The Campaign - do you really give a toss?



The single events that have been done before seam to have drawn more attention.

Remember the chap in Ludlow summoning Mid mobs to bash in a duel... I missed out there but heard it was great fun.

Theres only so much interaction you can do with static NPC's maybe GOA should partake in the game more and control a fully interactive NPC? But then who wants to work outside office hours to entertain the players when we get home from a hard days work ourselves :)


the problem with that idea, as with all other non GM quests (and with GM quests I mean the quests handed out by GOA now and then) is that it'll be on a site in no time, defying the whole "quest" part, as all you have to do for it is go to or something similar


The events are too drawn out... this strangers thing...I've lost interest, and have given up on the news page... who writes/translates that gibberish?

Didn't Kemor say that the Events news would be separated from the real server news page... thats a good thing.

Dueling events are too over attended for everyone to participate in them.

I think GOA should review their events policy, and sort out that events news writer (reduce his medication :D )

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by -Nxs-
But then who wants to work outside office hours to entertain the players when we get home from a hard days work ourselves :)

Kemor. (and probably Zargar) And those volunteers they choose to assist them with events. Speaking from personally playing NPCs. Most of the fun is in finding the gems of players out there. The ones that will do whatever you ask of them. Those that come up with alternate endings of their own. Those that blow your socks off with their utter RP (NOT thee/thou, but, e.g. playing a Knebiter kobold. ;) )

Events take planning, and sometimes require scripting. I like some of Revz's ideas about skills playing a role. I know that the troll in Huginfell speaks to trolls (language) - only because I was looking to see if I could find a recharger. I think that what needs to happen, is GOA to have some of this illusive event team, work nights. Having Kemor spend his days sorting through complaints, bugs, etc. And then stay on at night till 11/12pm, is not really fair on him, but that appears the only way we get short-term events.

Oneday, I'm going to log in, find that half the realm is dead, and every city is overrun by evil, every merchant missing. And when I ask why? I'll get a reply from GOA saying "but we told you last year!"... :m00:



Originally posted by Brannor McThife

One day, I'm going to log in, find that half the realm is dead, and every city is overrun by evil, every merchant missing.-G

Brilliant idea Glauthrong !

Let the dark forces of evil descend upon our realms and take them all over at once !

All players binding points should be reset by GOA to the capital city of each realm, which would be the last stronghold.

As we would log back in the game only to be slaughtered by evil mobs, we would then release in our capital and have to get organised for the retaking of the realm from there.

The mobs would keep spawning everywhere, weaker mobs close to Jordheim and strong ones in the far ends of the realm. The lower level players could then defend the towns against the mobs while higher level would group up and go in search of the master-evil-mob whose death would result in the liberation of the realm.

Much xp would be gained by all as well as an excellent time.

Details could, I'm sure, be easily sorted, such as merchants re-spawning when a town is liberated (no more mobs within the circle of houses). That would make some towns harder to keep free than others (in Midgard, Fort Atla would be easy to defend but Fort Veldon not as much).

When not enough players are there to defend the town, they would be retaken by the mobs and raiding parties would have to be organised to re-conquer it, as well as some watch duty.

Etc etc....

Brannor McThife

Heh. Trig. I was being sarcastic...about the length of the epic campaign and the way hardly anyone knows what's really going on... ;)

But yeah, I think somebody proposed something similar to fact... we went through a phase of spewing out tons of ideas...


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