The good guys charter

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
censi said:
I just wanted to know if theres any groups that didnt add? (dont wanna talk about morality of adding thats like personal choice type thing, right or wrong.)

So if you didn't want to discuss morality why did you call the thread 'The good guys charter' :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
The thing I find frustrating, walking around near Alb PoC for a good 30 mins, I finally, find an apparently solo Scout (Same Realm rank as me), who's not paying attention, I rear stun, and peel quite a few hps of him.. He IP's rather quickly, and slam + critshots's me (I didn't have pet up, but the scout messes up big time - no real damage), 1-1.5 groups of albs suddenly appear - not sure if they were with the scout or not, and stand there watching, I figure uh well they might stay out of the fight, and I keep going - guess I should have run and PS'ed. The scout seems to be winning big time (I'm at 30% he's around 50%), so I IP, and keep fighting...

Now I find 2-3 tanks add, and someone shooting me with a bow, and the scout is being healed..

Sigh, I guess they weren't going to add while their realm mate was winning, that I find more sad than anything else. I had plenty of more tricks up my sleeve, that I could have used but it would be a waste with such a slim chance of evading so many people.

Was a good fair fight up until that time. TBH I wouldn't have minded them zerging me as long as they'd let me complete the fight. Getting solo RP is hard enough to get, and solo people impossible to find.

Then, people wonder why other people resign to just zerg and add on anything, after being frustrated like that, again and again, you get resigned to doing just that, adding and leeching what you can.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
censi said:
but also dont know with that hatred sometimes there comes some respect

Respect for what? People who claim to not add and only do fg vs fg as in fair fights yet you see them adding or even killing in zergs where they afterwards say ppl added on them? :eek7:

I think not...


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Ye, FG's never roll stealthers. Look at these SS's taken 2 runs in a row tonight.

Mid fg Herra and Einherjar only:


And again albs:


High Realmrankers are the worst adders off all. The only good guys are the lowbies cuz there judgement is still pure and not leet.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
gimme a break.

if I can kill 2 stealthers on me ranger then you sure as hell can on a merc...

ill set vipr bot on passive mode next time I promise. and we can have a nice balanced *deep cough* 1v1.
Jun 21, 2004
censi said:
gimme a break.

if I can kill 2 stealthers on me ranger then you sure as hell can on a merc...

ill set vipr bot on passive mode next time I promise. and we can have a nice balanced *deep cough* 1v1.

a rr8 shade and a rr9 ranger ain't very easy to kill when they get the pop, pa chain, purge down etc :<

and yeh, a 1v1 with either of you would be nice :p


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Started playing my inf again tonight , been trying not to add etc.... but ive had 1 fight in 4 hours where someone hasnt added , makes you wonder why bother trying to play "fair"?


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Influenza said:
Started playing my inf again tonight , been trying not to add etc.... but ive had 1 fight in 4 hours where someone hasnt added , makes you wonder why bother trying to play "fair"?

I second that mate, soledad,censi,vipr and me always try not to add on fair fights and try to make it more fun for everyone so that maybe once they will return the favour.
However since clustering it seems to be almost pointless. The only ones I have had the sadisfaction off mutual respect is Stalkyy and Giwashky (or something rr9 BD)


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Thesa, Censi and co talking about "fair fights" yet they don't mind running a little stealthgrp jumping soloers. Hilarious. I guess fair fights only apply when in suits you.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2005
Theseus said:
I second that mate, soledad,censi,vipr and me always try not to add on fair fights and try to make it more fun for everyone so that maybe once they will return the favour.
However since clustering it seems to be almost pointless. The only ones I have had the sadisfaction off mutual respect is Stalkyy and Giwashky (or something rr9 BD)

Ya right.. then i guess it was the phantom ghost adding on most of my fights today


Loyal Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Theseus said:
I second that mate, soledad,censi,vipr and me always try not to add on fair fights and try to make it more fun for everyone so that maybe once they will return the favour.
However since clustering it seems to be almost pointless. The only ones I have had the sadisfaction off mutual respect is Stalkyy and Giwashky (or something rr9 BD)

ahehehaha :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Influenza said:
Started playing my inf again tonight , been trying not to add etc.... but ive had 1 fight in 4 hours where someone hasnt added , makes you wonder why bother trying to play "fair"?

same problem with my minstrel, got like 1 or 2 fights in 3 hours a few days ago without adds and made about 2k rps max :/ never gonna ding rr4 on that char


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Had a right laugh tonight - which made a nice change.

Was watching some RR7 hunter popping albs infront of a fgm, decided to have a try myself :) waited untill the visible fgm left then popped on the hunter - was going to be a close fight!

