The Internet is the Way Forward


Teh Krypt

It's come to my attention that the internet is the way forward, and computers in general. I know this was hard to get over but its true! :p

Ok anyway, I belive that in the UK the government should put a lot more money into our internet services. If you look at places like Sweden, theres been a huge investment in broadband and such, they are all running around on huge connections that are REALLY REALLY cheap.

What are your views?

Xtro 2.0

That its Saturday evening and you should be sniffing glue on a street corner.

Anyway pub calls - ta ta girls.


If you are Indian you are loving the computer dependancy.

Or what Xtro said.


I think the lack of a decent and coherent service in the UK is mainly down to the incredibly slow roll-out of broadband. These other countries who have stupid connections (US, Sweden etc.) have had broadband for far longer and have recieved better planning and funding for their services. Just look at the state that BT was/is in in trying to get broadband out there....If the country/government had kept up with the rest of the world, we'd all be zooming around on 2mbit connections for £20 a month too.


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
It's come to my attention that the internet is the way forward, and computers in general. I know this was hard to get over but its true! :p

Ok anyway, I belive that in the UK the government should put a lot more money into our internet services. If you look at places like Sweden, theres been a huge investment in broadband and such, they are all running around on huge connections that are REALLY REALLY cheap.

What are your views?

I think the last thing we need is the net to be come available to even more kids and general fuckwits. Look what happened to CS, and indeed... this forum.


Re: Re: The Internet is the Way Forward

Originally posted by Flamin_Squirrel
I think the last thing we need is the net to be come available to even more kids and general fuckwits

Like Krypt, you mean?


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
It's come to my attention that the internet is the way forward, and computers in general. I know this was hard to get over but its true! :p

Ok anyway, I belive that in the UK the government should put a lot more money into our internet services. If you look at places like Sweden, theres been a huge investment in broadband and such, they are all running around on huge connections that are REALLY REALLY cheap.

What are your views?

I don't want my taxes diverted away from the NHS, Police, etc so people can download spam, porn and other such unless stuff quicker.

Yay there goes Concorde...noisy but loveable.


*sheds a tear for concorde*

Truely a stunning aircraft :(

Teh Krypt

Well its not like the money pumped into the NHS actualy makes a difference :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Well its not like the money pumped into the NHS actualy makes a difference :rolleyes:
well at least is evens out out population growth.
if not we would have hundreds of useless old people just leeching on our taxes.


If I remember correctly, BT offered to lay fiber-optic cable to every house in the UK. Margaret Thatcher refused their offer as it went against her 'ideals' of an open market (and BT didn't contribute money to any party).

Of course BT would have had a defacto monopoly, but I often wonder what would have happened if they'd been allowed to go ahead.


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Well its not like the money pumped into the NHS actualy makes a difference :rolleyes:

OMFG, how long can this go on?


You being a muppet, can't you find an under fives forum to play on?


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Well its not like the money pumped into the NHS actualy makes a difference :rolleyes:

Ever been treated for something serious on the NHS?

Im split on the issue of government funding. We shouldnt neglect public services but i also think we should help fund things like broadband rollout, scientific reserch, events like the olympics etc.
I guess the only way is to raise taxes.


bet you guys wouldn't love the concorde if it flew over your house several times a day

thank god it's gone :D

And the internet may be the way forward, but unless things change, email is gonna have to reinvent itself to prevent all the spam (1 in 2 is spam these days)... not even gonna start on security :)

Teh Krypt

Gumbo, im sorry, but this is a discussion forum, people are bound to have conflicting views. If you don't like my views, say something relivent about the subject and your opinions, not flame.


the internet
its all Killer bikes and paedofiles to me

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by SilverHood
bet you guys wouldn't love the concorde if it flew over your house several times a day

thank god it's gone :D

And the internet may be the way forward, but unless things change, email is gonna have to reinvent itself to prevent all the spam (1 in 2 is spam these days)... not even gonna start on security :)

Well.. hmm, wernt they thinking about making email spam ilegal? Or has it already been done?

I personaly have no issue with spam, I have and have had no spam email since I got it :p.


*signs Krypt upto every email list ever*

The government probably could fund a lot more if it, and what it supports already, weren't so inefficient.


