it, overall about the same speed as downloading a html page with the info on + images.

Why can't the internet be interesting, better that boring html sites anyway.


i can`t even do anything on the website now i just get big white spaces where the menu should be


Get macromedia flash 6....jeez

As for the new website being poo...
Go away...go away now...
It is fantastic...and basically you dont wanna praise GOA for once!!
Well I will...fantastic effort GOA..:D
No wonder they stopped th official forums...whats the point in running one with morons like this posting on them



Originally posted by Kernum
No wonder they stopped th official forums...whats the point in running one with morons like this posting on them
hahahaha that one made me laugh. Given the usual level of people here.

Well, Did I complain about site content? Noooooo.

People also don't seem to understand that animations = Time delay = slow down on access.

I don't want to have to spend lots of time in an (sometimes unlabeled) interface just to find out a little bit of information.

Flash has it's uses, but over-excessiveness it bad. Thumbs down to them on this one.


I tried accessing this website just now. It told me I'd have to "restart my computer for the new settings to take effect". I'm assuming this is because of the flash, though this has NEVER happened before when downloading the latest flash plugin or whatever.
Restart my computer just so I can access one lame website? No Goddamn thank you.
And sites entirely done in flash? Stupid and lame, and almost no other sites I can think of are entirely in flash.
And, oh, wait a minute - there's a bar up the top that loads OK and isn't in flash!! Wow! Except it's optimized for a 1280 resolution, it seems! That's sure handy and not assumptive at all! Jesus.


Originally posted by old.Louster
I tried accessing this website just now. It told me I'd have to "restart my computer for the new settings to take effect". I'm assuming this is because of the flash, though this has NEVER happened before when downloading the latest flash plugin or whatever.
Restart my computer just so I can access one lame website? No Goddamn thank you.
And sites entirely done in flash? Stupid and lame, and almost no other sites I can think of are entirely in flash.
And, oh, wait a minute - there's a bar up the top that loads OK and isn't in flash!! Wow! Except it's optimized for a 1280 resolution, it seems! That's sure handy and not assumptive at all! Jesus.

I totally agree


I knew it we get a new patch and a decent webbie and some complete w%^k3r is complaining already.


i can`t download flash 6 at work as i`m locked from installing stuff so no more checking website for me i guess...what a stupid thing to do


Originally posted by old.Louster
I tried accessing this website just now. It told me I'd have to "restart my computer for the new settings to take effect". I'm assuming this is because of the flash, though this has NEVER happened before when downloading the latest flash plugin or whatever.
Restart my computer just so I can access one lame website? No Goddamn thank you.
And sites entirely done in flash? Stupid and lame, and almost no other sites I can think of are entirely in flash.
And, oh, wait a minute - there's a bar up the top that loads OK and isn't in flash!! Wow! Except it's optimized for a 1280 resolution, it seems! That's sure handy and not assumptive at all! Jesus.

Welcome to 2002.

You really expect the intenet to backwards to text only, just so its garanteed to work for people who havent got a clue?
(its like blaming the company because the game wont work on a underspecced machine)


In fact, after randomly clicking "no, don't install, you bastards" over and over, it worked fine. As fine as a near-flash-only website (WITH GODDAMN SOUND EFFECTS) can, that is.
Seriously, show me another website so saturated with flash as that, and I'll show you another website that sucks.
If you add up the total content of flash in all the websites in my history folder, it'll still be less than camelot-europe.
It's also funny that you're posting that on a forum that doesn't use any flash anywhere (maybe some of the advertisements do, but I suspect they're mainly just animated gifs).



Bottom line. If you have a PC capable of running daoc, you have a PC capable of displaying GOAs website with ease. End of story really.



This site uses flash for its main page, as do countless others.
Most flash only sites are for showing the work of web designers.

Flash/Shockwave adds movement, more interaction, sounds, and even fun to websites.
Maybe some people are happy with text/static images or the odd badly animated gif...

Unfortunately for you the internet progresses to include more multimedia elements, most people see that as a good thing.


