the English server population poll

how to deal with population issue of the english servers

  • sodd off, i am still having fun

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • Cluster English RvR servers with the German ones

    Votes: 21 17.4%
  • Move admin to the US/EA so servers can be clustered like Japanese one is

    Votes: 68 56.2%
  • Let it die in peace, those who want to play DAOC should reroll US

    Votes: 28 23.1%

  • Total voters


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
what is your preferred way of dealing with current low population issues


Loyal Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Stop giving money to GOA. Move to US , they wont do nothing for us.


Loyal Freddie
Jun 17, 2005
How many times do people need to be told..

Nothing will be done with Excal/Pryd!

Move on or put up with it.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Put up two "Fake-Servers" Excal2 and Pryd2 and charcopy for all those who want to move to a German server, then carry the original servers to the US ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Move on,you will never get char transfer no matter how much you whine.


May 23, 2005
I'm still having fun.

No-one can solo me anymore :worthy:


Loyal Freddie
Jul 15, 2005
I really wish the people that left the sever would stop posting negatives ...


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
I really wish the people that left the sever would stop posting negatives ...

If you are trying to say the 50-100 idiots still putting up with a shit service have more say than the 1k players who stopped paying GoA over last year or so for reasons stated above ... You are wrong ;)

They were told and they did nothing , you think this is the 1st whine post about Dyvet situation ... Move on :ninja:


Loyal Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
I really wish the people that left the sever would stop posting negatives ...

You still enjoying it ? Then stay until u will be the only online player in server.

Dyvet's population is low , isnt that negative ?


Loyal Freddie
Jul 15, 2005
You still enjoying it ? Then stay until u will be the only online player in server.

Dyvet's population is low , isnt that negative ?

I am not playing since main PC blew up middle of September.

Once it is up though ( need MB/CPU/HD/GFX ...) I will probable play on Dyvet for a few weeks ...just to put my houses and chard into some sort of order that should char copy become available in the future I will be sorted :)

Then I will probable be on US servers during that time too ...using the 14 day free trial :)

Just see alot of people that only play US banging in the nails ..then sugesting people should play the server they are on ..

See you soon an one server or another ...

Scrinthe ( the moaner )


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Could almost open my euro acc just to be last player on Dyvet :p


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Not to sound like a complete twat or nowt (to be fair I normally am) the amount of threads that popup from players could easily have been mail bombed to GOA + Mythic.. lets face it bitching on an unofficial forum is hardly helping the situation.

Fix a patition with ALL the remaining players on dyvet :p only then when you have the remaining server population (or a *big* chunk of it) will GOA listen.

I personally chose "Move admin to the US/EA so servers can be clustered like Japanese one is " they did it with the japanese server there is no reason on earth why they can't do it with any of the european ones.

And a poll poll here and a poll poll there here a poll there a poll everywhere a poll poll!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Infact I'll e-mail mythic now and see what they say, I know they have fa to do with the euro servers at the moment although I am curious what excuses may be dished out in response to "moving the cluster to usa"

I shall post the results here if I get a reply


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
such pessimism :(

i'm starting to agree tho (yes i know, shocking isn't it?). they haven't done much of anything lately other then post bullshit story's about some troll on the news.

maybe its time to start to complain to mythic about all this shit, and show them how fucking sad things over here actually is, and how pathetically little GOA is doing about it.

been trying to find a contact form on the US site that fits but i can't find one.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
I'll not get into slanging matches about GOA or Mythic people just need to make there own minds up and go with it.


Okay, I've been expecting this kind of thread for quite a while and I've got a rather simple response, no spin, no sugar-coating, etc.:

If you're trolling here, have a cookie and go away.

OTOH, if you are a European player and think that GOA is treating you now as a 2nd-class citizen, you couldn't be more wrong!

Yeap, I said it, and I'll say it again, you're wrong! Did GOA's signup page work as well as ours? Nope, apparently not. Did ours work perfectly, nope. Did GOA, which is spending a ton of money to run WAR for us in Europe, somehow decide to hurt the very customers that it is counting on to make the decision to partner with us on WAR? Of course not. They tried to do things a little differently, with a little more flair (and effort) than we did with our signup page. And, well, it didn't work out as well as they had hoped. It wasn't because of lack of effort on their part. It's not because they are incompetent, it's not because they didn't try, it's simply because things did not work as intended.

