The End of Eye of Odin ...



The End of (the old) Eye of Odin ...

The Guild "Eye of Odin" as it was, can be considered dead.

Most of the old Eyes are in "Onslaught" now, some in "Bad Omen", some in "Crimson Tide".

Doubt there will be active members in Eye of Odin past the next weekend.

Candy lollipop

Who would ever thing EoO would die... :(


im guessing alot of people are missing Grizlas today :(


Genuinely sorry to see the downfall of a guild, big or small, old or new, and whatever the reasons behind it. I hope that all of the former members find decent guilds to join and carry on playing.

Good luck to you all.



Please kill the entire guild so warders are #1 on pryd/mid :p~~

any chance on an onslaught/bad omen merge though?


Originally posted by klavrynd
Please kill the entire guild so warders are #1 on pryd/mid :p~~

any chance on an onslaught/bad omen merge though?

Unless a Gamemaster disbands all those Alt's and inactive accounts from players who've quit the game in the past year, the Shade of EoO will hang around on that table for a while longer.

Onslaught/Bad Omen merge ?
Doubt it tbh, the idea of BO is an Emain-Gank-Squad,
Onslaught consists of the people that used to camp the Odin's Gate MG's or went to Sauvage/Gorge for RvR.


There will never be a guild as good as eoo in midgard and you mids know it,such a shame such a great guild to fight in rvr have fallen apart.


Originally posted by old.Hellskor

Onslaught/Bad Omen merge ?
Doubt it tbh, the idea of BO is an Emain-Gank-Squad,
Onslaught consists of the people that used to camp the Odin's Gate MG's or went to Sauvage/Gorge for RvR.
indeed,don't think it would really work.


Very sad news indeed :(

At the moment there are no plans for a merger between Onslaught and Bad Omen or any other guild.


EoO all went pear shaped when i left, see i was needed! :p
<waves to Noita>


One thing that really interests me is that Noita just a while ago spoke so high of not fragmenting the realm. Of course she was speaking of alliances in that matter, but isn't guilds somewhat the same thing? Now Noita wandered off to start a new guild with some others of Eoo. Don't get me wrong here, I wish you all the best, but it seems to me that Noita isn't really the one following her own advice. Well, just a thought and nothing else. Definitely not meant as a flame or anything in that direction...


EoO was dieing for quite a long time. Too many people that thought everything will work fine without doing anything for it.
On the last Relic Raid we manage to get whole whopping -14- people ... with like 38 online.
If you actually do care about the realm and stuff like that, that's pretty damn annoying when people in your own Guild refuse to help in a realm wide effort.
Stuff like that pulls you down, in the end it's either leaving the guild and this ballast, or the game.

And as the splitting of the Nemesis Alliance showed ... things can turn out alot better when splitted up.
Or does anyone want to claim that the new Alliance System works worse than the old ?
Looks more like the whole Realm became a whole lot stronger after some starting difficulties.

Changes are seldom easy, but sometimes necessary


Primus: You are correct in so far as my opinion of large and strong Alliances goes, and to a certain extent I still feel the same way. However, I am also the first to admit when I am wrong, and it does seem that the current situation is working a lot better than I had feared it would. And this is mainly due (as far as I can see) from strong and communicative leadership from people such as yourself, Roo, Dozigden and others.

The reason why EoO split up is a totally different one to why Onslaught was formed.

Onslaught was formed in order to be a nice warm kennel for any old War Dogs seeking a home. The idea of "onslaught" had been bandied about for many many weeks now.

Just to set the record straight here, I did NOT wander off with members of EoO, I formed the Guild with 7 low levels I found wandering around the Vale of Mularn, some of who I am delighted to say have decided that they wish to stay with us in Onslaught.

Thereafter, I was approached individually by those who wished to join me AFTER they had left EoO with one exception, and that was Kalgarn, with whom the idea of a small RvR guild had been formulated whilst we were playing alts in Hib/Excal.

The reason EoO spilt up was an internal matter for EoO. I was not a member of EoO when they decided to disband so i cannot comment nor will I be drawn on commenting upon another guild's internal politics.

My reasons for leaving EoO were posted to the guild before I left and in my opinion are not a matter for public debate. Again, an internal matter and now one consigned to the dustbin of History.

As for following my own advice... well... I am constantly amazed at how much I continue to learn from others about this game and the way things work, both politically and otherwise. I beiieve it was Dozigden who posted to me on another thread here words to the effect that if you cant change things for the better from the inside, for all concerned it is better to change things outside. I will never be so arrogant as to dismiss such sound advice out of hand, and anyone who does is a fool, one thing I am NOT is a fool.