The advantages are animation and blah blah yes. The disadvantage is that it's a pain. At least that site you linked warned you of the fact. Sites like the GTA3 website have different versions for flash and non-flash. I really don't care whether or not the designer insists on "showing off his skillz". I visit websites either for fun or for information. I would never consider the DAoC website as a site to visit for fun, especially now that it's even worse than it was before.
Games in flash? Great. The time spent downloading is acceptable since the result is something entertaining.
Banner ads in flash? Not wonderful, but fine, since they're relatively small and (usually) unobtrusive.
Websites in flash with no alternative? What fun!!!!!

This website, with all its flash, is not entertaining. Perhaps it's more interesting than its previous incarnation, but that's only because its previous incarnation was crap as well. Now it's crap AND annoying. Whatever extra content it has is now hidden behind all the new multiple useless layers of aesthetics.

And it's not about my PC's specification. I'd perhaps be a little happier with the website had I more than a single ISDN line, but only marginally, since I know right now how narrow-minded and annoying something like that is.

Even the website has a friendlier design.


In fact, as far as "showing the work of web designers" goes, I respect somebody that creates a well thought-out, easy to navigate, intuitive and useful website a WHOLE lot more than someone creating something like the new jazzy spazzy spizzy camelot-europe.

Gerta Ugbash

Saw the Flamefest developing, so had to go take a look, and I'm sorry to say I disagree with most of you here,

Good work developers keep it up.

My machine flies around it like a bat out of Darkness Falls.

I can appreciate that peeps with poor connections have a bit of a wait getting the flash loaded up, maybe a non flash alternate may be in order.

But IMO a nice improvement :)


Well uh, it's only like 3 or 4 of us that're arguing against it, so you're pretty much just agreeing with the majority.
A non-flash alternative would be a good start. At least it would make it then seem like they give a shit about the people they're providing this for.
Then you'd just have to sort out the fact that the flash website is bloated, cluttered, has sound effects that can't be turned off, is slow to navigate. And like I mentioned before, the fact that the top bar of pictures is unscalable, is optimized for 1280, and using any resolution below that means that you have to scroll... is silly, inconsiderate. Lots of things about the site are inconsiderate.
Even the weebl site is better designed. And, like I said, the GTA3 website is as well.


It's a bit too nice, I think they overdone on the grafical bit prolly just to look good, but using it has become a hassle now.


Looking at the new site from a usability point-of-view:

Takes far too long to download on a 56k modem. A perfectly acceptable and usable HTML equivalent would load in a fraction of the time.

The buttons along the bottom in the chronicles are unlabelled. I assume they're supposed to be a backwards navigation system (take you back to where you were) but I really can't be sure without actually clicking on them.

Unacceptable pauses after clicking a button with no indication of whether it's waiting for the user to do something or it's busy downloading something (when HTML is loading there's a convenient progress bar on the browser - doesn't exist with flash).

Took me at least 20 seconds to figure out how to scroll through the list of guild members. Could be a little clearer perhaps?

Can't copy and paste any of the information provided.

Pure aesthetic stuff

Every time you click an item in news and the page reloads, that little flash animation on the menu runs again.

Waiting for a menu to scroll out is annoying. My patience has limits, and waiting 0.5 seconds for pointless animation soon starts to grate.

And to those that think Flash is the future, why doesn't use flash? Why do none of the major news sites use flash? Why is this messageboard not in flash? Is there a single succesful website around that uses it as heavily as GOA have? No. Because it's slow and it restricts usability and accessability all for the sake of some pretty animation that impresses 5-year olds.


Nolby Pride is #18 that would make them #8 overall on excal.
#2 on midgard...that was clearly not the case... we had the first ppl high enough to make a would be impossible for any group to have made it earlier...

I don't like the site either, it's way to grafical, to less data, no overall...herald might be does has everything i want :)

but let's not fear, there are still some changes coming and would the site still prove unhandy to work with, i'm sure there are some ppl with xml skills who can make me a nice herald ^^


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