Over the course of our long-term relationship with GOA, they have always asked us if they could do things a little differently than we do them here, whether it is the art style of the boxes, promotional material, website, etc. They believe that they have a better feeling for European taste/flair/etc. than we do here and you know what, I agree with them which is why we have always extended them that freedom. Sometimes it works out really, really well and sometimes, well, it doesn't work out so well. This is apparently one of those times. We've been in contact with them and we want to see what went wrong and why and then we will talk to them about it. However, to somehow put this into the camp of "2nd class citizenry" is total and complete nonsense. They tried something a little different and it didn't go as well as expected. FYI, as of this morning, they had a lot more signups than we had so it wasn't like it was a total disaster was it (which if you read this thread you might think it is)?

I'm truly sorry that GOA had any problems with their signup page just as I'm sorry that we had a few with our own and I apologize for any problems that people had with GOA or with our signup system. Overall though it actually went quite well considering that this game isn't even the second stage of beta yet and this is the first time we've both opened our signup systems at the same time.

If you want to bring up old issues with GOA, feel free to bash them or Mythic's decision somewhere else but please don't do it here and now. GOA has committed to us, in the strongest contractual language possible, that they will meet or exceed the kind of service we provide in North America. Based on what I've seen so far, I have no reason to doubt that they will do their best to meet that commitment. It's not 2002 guys, it's 2007 and things are a bit different this time around. Let me tell you something that has already come out of our closed beta testing, the GOA guys have been all over WAR, beating the heck out of it and by far, being our most productive group of beta testers. They spend lots of time playing the game and letting us know what they think about it. If all our beta testers are as helpful as they have been already, we'll be in unbelievable shape by the time we launch.

Again, I'm truly sorry for the problems that some of you experienced with the day one signups. Mistakes happen, some things get overlooked, nobody is perfect. However, it wasn't because we at Mythic, especially yours truly, wants or will tolerate any of our worldwide fans to be treated as 2nd class citizens. You can take this to the bank, if I have any inkling that any of our partners are not doing that they need to do to ensure that nobody is a 2nd class-citizen, the least of their worries will be what is said about them in places such as this. I have no intention of letting anyone or any group cause me to break my promise both to GW and to myself about the quality of the game we are creating. And that quality is inextricably bound to the care and effort that goes into the game and the community after WAR launches. Wherever we have a partner, no matter what country or language, that partner will have to keep up with us or even, in my perfect world, exceed us. Now that would make me very happy.


Thats from Mark Jacobs - big dude at Mythic

This is in response to a few comments about GOA - I'm assuming most of the complaints came from DAOC players, it's an interesting take Mythic have on the whole situation.



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I'll not get into slanging matches about GOA or Mythic people just need to make there own minds up and go with it.

Thats from Mark Jacobs - big dude at Mythic

This is in response to a few comments about GOA - I'm assuming most of the complaints came from DAOC players, it's an interesting take Mythic have on the whole situation.


he makes a nice get out of jail free card there by not mentioning the english speaking playerbase (IE those on dyvet). sure, the euro playerbase as a whole might not be in that bad of a shape. but i'm gonna call him a liar if he means that Dyvet is in good health.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
That answer made me laugh a lot when it first appeared on warhammeralliance. Mark wore the PR robes, suffice to say it was obvious since there's a contract ^^.
He can, however, try to convince me for how long as he wants of how good is Goa's job. I beg to differ and tell him that i know better than him from first hand experience, hence i won't fucking play War EU. Pretty simple.
And about the trolling for the past wrongs ... what can i say, he's a good clown lol


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
Aye, hes a funny guy I only have one experience of GOA and thats via DAOC, yet hes saying I can't use past judgements for any future undertakings.

I'm like wtf, it's evovultion you learn from your mistakes, I've learnt you can't trust GOA, hence I won;t be playing Euro WAR.

We try and inform people about GOA in the hope others don't one day experience what we have and he abuses us for that.

Smart guy, honestly he should just make the fucking game and keep quiet.


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