The future of DAOC!


Loyal Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
illu said:
I think I read somewhere that DAOC will have another expansion in the Fall with the addition of a new class. I can only assume this will be a new class for each realm, should be "interesting".
Most casual players will reach rr10, hardcore/students/on-the-dole will be getting to rr12 with the better RP patch (1.81?) so everyone will be getting the most out of their toons. I imagine most people will have at least 2-3 toons that they play with regularly depending on what is required for each stage of the battle.
Another expansion arrives that will not affect RvR except that all the drops from the new mobs have 100 util.
First players hit RR13. The same players need to be put into a hospital to wean themselves off DAOC. They go cold-turkey for a while, scream out obscenities like "I almost had that f*cking warlock!" "Bloody bainshees!" and eventually simmer down and get released back into the community.
Crafting gets an overhaul and becomes automated.
New Blood is needed in the game as only the most hardcore are left, everyone is RR12+ except for Thanes and Hunters who are only just reaching RR10. A new expansion comes out that gives instant ML10 CL5 Level50 on underpopulated realms (Midgard/Hibernia) and the realm of Albion is made twice as big as there is not enough room for the zerg to live.
Scientists find another sun and a strange black block that is spinning around sucking up the galaxy......

Something else I found:
A patch note that we left out of 1.81. It said, "It is now possible to begin repairing a destroyed tower at 0% condition rather than 25%."
whatever that means.

So where do people think the game is going?

How are games like Everquest II, World of Warcraft and all the new MMORPGs dealing with new technology and keeping their fan base happy?

I looked at the Everquest site and saw they have 4 expansions. How many does World of Warcraft have?

Also what is the new Dungeons and Dragons MMORPG game like?

Is Warhammer going to be the new DAOC?

Type stuff! Make this an interesting thread. Fed up of all the gratz threads and adding threads. Converse! Discuss! Make my afternoon at work interesting you flaming fookers :>

Oli - Illu

The Rp system makes it a little more easier and the casual player wont hit RR10 ^^


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Muylaetrix said:
i think that with mythic also doing warhammer that warhammer will be based on the DAOC engine, play in the warhammer universe, and look like WoW.

I think warhammer will be a lot more targeted at the `younger` WoW playerbase, not at the daoc playerbase.

Games workshop wants to enter the online game market and compete with WoW.

What is so good about WoW by the way? I have never played it on the assumption that it is like DAOC but with more cartoony graphics and the RvR/PvP aspect is not as good apparently?

And are there any people that play Everquest II?

And what ever happened to Ultima Online? I remember buying the game a long time ago and never playing it (it was a time when you paid modem bills and my first month of playing Quake online = £500+ o_O - I kinda restricted myself playing that much after that :> And thanks god for broadband and 1 flat fee :>)

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
illu said:
What is so good about WoW by the way? I have never played it on the assumption that it is like DAOC but with more cartoony graphics and the RvR/PvP aspect is not as good apparently?

Oli - Illu

more cartoony graphics? maybe, it just looks alot better. (which is a matter of opinion and not age before they start) The pvp ranking isn't really great, the bg's are good fun, just sometimes a bit pointless.

with pve, wow beats daoc really big time, its alot better, better quests, atleast a story, better mobs, instances, alot cooler instances, harder instances, better weapons,armor, everything.. crafting part is alot better then in daoc.

seems you were born for pvp and know nothing else so you should stick to daoc.


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
illu said:
Hmmmm a 4th realm might be interesting, but again - you'd get a lot of strange class imbalances at the beginning, and the 3 realms we have at the moment seem "relatively" balanced.

I like the idea of MLs being solo'able or maybe at least there should be some questing equivalent that takes the same amount of time but you get no uber drops from it. That way at least you can get to ML10 somehow. (Saying that - it's not too hard to go on a realm outing to do a ML, but I suppose these will get rarer as time goes by?)

Do many people here play Everquest II, World of Warcraft and any of the new MMORPGs (Dark and Light - is that one?)? How do they keep their fan base happy?

What is the new Dungeons and Dragons MMORPG game like?

Has anyone tried the Codemasters RF Online MMORPG?

Is Warhammer going to be the new DAOC?

The main future changes that I would like to see to DAOC (that I've mentioned before) are player RR/ML/XP/CL pooling, so you play the toon you want to play and ALL your toons benefit, and I'd also like to see poisoned weaps have a different coloured text when in your back pack. I think I'll send that one into Mythic, as I'm fed up of cycling through 6+ weapons every time I leave a keep to make sure I have the right poisons on each :> (not that it makes much of a difference on damn Remedy Shades :>)

Oli - Illu
Playing the free trial of RFO on and off atm - L24 Specialist (soon to be armor rider - think Mechwarrior/Heavy Gear pilot - the MAU is lethal but costs a fortune to maintain/run/provide ammo for). Its grindariffic - makes me long for the daoc levelling system again :/ That said the PVP is brilliant in that 1-1 fights DO NOT happen (and even when they do if youre roughly equal nobody can win due to a 2 second only cooldown timer on the health pots) so it becomes more about the tactics/weapons etc employed.

Warhammer online may well be the future i think - its shaping up nicely.

DDO is unfortunately just a big pve instance game with currently somewhere between sod all and a tiny fraction of daocs pvp.

Still love daoc though, always have - question is how much longer can mythic sustain the game - barring a RADICAL rethink of their approach i cant see the band aids that are the last 3-4 patches fixing the fundamental problems in the pvp system.
Also they kinda shot themselves in the foot with all the neccessary (instead of purely optional) expansaions such as ToA/DR etc that add a timesink bar to new players.

Just my thoughts - not doomsaying. Its not going anywhere for a year or two at least yet.

Edit : PS WoW chokes more than a nun in a german porn movie :/


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
5 years from now, Mythic have ebayed out the source and servers for daoc. And some greek and his lan meights are running the show now!

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