The good old days



I miss the days when Crim CC was the albion worst nightmare at emain. :)


Originally posted by rugged
Ah yes, the old days, maybe everything seems better in your memories, but still, i miss em :) I miss the feeling of excitement when you wandered off past the filidh hill in the Black Mountains, when you entered Dungeons or zones you had never been before, when you saw mobs you hadn't even heard of.... When you needed to hunt the Arawnites in Snowdonia to gain acces to 'uber' armour, i still remember how thrilled i was when i reached the lvl i could solo those warriors, so i didn't need a stupid group to have a chance to get one of them drops :D
And ofcourse there were annoying things back then, bugs and lack of decent features (only 1 itemized dungeon in entire Albion for example), but at least i had that feeling of excitement over me when i went to certain areas....
When Dartmoor was included i remember teaming up with a HB exp group at the giants, and i was wondering how it was possible that another class in Albion could wield 2 weapons at the same time (n00bie me didn't know infis had DW as well, and Brommix was in the group)... Being clueless also had it's fun sides..... I am sorry, i am getting a bit emotional over this silly game, but then again, it's been 1.5 year now, and a rather intensive hobby, so i think it makes sense if you have feelings over 'just a game'.

Thanks for reading my rambling ;)

Totally agree and when you put u r 1st steps on salis plains. I remember it was night ingame 1st time i was there and those undead zombies or smt lookin at me , and i had 2 "highlvl" guys who were nice to show me the place.

And also player number on server wasnt that high by then so i almost grped with same ppls everyday even tho it wasnt any of those organised xp grps. And we fought Salisbury giant just for the thrill , pulled like 1 giant / 5th min and noone whined over slow xp etc , cause there were no rush getting to lvl 50 cause most of us seriously doubted we would get to lvl 50 at all even when those lvl 13-14 for example took us ages.

To summit everything : DAOC was sooooooooooooooooo much better back then. Game has changed and all players have changed including me. Everyone got new goals etc what they want to achieve with this game. Back then Daoc were just so damn fun.

Sharp Thing

Re: Re: Re: Re: People who play a lot

Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Dont u think they have well earned that stuff??

Every high rr player have been low rank before, have had to work hard, lose many fights n farm muchos rps during hours to become Lion Knight, and this fact deserves a reward.
yeah, why spend all that time farming rps to make your char worse??


Re: People who play a lot

Originally posted by Molten Lava
Game atm is fucked up cos:

If you play a lot you have high chars, with lot of monye which makes it easier for you to get even more high level chars and money (PL, farm drops, make a crafter for your own uber equipment etc)

If you play a lot you (could) have lots of RP's which buy you the nifty RA's that give you even more chance to get a nice bunch of RP"s (even harder for low levels to beat you)

This game is like the real world. Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer...time for Mythic to see that and give those addicted schoolkids a penalty, i.e. the higher they get....

not +1 to all stats for en new realmrank, give them a penalty -1 to all stats
SC only available under RR5...after that you must be able to get those points yourself
Make buffs range senitive (in RvR AND PvE)
Remove the window-mode (no more accounts for buffbots)
etc etc

MMORPGs much like all RPGs follow the rule that time spent results in improvement, it's part of the fun to improve and it's very much part of the addiction that they need to keep us going. You're free to think it's wrong that people with more time on their hands get more then those with less time, but it's one way or another true in every single game, sport and so forth and quite frankly almost unavoidable. Where would the FUN in a game be if you got nothing (no skill, no items, no xp, no RA's.. nothing) from playing? Like Pacman without a hint of a highscore or different levels.

The important thing to notice here is that the poor do NOT get poorer on this server (as opposed to PvP), yes the gap increases, the "poor" loose more but they still inch their way forward, they never go backward. Time = gain will still hold true.


Re: Re: People who play a lot

Originally posted by Tigerius
The important thing to notice here is that the poor do NOT get poorer on this server
They do - porting to emain is not free :p


Originally posted by Worm_th
Ahhh the RB crew... those hard core "can hardly keep my eyes open" sessions deep in the wights room in the barrows at 3am...
Finster the l33t rejuv cleric chain pulling with me (Winter) and Ody spamming the fire bow keys...

Haveing no kit, green con armour until lvl40... sh1te bows, no uber items (until i got the lvl40 quest bow which rocked!)

