The Chosen returns


Brannor McThife

Greetings to you infants.

I have returned in this time of trouble, to bring peace once more to your hearts and to comfort the mourning.

We stand now at a crossroads. We could all go our seperate ways and lose what has drawn us all together, that which has made us a community. I am not your leader, for we have none. We all have a say where we go; each has a small role to play.

I have walked among you since the early days. I have watched many of you grow from nothingness into greatness. I was there to lead the army of Midgard when we strode to make peace with the other Children of Peace. We were betrayed then, as many feel we are now.

But, I come to offer you hope. Hope that this is only the beginning. Not the end. A chapter in our lives has come to a close, let it not be our epilogue.

What message do I bring? Not one of peace. Not one of war. But one to strengthen you, in this time of despair. Read on, and see hope.

The Chosen of Midgard,

Well, guys, there you have it. Yeah, some of you figured it out all by yourselves. ;)

First things quote of the year...I am not GOA, I don't work for them, I don't even like them RightNow. :p

Now, I've put days of my life into these forums, and have received nothing but flames (and yes, some thanks) from a lot of people. I have stayed up late into the night to do CC when things were going bad. I didn't have to. But this MY community. And I'll be damned if it falls apart.

So, what do we do? Well, Kemor/Zargar are the simply the messengers here. They've had their hands tied for a long time. Kemor is a great guy, and has YOUR interests as his priority. He wants this to work for YOU, not for him, sure, it's his job, but it's his passion too. The people that chose to close the forums pobably never read the forums. Well, maybe once in a while to see how many flames there are. Kemor isn't the boss, and when things go wrong, he could often be the last in the line to hear. Hopefully, with the way the homepage is going, that'll all change.

What about me? What will I do? Well, I've given it some thought. These (DAoC) forums will probably be closed VERY soon, and I need to find a new home. Some of you may have noticed already that I've moved to Barrysworld. Now, before you go screaming bloody murder, yes, they're primarily a NON-rpg forum. But, they're offering us a home. And I would really, REALLY like to keep us all together. They have a somewhat decent structure, and they allow flames of GOA, etc. to a certain degree.

So, I, Brannor, appeal to you all to go there, that we may continue our community, albeit nomadic.

What else? Well, yes, I was Jorem, I poured a lot of time into him as well, and he got deleted. Just like these forums. I make you this promise, that I will do my utmost to make any future event I'm involved in better than the EoB event. We learnt a lot from that, and the team is eager to get started. I can't tell you when, because I don't know. But trust me, not a week has gone by, or will go by, in which I don't bug Kemor/Zargar about them. Oh, and my apologies to the Hibbies and Albies which I "slaughtered" in the EoB, that was rude of me. :(

So, my friends, my enemies, I ask of you to help me recreate OUR community. I cannot do it alone. I need your help.

That pretty much covers it.

I'll post this on a few forums around the Net. I hope you'll join me at my new home.


And so my children, we go forth once more apon the fields of war. Stay with me, for we are strong if we are many.


/me pulls all the chairs up round the campfire and bursts into a lively rendition of "hibbies gonna die".

Welcome aboard Brannor, I hope you and all who follow will find the forums to your liking.

old.Trine Aquavit

Arrgghhh, Brannor's coming here - I knew I should have gone to IGN ;)

I thought you might have been sulking at the thought of those 1000+ posts being consigned to history.

How long before you get your first flame here, though?



Thanks for that Brannor, nice touch putting it on guild forums aswell - made me sit up.

Well people, I think its time to get this show on the road!


Brannor's here!
I knew this was the right place to come:clap:

I'm looking forward to a community, hopefully without much of the whining from the DAoC forums. After all, here ppl cannot assume GOA is reading their angry words. So maybe they won't post them;)

And Trine - I really like your sig:D


This place might get to be our new home after all, now Brannor is here.......

Remember Harrold, Brannor?

It's me! ;)


Damn dude... that was a nice post. Made me think about the whole situatio all over again.
IMHO it doesn't matter if these forums are primarily FPS or whatever, we have our own little section to create a community in.
We can do it!


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Greetings to you infants.

I have returned in this time of trouble, to bring peace once more to your hearts and to comfort the mourning.

We stand now at a crossroads. We could all go our seperate ways and lose what has drawn us all together, that which has made us a community. I am not your leader, for we have none. We all have a say where we go; each has a small role to play.

