The Future of Quakeworld



I've read quite a lot of articles recently about the future of QW, and it seems that what people will miss the most about QW is the gameplay itself i.e., not the graphics, the fps, the cool (or not) weapons, but simply the feel of the game.

The gameplay (imo) is provided by the physics engine used in QW (as well as various factors like instant weapon change, and no footsteps :p). Primarily the physics engine though.

What I'm proposing will probably cause some serious flaming in my direction, but here goes anyway:

How feasible would it be to create a game using the QW physics engine (with the current QW settings), but with a new graphics engine, and a new networking engine.

I know people will spam meh saying that this has been done with HL etc, but afaik the physics engine in HL was a modifed QW physics engine, and used different settings to the QW engine (it never felt the same to me).

So there you have it. I'd be very interested to hear replies, as what I'm really proposing is that we (i.e. the QW community) design the game ourselves!

I am sure there are legal issues with using the QW engine, so if anyone knows more about that side of things could they let me know.





I would guess that q3a would be totally possible to be made into qw. Just a bit of tucking and tweaking here and there and you could well be not far off.

But you would still be left with the same game ultimately and people are tired imo of playing the same levels and stuff and the same way. And the levels people dont usually play suck

QW is a dodo i think now and people will move onto something else just coz.


Yes, I appreciate what you're saying. I'm not suggesting using much of the old QW game at all, for example I quite like using delayed weapon changes, I like body-area specific damage, I also like the idea of having teamplay comms built into the game. If you want a laff, then goto

/me prepares for a barrages of rofls





K, I've checked out ure page too. Yeah, your points are good, they are all the points that any QW player would make, I myself, have been playin since your HC days, so what, a year and a half?
I think the thing, the golden "thing" that makes QW not change over,
"highly customizable
superb physics, including air control
that 'feel good' factor"

your missing the fact that out of ALL the games now out, from Half life thru Kingpin to UT, is the N/w code AND Straightforwardness (Weapons, Health + Armour), It is the, if not the most important, factors that kept it going this long. one of the only games that can hold a modemer in the same light as an ISDN players, or at least as close as they gonna be. (Demon example, tho bias) Highly customisable, use of proxies for team games, (tho voice comms are needed in legue) and superb physics (RL speed a Major factor) Takes all this to make another qw, and all we want is better graphics, maybe more weaps, different gameplay choices.. You could remake the game, but without code experience, I think this is a pipedream ungainable...

Note: Become a League creator for UT, controling servers and settings, then configure to YOUR(and every other QW lover) choice of settings... (Dont step to a Q2 0% control) I guarantee You Will Grab 90 % of current QW'ers... And a high precent of q2 players.. if they can take the pace

QW is dying for a reason..... UT has all we need cept, configurability, tho we dont know yet eh? The rest of it WILL come with faster connx. Of this im sure.

My piece done. Now I await the flame

Take Care.

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