Yes my dear friends it is time for yet another Bazaar!
Time: 8pm GMT
Place: Ludlow Village
Date: October 25, 2002 (that's a friday)
Like before we will have crafters selling their wares and we will be having 2 auctions this time! One for under 35 and one for over so that the lower leveled characters don't have to sit thru an auction of stuff they don't want/need.
Back by popular demand we will have another slave auction as well and kissing booths. *trying to talk Lady Lunar and Lord Jupitus to run the booths!*
We will also be running a couple of contests in the pub, such as song/story telling and limmerick reciting.
Will be fun for all so please come with a full bag of gold.. all procedes will be split evenly between alliances for the door funds.
If you have items to give for the auction please pm me or Casbardh or Liste here or in game since I will be coordinating the event. *Ziera will be helping, but she will be only helping on this end since she doesn't have her account right now*
If you are a crafter who would like to sell your wares during the bazaar, please contact me or Casbardh. (we will have someone else to handle crafters but until we hear back from this person, just contact us. i will refer you to him/her at a later date)
And finally, if you wish to be sold at the slave auction, please contact me or Casbardh.
By the way, we would appreciate that you come prepared to participate in role playing. Its certainly not necessary but will make it more enjoyable for the rest of us.
Thank you!
Brought to you by PARP (Prydwen Association of Role Players)
Time: 8pm GMT
Place: Ludlow Village
Date: October 25, 2002 (that's a friday)
Like before we will have crafters selling their wares and we will be having 2 auctions this time! One for under 35 and one for over so that the lower leveled characters don't have to sit thru an auction of stuff they don't want/need.
Back by popular demand we will have another slave auction as well and kissing booths. *trying to talk Lady Lunar and Lord Jupitus to run the booths!*
We will also be running a couple of contests in the pub, such as song/story telling and limmerick reciting.
Will be fun for all so please come with a full bag of gold.. all procedes will be split evenly between alliances for the door funds.
If you have items to give for the auction please pm me or Casbardh or Liste here or in game since I will be coordinating the event. *Ziera will be helping, but she will be only helping on this end since she doesn't have her account right now*
If you are a crafter who would like to sell your wares during the bazaar, please contact me or Casbardh. (we will have someone else to handle crafters but until we hear back from this person, just contact us. i will refer you to him/her at a later date)
And finally, if you wish to be sold at the slave auction, please contact me or Casbardh.
By the way, we would appreciate that you come prepared to participate in role playing. Its certainly not necessary but will make it more enjoyable for the rest of us.
Thank you!
Brought to you by PARP (Prydwen Association of Role Players)