The good old days



I was just sitting here, reading some random posts on BW and trying to remember how this game was when there was no

Itemized dungeons
Horse route to Llyn Barfog :rolleyes:
Decent wep/armor crafters
Orden Hispanica/Santa Inq

...and to be honest, I liked it back then.

This game has changed alot. Ppl are changing guilds like they change underwear, and noone can go through a whole session of play without getting flamed for something he did, was going to do or might have done.

No really. I liked it back in the old days. When GoL, RB and Praets were the guilds I knew and played with. Back when Finster beat us to 40 with like 3 hours. When noone could PL because we were the highest levels. When Serra fell asleep and when yelled at he blew both instas and group healed like a maniac. :sleeping: When Jerroum was smiter and could actually kill something. When emain was a strange land totally PWNED by Arken ;P And finally, when I was GM of one of the finest guilds ever to set foot on Albion.

Those were the times of DAoC imo.

My most precious ss is from those days as well: GoL wipeout in Antroom =)

Well just wanted to share some memories. Come hug me plz...

Hit ^_^

Orden Hispanica was one of the first guilds on the serrver o_O

but for the rest i totaly agree. :)


I truely thought that harking back to "The Good Old Days" was something that old people did when they wore their rose coloured glasses.

Ah I remember when I had a pong console in the late 70's or early 80's. The games were so much better then. No hardware incompatibility, no Microsoft to dominate the world and a simple control system of just a dial. Total bollocks I know but my rose coloured glasses do that to me :D


pong has more playablilty than 90% of new console games.... :)


The reason get PL is usually to get a high level alternate character, atleast this is what I believe. You play the game for 20+ days of your life to get a main character and then realise you want an Infiltrator etc. So then the PL starts. I don't like wasting days of my life before I can get the real benefit from a character, I guess other people feel like this too.

As for the old days... I miss being able to think "Oooh I get to go to Lyonesse in a level, wonder what it's gonna be like." etc. Ah, life was so simple back then.


Aye, the good old days.. The time we were just playing the game to have fun and discover. The time of real item hunting. Damn I really miss it. Bring back version 1.35 and let us all start over again. Undo what has been said or done and start over again...


If you want my opinion - which no doubt you don't - only reason things used to be better, apart from a few glaring balance cockups, is cos RvR used to be less busy and there was less zerging, for whatever reason.


NOOOOOOOOO! I don't want to die to blue mobs again! Well, atleast I can PWN each and every caster I see then... It's nice to have dreams...


Version 1.62 will see a set of Emain traffic lights at each MG and the opportunity to take out "Zerg Insurance" from each Border Keep.


2 zergs see each other in 1.62 - the fight lasts for 8 hours :(


Originally posted by Raining
Arent the problem - idiot players are. And those as Im sure you know have always existed :(

Itemized dungeons
Not sure I agree there. Playing an armsman with green/grey con plate really doesnt bring back the best of memories. It was certainly very different to the way things are now.

Hardly true - Finster who you mention further down was the original leader of the zerg in Albion. Its been around since day 1.

...and to be honest, I liked it back then.
Agreed :) The real problem just seems to be that we've all seen and done everything there is to do. After a while it starts to get rather boring :(


The good old days :

No Battlegrounds, so you'd see people from levels 15+ in emain, AND they felt they were still being of use.

Lyoness was the only place to level from 35+ and every 50 did it on trees.

You could take a keep with 1fg of people that knew what they were doing.

Fights weren't decided simply by whoever still had IP up.

Buff bots were rare (yes there was a time).

Epic armour was considered to be the dogs proverbials, even before it had cool graphics (never did see why the paladin epic has got a bloody bold eagle on the front?).

Odins gate was a good place to solo and duel

Keep raids werent just there to get DF back and no one was getting uber rich on diamond seals.

Kiarra was 'thee' weaponcrafter, one and only.

No 'see hidden'.

we could laugh our asses of at Karam on bw

Hitting 50 was a big thing, and lets face it, its easier then its ever been to hit 50, believe it or not the exp needed from 40 + and 45+ has been greatly reduced, the level differance penalties have been widened, group bonuses increased and exp spots and rewards are far more numerous, so yes, its a heck of alot easier to get to 50 then as alot of us 'old players' had it.

lowbies used to have level differance penalties to hit you.

Oh yeah, and hib classes used to be the under dogs.

Only thing i'd miss from back then is the polearm Defenders chain still working off 'enemy fumbles'. Aside from that bring back the good old days.

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by Kagato.

Buff bots were rare (yes there was a time).
haha, yeah, jazhara was the first i believe :D liked him to, too abd he elft so early. i stil remember a nice fight i had with my pally, astili and edge vs slim at amg, one of my first decent experiences ;>


Argh! Twees! Arrr Arrr Arrr!
Gah.. *whimpers* Dont make me do twees please..

GoL wipeout in antroom? Any room they DIDNT wipe out in?
I clearly remember those good old days..
Zoyster was just killed by <mob>
.. wait for it.. sure enough.
Outlaw was just killed by <mob>
and then the rest of the GoL group usually followed.
I remember GoL carpeting in most rooms in the barrows. :)


Originally posted by old.Sepiritz
Argh! Twees! Arrr Arrr Arrr!
Gah.. *whimpers* Dont make me do twees please..