I get 3 or 4 a day on my own domain one, and about 20 a day on my hotmail one

my parrents got so much spam they had to just get a new email address, getting 50 or 60 a day is really not fun :)

especially as the only place that particular email address appeared was her business website.... so people just grabbed it using bots and added it to mailing lists...

Even if they made spam illegal, there's so many open relays out there, they're nevver gonna be able to stop them all :/

I still wouldn't function properly without the internet though :D

Teh Krypt

Well theres always a bottemless pit of money when it comes to war, I don't see why the government can't spend some cash on broadband ;)

On the email issue, my dad uses ebay a lot and sells car parts ect so needs to keep his original email. Its a freeserve dialup one, im checking how many emails hes going to download tonight (checks it every night) and atm hes selling nothing so 99% of them will be junk...

*clicks a few things*


Okay. :)

Oh and thats with a ton of the major offenders blocked. :D


What I dont understand is, you say its the way forward - yet you dont say the way forward in what area.

The way forward as a medium for news delivery? For entertainment? For porn? For warez? For music? For chat? For what?

Until you can specify what area you mean, why should the government pump millions of pounds into it? Its like saying 'I see monkey driven space hoppers as the way forward - I think the government should put a lot more money into the development and training of monkies and of space hoppers.'

Why do you want a faster connection? You can download more? You can see news broadcasts at a faster rate? You can play games faster? You've made a very generalised statement and asked people to discuss. This means that people will make up the specifics themselves.

And if you dont see that it'll be more beneficial to the country and to you if the Governemt puts more money into the NHS (and other such cases) than into the development of broadband, then thats a very inward looking and self-centered view.

Personally - and this is my opinion - I'd much rather have a better NHS and services than downloading stuff at 200 million-gazillion-megafloppets.

Teh Krypt

I generalised because I belive it is the way forward in a lot of areas, as well as computing, I think soon you will carry around a small stick of memory which will plug into machines around your town/country/other countrys and access all your personal things like a home computer. Who needs a mobile phone/media player and other things when it could be right with you at all times in a tiny piece of memory? We have the technology, its just time.

I don't see the NHS improving, they are puting a LOT of money into it, but as many football clubs have shown, throwing a lot of money at something dosnt make it work. My mums a nurse and im sorry if this insults the nursing profession, but the people she works with DONT WORK, they are lazy shits. Ofc this isnt true for the whole country, but at least her ward (and a few others shes worked on in the past) they are very lazy. I blame this on how they are trained, and also the amount of paper work they need to do. People don't go into work efusiasticly (sorry about spelling there) if there having to do endless pieces of paperwork.


Originally posted by Cdr
I think the government should put a lot more money into the development and training of monkies and of space hoppers.

I'll drink to that.

I find it hard to believe broadband wouldn't be a profitable investment though. Why aren't companies that bothered about setting it up?


Originally posted by SilverHood
bet you guys wouldn't love the concorde if it flew over your house several times a day

thank god it's gone :D

And the internet may be the way forward, but unless things change, email is gonna have to reinvent itself to prevent all the spam (1 in 2 is spam these days)... not even gonna start on security :)

Erm it does.


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
I don't see the NHS improving, they are puting a LOT of money into it, but as many football clubs have shown, throwing a lot of money at something dosnt make it work. My mums a nurse and im sorry if this insults the nursing profession, but the people she works with DONT WORK, they are lazy shits. Ofc this isnt true for the whole country, but at least her ward (and a few others shes worked on in the past) they are very lazy. I blame this on how they are trained, and also the amount of paper work they need to do. People don't go into work efusiasticly (sorry about spelling there) if there having to do endless pieces of paperwork.

So basically, what you're saying is you want them to stop investing in the NHS, because after all, its a like flogging a dead horse, and put the billions into the devlopment of broadband and the gadgets you outlined?

Hell, the police force are up a certain creek without a paddle - stop funding there aswell. Same with schools - who needs them anyways - not when we can carry about our personal details in a stick of RAM!

Teh Krypt

Indeed thats what I didnt say.

But there is currently no point puting all this excess money in when its not making any difference. They need to rethink their plans. Like I said, you can't just throw money at something and expect it to work.

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