This was the situation and the most viable solution.

Helium: Yes, you were needed and it upset me very much when you decided to leave EoO, tho I understand the reasons why you did. :(


best of luck people, hope it'll work for you this way around


The End of EoO
A dark and heavy shadow has fallen upon the realm of Midgard.
Lets just hope that our two new emergin twin suns will help light our further path.


Noita is right, she didn't wander off with any eoo member at all. I think I was the first to announce my departure on the guild forum, and shortly afterwards some others took the same decision. Later on I pm'd Noita myself to ask some info about the newly formed guild, and since we shared the same opinion about how the guild should look I joined them. I don't think any of us decided to leave all of a sudden, I have thought it over quite intensively prior to leaving tbh. I think it all started by the "notorious" reputation eoo has had from the start, apparently a lot of other guilds had some prejudices about eoo, although none of them could clarify their negative attitude with a single example. Not that this bothered me tho, my main reason was the immense size of eoo, I didn't even know half of its members. Oh well, I had some great times there in the past, but I'm sure I will have many to come with the new guild too :clap:


What in fucks name are you people on about?!?! EoO are sure as fuck not dead!! So shut the hell up!

We had a meeting last night and changed things about a little. Sure its hurt us when alot of peeps left, but most guilds go through this kinda thing.

We will live on and get strong again.

So please don't just say alot of shit like a complete retard and get your fucking facts right!

Roo Stercogburn

Sorry to hear about EoO's problems. However, I don't think the guild will 'die'. A massive shakeup perhaps, but not actually going down.

I think we all do the remaining members a disservice to increase the mood that must exist there at the moment by talking about the guild dying as if it is a fact, when in reality it isn't and is unlikely to be.


Originally posted by Taggart
What in fucks name are you people on about?!?! EoO are sure as fuck not dead!! So shut the hell up!

We had a meeting last night and changed things about a little. Sure its hurt us when alot of peeps left, but most guilds go through this kinda thing.

We will live on and get strong again.

So please don't just say alot of shit like a complete retard and get your fucking facts right!

You sir, are an idiot.


Originally posted by Dook_Pug

You sir, are an idiot.

No sir you are. he may not have written it in the political style that you may like but I would look at the poster and his guild before I look at someone who says the guild isnt dead.

Dont be fooled by all the expression of sorrows here. Many may be genuine Many may not be. Some people will be rubbing there hands with glee. Some won't. There are political animals here who play to there own agenda make no mistake and they probably enjoy that more than playing the game itself.

BTW Dragon Senate split ages ago. Noone liked the way it was ran and left. So why are you still in it?


Originally posted by old.Enigma

No sir you are. he may not have written it in the political style that you may like but I would look at the poster and his guild before I look at someone who says the guild isnt dead.

Dont be fooled by all the expression of sorrows here. Many may be genuine Many may not be. Some people will be rubbing there hands with glee. Some won't. There are political animals here who play to there own agenda make no mistake and they probably enjoy that more than playing the game itself.

BTW Dragon Senate split ages ago. Noone liked the way it was ran and left. So why are you still in it?

Politically correct style? I'm sorry, but I (aswell as most who post here) would rather read a post where insults and profanities were NOT handed out at a whim by '1337 d00ds' with nothing better to do than curse and flame.

He made himself look like a total prat, and you're not doing much better in defending someone like that.

TDS are not dead, we're very much alive! Where do you get your info? And what relevance did that have to anything discussed here? Sad little cheapshot.


Originally posted by Dook_Pug

Politically correct style? I'm sorry, but I (aswell as most who post here) would rather read a post where insults and profanities were NOT handed out at a whim by '1337 d00ds' with nothing better to do than curse and flame.

I'm sorry, but he made himself look like a total prat, and you're not doing much better in defending someone like that.

TDS are not dead, where do you get your info? Not too bright are you.

Now look who's handing out insults! Eye odf Odin have people playing right now. The person who isnt bright is you because you also dont like misinformation being posted about your guild and respond.

ok tell me wher e these arent flames by you.

Your an idiot
l33y d00ds
your not too bright
total prat

Dont throw stones at someone for flames and insults and respond in a similar manner. Get a brain and look at the bigger picture. This post caused the upset response. And yes I am flaming you because of it just in case your not bright enough to understand it.