The start of the server was good fun, it would be interesting to learn where everyone is now, how many of them are still playing.. how many quit and came back (like me) and whos playing in what realm.. i know soem ofthe old alb hard core defected to midgard and Hibernia... (dirty rotten turn-coat scum!)

Hi Winter.
Remember those days well, great times. :)
As for the old skool guys;
Ody sold his account and went IRL and hes trolling the bw forums at times.
Tomask went hib (dirty rotten...)
Finster went mid ofcourse. (dirty rotten...)
Wuffie, ludi and johan are playing their new L50 alts and have joined Shadowlords Society for some larger RvR. Cant quite recall all their alts but mainly Franz and Sandokan i think.
Zarek is back in albion after a time in mid, hes playing a L50 sorcerer now, cant recall its name. Hes in the same guild as me and Charge now. :)
Me (Vile) is in Dragon Knights and playing around with some L50 alts aswell. :)

Im sure there are others but my mind is fuzzy and I would need a reminder in the form of a heavy club or bat to my head to shake things loose. I have kept tabs on alot of the old guys, so if theres any in particular you miss from the RB days, im sure i can say where they went. :)


Bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11stop whining gimp!!! :p




Hahahahha u spoooon.

Just call Sampo for me ffs and get me some info!!!!

Cya all ingame.



aaaaah the good old days:

Vindi armour in Keltoi

Spending all my time 30+ between Barrows and Lyonesse

Chainpulling Gobbo's and Twee's

Going emain and being killed by a red con Norse called............Sub

Ppl running down Crim valley shouting "DONT PULL CC"

Praetorians (what happened to them?)

The 1st ever Dragon raid (DM zone crashed and dragon flew off)

Knoxville Jackass the armsman, and Mcdonalds Bigmac

When GOA used 2 shut the servers down on a daily basis (didnt we get a bub of xp once?)


Remember many things, like my very first char (a infil) I rolled the first week Daoc went live in europe. Had no clue how to play that one, died alot, got tired and rolled Rowland, a armsman instead. But I believe the thing that did the biggest impact on me was when I did a quest of some sort in Campa Forest. Was supposed to return to Cam.Hill, but having no sense of direction of the zones back then, I did a most confusing trip which ended up in Cornwall.

Was amazing to find a brand new dungeon there (The catacombs). This was when Daoc still was only a few weeks old here in europe and the zone was completely empty. I felt incredibly abandoned seeing noone else around me and tried to find my way back to civilization again. :) Ofcourse I ended up in Lyonesse instead, and was absolute terrified of all the horrors around me. Had to suicide just to get back to the bindstone in Cots.

But that very moment, exploring and experience the time when Corn, Cata & Lyon was unknown territory, what a thrill.

Ah, I miss my very first main somedays. Gave up at L47 due to the tremendous time it took to even see the exp bar moving. :)

Ah yes. Also remember one of my very first encounters with Wights in Barrows later on. Was invited to a ice group, and was told how to do the setup of a pbae fight. Must've been one of the very few ice wizzies Albion had at that time. Like the much hated cabbies, classified as a worthless class. ;) Which remind me of Elfslayer, one of the very first player that helped my Armsman doing a quest (that 3rd training quest where you was suppose to group with another player). Thanks Elfslayer.

And ofcourse those insane Barrows wights mad pulls, where the goal was to clean the entire floor in one pull. We used 3 pullers just to get as much aggro as possible! Damn we died alot, and damn it was fun as hell. Think I grouped with some GoL fellas at those particular fights. A shame I can't remember the names.

Sure was fun back then.

Edit: If only I'd spell.


Bring on a new server with an old version just for the fun, damm I died a lot with my icewiz soloing back then that was no fun... ;P
but ppl didn´t like pbaoe ;P hehe.... that was prob why they liked firewizzies better when they was singlenukeing :( icewizzes single nukes s00k in pve =/


Originally posted by wildpt
I miss the days when Crim CC was the albion worst nightmare at emain. :)

Lol remember this, someone shouted "CC INC" and everyone ran like chickens...

Originally posted by Appollo
Praetorians (what happened to them?)

The core left and soon after the rest did too... afaik the core was SoA players from CS... I got and invite at 30 or summit when everyone else was allready 45+... about a month or two after Praetorians disolved... Some moved to HB some to FC and some to BF and alot got lost in the transfer... Over time i lost track of the players... I still play with some of the Old once like Aikmore who is in BF, Bellum and Huma who is still in HB with me ;)

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