I love stabbing people with the arm on this game and chucking them over cliffs and stuff on the final battle.
Bleh, that is a waste of good hearts that your tentacles could have eaten!![]()
In one way this game kinda reminds me of The Crow normal guy who's GF gets blown away gets superpowers and goes out for revenge.
My kinda game.
This game totally rocks and imo the best shooter i have played (yes better then GOW).
Took me over 15 hours on my first play through that was doing all the side quests and collecting as much as i could and just exploring the world.
Sounds to me like you ploughed through the main story and said 'i beat the game'
Which is ok because today i ran through it a second time and completed it in around 9 hours because i still had some things i didn't do first time round.
I have seen lots of posts on forums saying its a short game and people finished it in 7 hours straight i think these people haven't even bothered their fat lazy arses to explore the game and find the hidden items.
These games last as long as you want them to last if you wanna blaze through it and finish it the day you get it then i pity.
Nfi why but this is failing to draw me in.
Problem is i want it too, it plays awesome and the stories fun but i just dont feel compelled to play. Will try again at the weekend.
Wasnt helped by something instaganking me with a save a ton of devour/collectables back :<.
Anyway awesome game just my mehness atm is owning my love of it.
You can complete this in a day or two (damn good game that it is though), so if you aren't fussed about MP I would get this, complete it and trade it for Overlord which is what I did.
PS3 version looks shit compared to 360 and aiming isn't as sharp. Same goes with pretty much every game atm though - even the 360 launch games looks way better than current PS3 games :Ssame as above, cept most places have the 360 ver @ £34.99 and shopto has ps3 ver @ 29.99 any one know wot the differance is between the two versions?
PS3 version looks shit compared to 360 and aiming isn't as sharp. Same goes with pretty much every game atm though - even the 360 launch games looks way better than current PS3 games :S
Tested it by myself with demos of various games. If someone has The Darkness for PS3 I would really like to see pictures - demo looks like shit.Whoah where did you get that impression from? The PS3/360 version are pretty much the same, PS3 has deeper colours but 360 is a bit sharper.
Video Comparison.
He got that impression from being a fanboy fucktard no doubt. Resistance UGLY? lol. This kid is desperate.
RightHe got that impression from being a fanboy fucktard no doubt. Resistance UGLY? lol. This kid is desperate.
Good to know! I'll take a picture later tonight of demo - are you able to take one too so we can compare? I'll take one first because of limited levels in demo so we can take it from the same place? I'm really curious to see have they been able to improve the graphics as much as you claim they have.ST^ said:btw, the final game is way different to the demo.
Tested it by myself with demos of various games. If someone has The Darkness for PS3 I would really like to see pictures - demo looks like shit.
Fairly sure its not because of demo since Resistance has exactly the same problems/faults in graphics - I even dare to say that Resistance is ugly and same goes for The Darkness :S
I'm not the only one who thinks Resistance looks like shit btw, all my friends have came up with same impression after we have compared it to 360 games - it looks ok'ish if you dont have better stuff to compare it with.
Never compared The Darkness and Resistance controls - I compared 360 and PS3 controls in general with the current games.I did not like the controls of the darkness but you have never played Resistance if you think they are the same. Resistance conrols are alot smoother and the game is relly easy to play one of the things my mates with 360s liked about it as well as good smooth graphics.
Since you said...soze said:What game you comparing it to is it a release game or GOW?
... why would it matter? Anyway, I said...soze said:You are in a dream world that would be like saying GOW has shit graphics.
...Saggy said:Resistance is indeed ugly as hell compared to 360 titles such as GRAW/CoD3 not to mention GeoW :S
This is going too much OT
well got the 360 version, pld up until the orphanage blowing up.
it preety much reminds me of Kingpin a to b killing peeps, yep heart munching is fun for bit but does this get better? gfx are nice but at why does the long haire d f00 have to pose and talk to every now and again gets bleeding anoying