Eye of Odin is not dead!!!!!!

Were just reforming ourselves!

(oh, we need new members :))


Originally posted by old.Enigma

Now look who's handing out insults! Eye odf Odin have people playing right now. The person who isnt bright is you because you also dont like misinformation being posted about your guild and respond.

ok tell me wher e these arent flames by you.

Your an idiot
l33y d00ds
your not too bright
total prat

Dont throw stones at someone for flames and insults and respond in a similar manner. Get a brain and look at the bigger picture. This post caused the upset response. And yes I am flaming you because of it just in case your not bright enough to understand it.

I never once said EoO were '1337 d00ds', I said the poster was such. I'm a former EoO member, I would never insult members whom I know to be good and honest people.

From his post I made an observation, as he had flamed many people I consider friends with absolutely no right to do so.

This post caused the upset response, but he does himself no favours by showing himself to be somewhat akin to what he called certain people (friends of mine for that matter).

And like I said, you defending someone who is so willing to flame people over a misunderstanding is dragging your reputation and your credibility down too.


Indeed we're not dead, as some have said... many, many have left us and I bear them no bad feelings. But some who I won't name have decided that if their leaving then lets take down the whole guild.

Why where we hated? Partially jealously maybe, we’re where good at what we did and the guild cloak was seen on many a battle.

I admit we needed a shake up, maybe reduction in inactive members and new policies but I guess some thought it would be easier to start a fresh, and there begun a domino effect I’m not one of these people, I believe in at least a few very large guilds are needed in a realm just to hold the albs back, splitting and fragmenting a large force reduces it’s effectiveness. But I take some blame, I should have done more but then again some of the expectations from the members where a little beyond reason and the life of a soloing level 43 thane is a tedious one.

So what was EoO sacrificed for, two small guilds mainly. One that’s looks like the new “defenders of Jon” type thing, that’s probably catering for the newer player, going to take along time to get to RvR strength. Then there's the other, that has most of our hardcore players… seems like some kind of closed club, how’s it pronounced again? l33t?

The problem with a large guild is you tend to get inner fractions, these fractions want different things but all are needed for a guild to work, what with the stealther revolt, eye of odin will be very different from now on, this will effect our realm in a negative way I’m sorry to say.

Good luck to all who left us, it’s a game after all and I hope you enjoy yourselves :)

/gu hello, anyone out there?


Originally posted by Dook_Pug

I never once said EoO were '1337 d00ds', I said the poster was such. I'm a former EoO member, I would never insult members whom I know to be good and honest people.

From his post I made an observation, as he had flamed many people I consider friends with absolutely no right to do so.

This post caused the upset response, but he does himself no favours by showing himself to be somewhat akin to what he called certain people (friends of mine for that matter).

And like I said, you defending someone who is so willing to flame people over a misunderstanding is dragging your reputation and your credibility down too.

Keep digging. So you stuck up for some friends even though they have made a mistake and upset people. I admire your loyalty :sleeping:

Now back to the bigger picture. I would suggest now hellskor knows the facts he changes the title of the thread. It doesnt help EoO rebuild itself.


Originally posted by old.Hellskor

Onslaught/Bad Omen merge ?
Doubt it tbh, the idea of BO is an Emain-Gank-Squad,
Onslaught consists of the people that used to camp the Odin's Gate MG's or went to Sauvage/Gorge for RvR.

Fyi my idea about Bad Omen is this :)
32 active ppl.
Thats the max limit it will be atm.

And i would love to se steady 2-3fgs avoid camping milegates etc.

And if fun rvr is in odin = go rvr there
Fun other place = rvr there, etc etc.
So not only "gank emain" but when i was playing the most rvr was there. i think... i start tomorrow on prydwen.. not 100% sure :) bored atm abit :p


Originally posted by old.Hellskor

Onslaught/Bad Omen merge ?
Doubt it tbh, the idea of BO is an Emain-Gank-Squad,
Onslaught consists of the people that used to camp the Odin's Gate MG's or went to Sauvage/Gorge for RvR.

Fyi my idea about Bad Omen is this :)
32 active ppl.
Thats the max limit it will be atm.

And i would love to se steady 2-3fgs avoid camping milegates etc.

And if fun rvr is in odin = go rvr there
Fun other place = rvr there, etc etc.
So not only "gank emain" but when i was playing the most rvr was there. i think... i start tomorrow on prydwen.. not 100% sure :) bored atm abit :p

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