Then a FGa turned up - think it was the Guardians of Power GG, I spammed my "please dont add mates!!" macro and they didnt add - which was bloody good of them tbh! they sit fairly close buffing up etc while I'm meleeing the hunter - getting close to the end and its going to be too close to tell, then I see 2 SB's stealthed and lining up a PA on me, popped FZ, IP and purge then legged it to the FGA screaming "ADD FFS!! LOL!!" :D

They saved me a well, gotta say, whoever that guild group was (as I say think it was Guardians of Power from prydwen) They really did impress me by letting the 1 on 1 carry on, and then saving me after I asked them not to add (after 2 SB's joined the fray), really good guys to have on our realm, up untill now I'd been rather dissappointed by alot of Albs attitudes, but these guys really did seem friendly and honourable - and capable, an unusall combination in this game!! :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Forf said:
Ya right.. then i guess it was the phantom ghost adding on most of my fights today

It wasnt me then cuz i dont recognize your name.

And coldbeard... its getting really fucking old mate.

edit: If I am duoing and rarely trio with vipr and cens we kill soloers yes... this is not adding though now is it ?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Thesa, maybe you should open your fucking eyes abit
When you PA people fighting and they are running groups you can't expect anything else tbh, and I'm pretty sure 7 other of your buddies are lurking closeby.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 17, 2004
lol cold whining bout a duo killing a sole, he perfectly happy to do it with his skald war duo which played right is alot stronger then any 2 stealthers.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Bab said:
lol cold whining bout a duo killing a sole, he perfectly happy to do it with his skald war duo which played right is alot stronger then any 2 stealthers.

Ehrr, get a clue please? Was not talking about a duo killing a soloer, which I by the way have no problems with, but the other times I have encountered censi and his Post Mortem stealth mates, and that is not just 2 people. Perhaps if you actually read things before jumping to conclusions.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
Its ok for coldballs to gank solers 2v1

Its ok cuz Coldballs has morals!




Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
censi said:
Its ok for coldballs to gank solers 2v1

Its ok cuz Coldballs has morals!



this made me laugh irl :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Coldbeard said:
Ehrr, get a clue please? Was not talking about a duo killing a soloer, which I by the way have no problems with, but the other times I have encountered censi and his Post Mortem stealth mates, and that is not just 2 people. Perhaps if you actually read things before jumping to conclusions.

Cold you are so cold, even the after hug did not warm me enough, you almost made me cry hammering me down with your mate in a split second. :(

If you do it again I will.....erhm will......will come back and die again. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Coldbeard said:
Thesa, Censi and co talking about "fair fights" yet they don't mind running a little stealthgrp jumping soloers. Hilarious. I guess fair fights only apply when in suits you.

and the rest have a point their mate. You may not directly talk about duos killing soloers, but you are referring to "fair fights" which running around with your duo killing soloers hardly qualify for. ;)

Not that the others dont do it too ofc. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
Now let's see what the "good guys charter" says about adding:

- 2vs.1 isn't adding
- Adding on fg fights is tolerable, if you add only on those ppl in grp, who have added on you solo before.
- It's okay to add on ppl that add, but not okay to add on ppl that only add on those ppl they think are adders?

Get a grip plz...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Zagg said:
Now let's see what the "good guys charter" says about adding:

- 2vs.1 isn't adding
- Adding on fg fights is tolerable, if you add only on those ppl in grp, who have added on you solo before.
- It's okay to add on ppl that add, but not okay to add on ppl that only add on those ppl they think are adders?

Get a grip plz...

you forgot its also ok to gank any Sorc,Theurg,WL,SM or others classes you consider OP or dont like or have the wrong dye.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Baldrian said:
have the wrong dye.

ooh I like that excuse.

Sorry censi not entirely sure how you can laud a "good guys charter" for honourable and fair fights then come back and say that duoing or trioing some soloer is honourable. It's part of the game but it's not honourable by your own definition.

The hypocrisy in this thread is fantastic :)

I like running around solo and if I see another 1v1 I sometimes stand and watch but I don't go out of my way to pretend i'm a superior human being when I let some 1v1 finish sometimes (when they have the right dye and stuff).

Just like everyone else if I'm in a group I'll happily splat the poor soloer (/hug coldbeard, bloody tetsudo :p) since it's what the game is about (not just because it happens to me all the time too) though I do feel bad when I gank the same person more than once (it happens! they're afk twice in a row or something)

Then again I feel bad if I ever win a fight... I suck at this really, if I lose I grumble if I win I feel bad :p
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