The new Mid Alliance



WARNING: This post is long and includes rambling but please try to read it through.

A few nights ago i organised a meet with the GM's of most of the main Mid Guilds on the topic of a new alliance, we pretty much agreed on the fact's that action needed to be taken and also we pretty much agrred that we needed a new start away from the CE alliance (Nothing against CE i think you've done a good job).

So was pretty much agreed on Aesirs Blade doing the invites into the alliance, contrary to what alot of people thought the idea is not for Aesirs to have power over the Alliance at all, will be doing the invites just because Aesirs is a pretty nutral guild in most flame wars etc that has gone off in the past, The reason for not having a dumby alt guild leader is our guild places are limited and have to be used up (As always if theres anything you need to state on this matter gimmi a shout and i'd be more then happy 2 discuss)

/as will be used for stating times/dates of prince raids blah blah and all the normal keep defence raids etc etc. Only diff hear from the MGC is the fact that /as will be enforced and gm's contacted, if this still happens member will have /as cut off or if this isnt agreed to by the GM of the guild we'll have a GM meeting and see what needs to be done. (More on this later)

Alliance rules are v v simple, i dont belive 10 commandments are needed as most is commen sence, If you've got a full guild group on the port pad and peeps are under seige there then go, if we organise a relic raid then come, this all basicly relies on the hope that everyone will realise we are all in one big guild here, If you have 5 peeps holed up in bled being seiged in your guild you wouldnt port to emain would you? try thinking of us other Mids in the same way and its only through this can we get our shit together and start things moving again.

Main way this will differ from the MGC will be that guilds will have to answer for constantly leaving the rest of us in the shit, if a guilds just in it for themselves and never help out and other guild gm's complain a gm meeting will be called and if its serious enough then the gm's will vote on if to keep the offending guild in or not, if not then /kick, tbh its sad that this has to be brought in but will avoid the "xxxx guild does fuck all" and "xxx guild never defends", to avoid being judged use your commen sence no-ones gonna take this to an extream.

Alliance membership will be open to all guilds no matter on past rep as this after all is a new start after all.

No-one really seemed to have any probs on me being supream admin officer :) basicly i'll try to resolve disputes as best i can and try to keep everything ticking over, no i havent got 3 million rp's but people management is something i've done for along time and i'm willing to try my hand and give my all to this, Relic planning will be left to AK and the gm's together meeting style there a raid leader will be annouced, I'll head up the defense issuies but tbh defence is a no brainer, if a keeps down then retake if you have the time/people on hand, Keep offence will be sorted by Ulme who as you probley all know knows his shit (Apart from the fact that grey con luris own his ass :) )

In the issuies of gm's voting on an issuie Ulme AK and Myself will have one vote each and will not vote for our guilds, our guilds vote will be left to the gm of the guild its self (I am joint gm of Aesirs, tak would be doing the voting) and basicly youll have to sling us abit of trust to keep nutral in things and see both sides.

Basicly thats it, i've been through all of this already with most gm's and i was going to form on Friday but as some of you know i'm battling against Cancer at the moment and i just havent been able to get on (Yes it causes me problems but it wouldnt keep me from DAOC :) )so i'm posting this to generate interest of this venture outside of who i spoke to and also to try to get through to you (The players of Mid) the aim of what i'd like to see us build.

So if all GM's would contact me tonight at 9 GMT i'll gather us all up and see how we go from there, if the goings good we'll form there and then.

I wouldnt want anyone thinking i was going behind Killgordes back on this, we are friends and have talked it through and he agrees that it needs to be attempted again, atm Mid is split and we are going no where, you may try to think of the negatives that may come from this but if we dont act we'll stay in the same shit state that we are atm.


From deveolping the illness that i have it makes you think of things in a slightly different light, in the real world its so hard to make a meaningful change, to really leave your mark but here we have a world inside a world and here we can shape and form it as we wish, so even if we cant change the things we'd like to here we can, so be good to each other and watch out for each other, some of my best friends have been made through this game as strange as it may seem and each model you see running round on your screens a person, it may seem that your only cussing a model but theres always someone on the other side :)

Cheers all and gratz if youve lasted this long :) if youve got any major questions please post below or pm me in game and i'll try to answer as best i can.


I'll be playing as thorey btw so use that name 4 pm :)


Have come to realise this was too short notice, i'll inform all gm's of a meet time tomorrow by pm in game.


Wonderfully said Poon. Having been in your guild for a little while, you and yours are a great bunch of peeps and I'm sure you can make this a success.

Sorry to hear about the big C matey. Hearing this, definately does remind you that there is more to this than stooopid chars running around a virtual world. All the very best of luck with that my friend.

Finally, you are still a ghay hamster and are still seen most nights round the back of that notorius bar in Ft.Alta. 2c a jump is the going rate apparently.


Well that puts some things in a different perspective. Thought you were talking about a flue (dont have a dictionary here but i guess you know what i mean) :(

Well said that last paragraph..

101% behind Poon


Originally posted by galdora
Wonderfully said Poon. Having been in your guild for a little while, you and yours are a great bunch of peeps and I'm sure you can make this a success.

Sorry to hear about the big C matey. Hearing this, definately does remind you that there is more to this than stooopid chars running around a virtual world. All the very best of luck with that my friend.

Finally, you are still a ghay hamster and are still seen most nights round the back of that notorius bar in Ft.Alta. 2c a jump is the going rate apparently.

/kiss lo gal,
/agree pooneh


Originally posted by galdora
Finally, you are still a ghay hamster and are still seen most nights round the back of that notorius bar in Ft.Alta. 2c a jump is the going rate apparently.

j00 is still me biatch, get back to AB you pussy! Afraid of a lil hard work? hehe

As usual poonster, Im sure I speak for all AB were there for ya m8, just shout if ya need anyting.


Well said.
I'll talk to Heimer and tell him he's gonna be online at 9 gmt, if he's not ill be there.


errrr are you using the /as for relic raids? or did i just jump up me chair and read wrong when i read a sentence including /as and rr?


No sorry my mistake relic raids are to be discussed with the GM's and the GM's only to ensure no leakage so to speak :)


Also Cubby just because we have tried this before does it mean we should never try again?

If you fail the only thing to do is consider why you failed and try again, there is no other course.


Can people please stop pm'ing me ingame i am not poons personal answering machine :)


It wasn't aimed at you poon it was aimed at the ppl who have for so long contributed nothing to midgard and think that joining yet another alliance will resolve all the issues for them.

If you want it ppl you have to work for it


As was said m8 if guilds jack everyone and never help out even if they have the peeps online and are doing nothing at all then the gm's can vote em out if complains are leveled, if we left with only 5 guilds out of the original lot then so be it, if your not going to lay as a team then youll be removed from the team.


The New Alliance sounds good, lets hope that the Guilds that join are prepared to spend the time and effort that it takes to get this working as it should.

In my experience Guilds and Alliances are not strict enough with their members, problem players are just allowed to keep causing problems and never get disciplined. If someone is continually diruptive, abusive and generally unhelpful then what the hell are they doing in a Guild / Alliance in the first place and in most cases the answer is simple "for whatever they can get out of it".

I hope this New Alliance will truly be comprised of people that want to work together with the same aim in mind. Personally I would like to be a part of such an Alliance and feel that I have contributed in some way to the defence of my realm.
For those that are thinking "What can I get out of this Alliance" then take a word of advice and dont bother joining.

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