(and on and on :))

/me gets deja vu
Hey, thesame post as on the dead forum, makes me feel at home


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
And so my children, we go forth once more apon the fields of war. Stay with me, for we are strong if we are many.

Damn nice words Brannor... There still may be hope for the Euro community :)

Brannor McThife

No. Not a mod. Don't think there is any need. ;) Right? RIGHT?

Anyway, I'll try visit here as much as I am able, and have sent out search parties to find the monkhays. (I accidently let them out when I heard the forums were going down). If you see one, just give it your banana, it's been trained in 300 ways of /prodding and believe me. The banana's not worth it.

I am glad to see a bunch of you here already.

Let's rumble!



Hope atleast 80% of the peopel at the official forums make it here :D


Last time I followed the chosen one, chaos erupted and most of my fellow mids were slaughtered...

**whacks Brannor with a stick**

I want a lvl 75 healer too!


Brannor McThife

Hmm...well, yes Quemine. It was indeed fun. Although it was tiresome to be spammed a lot at the beginning by people using inappropriate language, etc. The experience was a tough, yet rewarding one. Seeing people I knew's reaction to Jorem tracking them down in the far out places. Playing an PCC is hard work, make no mistake. There are times when you can get swamped by people, and need to get away.

All I can ask of you is that when the events start, that you not spam people that are playing PCC's with stupid things like:

"Are you Kemor?"
"Are you a real person?"
"Give me money plz!"
"Are you an NPC?"
"Kiss me!"
"Why won't you kiss me?"
"Am I not pretty?"
"What armour are you wearing?"
"Can I have your armour?"

I will always stay in character, but also have the option to simply /ignore

Remember, that a lot of the PCC's are volunteers, like us ex-mods, that give up their free time to make the game more interesting for YOU. So give them a break. ;)

And no. You'll never know it's me. ;) Not till much later... :cool: Because there are people out there that RP better than me. Yeah yeah, hard to believe, but it's true I tells ya! :p



hehe... it's you posting that on the official forums that made me some and have a look-see at this strange place :)


I think that was the idea Trog, so at least we know Brannor aint lost his touch, only his post count:)



The dwarf lands on his arse in the forums...
Grumble, mumble, heaved up and heaved out gits.. Ooohh it's green here :)

Where's a hibbie, all this green makes me want to hit something :)

Nice move Brannor.... Only one question really, if you is not a mod now, whats to stop you from flaming full throttle??

Oh and as a stalwart middie... what you apologiesing to hibs/albs for :D

Oh, and my apologies to the Hibbies and Albies which I "slaughtered" in the EoB, that was rude of me.

Nautral insticts dear fello nautral instincts :)
If it's grey to you, show it ot me I'm lowere lvl than you
j/k :clap:

Right of to puruse again..


Good to see you all....

Dare I ask if shadowwarrior made it?

old.Trine Aquavit


Shadowwarrior is the chosen one!


Yeh, I don't think we really need extra mods here. Since this isn't a GOA forum people can't really complain about their mistakes here.
Brannor was always a person who kept the boards "interesting" at the least ;)


Brannor you goa loving cunt, fuck off.

Gets that out of the road.

Flambé, BW styleé ;)

J/K Bran, welcome :D


can we have a Goa flame forum just for people to go post and flame the hell outof goa when they fugg up ? "which they do regular" :cool:


Originally posted by Sar
Brannor you goa loving cunt, fuck off.

Gets that out of the road.

Flambé, BW styleé ;)

J/K Bran, welcome :D
I begin to wonder what are the basis of getting warning PMs and edited posts on these forums ;)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Sar
Brannor you goa loving cunt, fuck off.

Gets that out of the road.

Flambé, BW styleé ;)

J/K Bran, welcome :D

When I read something like that. Whether it be a "joke" or not. Posted by a moderator...starts to make me wonder if this was a good choice... :(

I don't appreciate being sworn at, whether it's a joke to you or not.


old.Max Payne

Saw Kemor today, lvl 100 shaman.. me wants buffs!


> spam people that are playing PCC's

Lets make a deal here. We won't spam you guys with drivel. You make them events NOT about some dubious "message of peace" next time. Let the next PCC that appears to our people not be a healer but a mighty berserker with a two-handed axe! Eh? ;)

Ottar, Skald



'report this post to a moderator'

... what if it was from a moderator?

Nice to fall out with a mod on your first day isn't it?



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