GoL wipeout in antroom? Any room they DIDNT wipe out in?
I clearly remember those good old days..
Zoyster was just killed by <mob>
.. wait for it.. sure enough.
Outlaw was just killed by <mob>
and then the rest of the GoL group usually followed.
I remember GoL carpeting in most rooms in the barrows. :)

Very true :)

But was always very much fun,
except when walking away with a bub less exp :)


Ahhh the RB crew... those hard core "can hardly keep my eyes open" sessions deep in the wights room in the barrows at 3am...
Finster the l33t rejuv cleric chain pulling with me (Winter) and Ody spamming the fire bow keys...

Haveing no kit, green con armour until lvl40... sh1te bows, no uber items (until i got the lvl40 quest bow which rocked!)

The start of the server was good fun, it would be interesting to learn where everyone is now, how many of them are still playing.. how many quit and came back (like me) and whos playing in what realm.. i know soem ofthe old alb hard core defected to midgard and Hibernia... (dirty rotten turn-coat scum!)


The old days is a mentality though, not a patch version. Sure enough SC gutted any item hunting, but most of what's being brought up just felt special then because it was exciting then, because people were more open minded then, because a higher degree of inexperience appears "charming" in it's slight futility and because nostalgia by definition only remembers the good things.

Yes I remember the good old days, yes they are better memories then what I will have of todays DAoC, but I also remember wasting huge amounts of time on ineffective things, leveling solo to 24, doing consignments from skill 1 to 650 to make money, RvR being zergs only that slowly tripped off down crim valley, pulled a patrol and then ran back leaving the poor aggrod people to be ran down.

Today though I've played the game so long that everything is done out of habit, nothing is exciting, nothing is new or unknown or suprising and on top of that most of my friends feel/felt the same and appear more scarcely. All of those problems are in my mind though, not the patch version.


first thing i ever saw in rvr was huma and jazhara pwning some hibs in emain :p
they were all purp con to me since i was still a lowbie

also remember the relic/keep raids with finster

and the very first dragon raid....

and lots more memories :D

Molten Lava

People who play a lot

Game atm is fucked up cos:

If you play a lot you have high chars, with lot of monye which makes it easier for you to get even more high level chars and money (PL, farm drops, make a crafter for your own uber equipment etc)

If you play a lot you (could) have lots of RP's which buy you the nifty RA's that give you even more chance to get a nice bunch of RP"s (even harder for low levels to beat you)

This game is like the real world. Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer...time for Mythic to see that and give those addicted schoolkids a penalty, i.e. the higher they get....

not +1 to all stats for en new realmrank, give them a penalty -1 to all stats
SC only available under RR5...after that you must be able to get those points yourself
Make buffs range senitive (in RvR AND PvE)
Remove the window-mode (no more accounts for buffbots)
etc etc

Could make this post as long as I want but nobody will listen cos:
GOA/Mythic earns his money from the schoolkids and those schoolkids will be very angry to read this post and start flaming right away

Go ahead

Sharp Thing

Re: People who play a lot

Originally posted by Molten Lava

not +1 to all stats for en new realmrank, give them a penalty -1 to all stats
SC only available under RR5...after that you must be able to get those points yourself
Make buffs range senitive (in RvR AND PvE)
Remove the window-mode (no more accounts for buffbots)
etc etc
LOL, the ppl would quit since theres nothing to gain in rvr and the game itself would be very boring bc you have to watch it and cant surf the web or somthing while riding a horse/waiting for port/running to emain...

Molten Lava

Re: Re: People who play a lot

Originally posted by Sharp Thing
LOL, the ppl would quit since theres nothing to gain in rvr and the game itself would be very boring bc you have to watch it and cant surf the web or somthing while riding a horse/waiting for port/running to emain...

Nah there's the have lots to actually have to play your char well to beat that RR2 guy (while you are RR7) in stead of some nift 10-point RA that isnt available yet to the lower guy....thats where skill starts! but thats to much to ask from most RR9 guys..they just rely on their +20 stats, high RA's and MP-SC'd-alch'd-Armor and weapons


The Phrase I remember most from the old days...

CRIP FFS! :m00:


Re: Re: Re: People who play a lot

Originally posted by Molten Lava
but thats to much to ask from most RR9 guys..they just rely on their +20 stats, high RA's and MP-SC'd-alch'd-Armor and weapons

Dont u think they have well earned that stuff??

Every high rr player have been low rank before, have had to work hard, lose many fights n farm muchos rps during hours to become Lion Knight, and this fact deserves a reward.


Ah yes, the old days, maybe everything seems better in your memories, but still, i miss em :) I miss the feeling of excitement when you wandered off past the filidh hill in the Black Mountains, when you entered Dungeons or zones you had never been before, when you saw mobs you hadn't even heard of.... When you needed to hunt the Arawnites in Snowdonia to gain acces to 'uber' armour, i still remember how thrilled i was when i reached the lvl i could solo those warriors, so i didn't need a stupid group to have a chance to get one of them drops :D
And ofcourse there were annoying things back then, bugs and lack of decent features (only 1 itemized dungeon in entire Albion for example), but at least i had that feeling of excitement over me when i went to certain areas....
When Dartmoor was included i remember teaming up with a HB exp group at the giants, and i was wondering how it was possible that another class in Albion could wield 2 weapons at the same time (n00bie me didn't know infis had DW as well, and Brommix was in the group)... Being clueless also had it's fun sides..... I am sorry, i am getting a bit emotional over this silly game, but then again, it's been 1.5 year now, and a rather intensive hobby, so i think it makes sense if you have feelings over 'just a game'.

Thanks for reading my rambling ;)

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