the little book of complete bollocks



Sorry guys I missed yesterdays bollocks due to the fact that the dog we had for 13 years died of brain damage yesterday and was pretty sad.

But here's todays:

Beating the blues
Depression is only a problem if you decide its a problem. If you decide it's a comfortable old jacket, you'll find you can put it on or take it off whenever you feel like it. Then when you feel ready, you can take your depression to the Oxfam shop and pass it on to someone in the third world.

Stressed out
Stressed out? go outside, lie down on your back, spread your arms and legs in an X-shape and stare up at the sky. Stay in that position until you can feel your connection to the infinite. If you hear the rumble of approaching traffic, you may be lying in the middle of the road. Ask the infinite if you could call back later.

The inner core
Lie down in a grassy park and relax completely.

Close your eyes.

Acess your deep inner core by listening to your beathing.

After a few minutes, you will find yourself suffused by a feeling of warmth.

Check to see whether you've been pissed on by a dog.


its ok mate.

I sense many of you aren't interested in my bollocks, if you want more you're gonna have to show some support.


I have a great interest in your bollocks Ignus. Your bollocks are fascinating.



why thankyou, would you like to see more bollocks?


ok these are for Sar as nobody else is bothered.

Let emptiness be your friend.
Empty your mind.
Empty your bank account.
Empty a bottle.

Colour therapy
Try painting your therapist a differnent colour.

Road rage
To avoid succumbing to road rage, close your eyes and imagine you are lying in a beautiful meadow on a summer's day.
Touch the blades of grass.
Smell the wild flowers.
See the butterflies flitting past.
Hear the sound of tearing metal as you drive into the car in front.


And today we have:

trust you feelings.
Give them space to express themselves.
Let them go out to the shops on their own.
But tell them not to take sweets from strangers.

Getting the most out of life
Get the most out of life by becoming very rich.

To cleanse your mind of verbal accretions, and to deconstruct unnecessary verbalisations, talk gibberish for at least twenty minutes minutes every day.

Don't be embarrassed if friends and colleagues can't understand what you're saying. Turn it into a game- see if they can guess when you're talking gibberish and when you're talking normally.


Originally posted by ignus
To cleanse your mind of verbal accretions, and to deconstruct unnecessary verbalisations, talk gibberish for at least twenty minutes minutes every day.

Don't be embarrassed if friends and colleagues can't understand what you're saying. Turn it into a game- see if they can guess when you're talking gibberish and when you're talking normally.

I do that every day. No-one yet has been able to actually tell I'm talking gibberish :/

Testin da Cable

sometimes I don't know if I'm doing it or not.
others can't tell either ;)

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