The blow traspased the magical barrier



Imo, Bladeturn should have a chance of deflecting the PA, much in the same way that they can be parried by tanks, i mean, it's a spell that's always up (giving that you recast it of course :p). Maybe a 2% chance to deflect it would be fair-ish, since opening from stealth moves really are assassins saving grace, their paper armour sucks (casters have wet paper :p). But oneshotting is just silly, who cares if they're assassins, it's a power thing, any single person who tells me it isn't is lying ;) Many times i sit in irc and someone says "lol, i just oneshotted this caster..."

Assassin thing aside, irl assassins should oneshot, else they're a bit shit at the job, but this is a game with Elves and blue midgets and magic, saying it should be realistic is quite funny, and having one class without an inherant predator where all the others do, is also a bit squeewiff, but hey, i don't make the game ;)

disclaimer: I play Magic classes almost exclusively, so the above is absolutely and completely biased, bite me :m00: :clap:


1: BT is meant to block physical attacks, yes. but as noted, they cannot save your bum, if run over by a truck. ie. the massive force of a PA attack, will penetrate it.

2: In all my 50 levels of PAing in RvR and PvE, ive NEVER had a stab parried/blocked. im not sure where you get that from Galatea, but from my experience, it aint true.

3: Casters would own everything, if BT stopped PA. its a game balance.

in my view, the BT is designed, with the purpose of stopping attacks that you are AWARE of, ie, any attack you know can come. Archers shooting you, is the exception, which, by my best reasoning, has been added, because archers would be too good otherwise. and as far as i know, BT only has a certain chance of stopping arrows?

anyways, all those who has no clue about how devastating it is for an assassin to miss the PA, should eiher roll one to Thidranki or borrow a friends assassin for a night.
if you miss, you die. same way a tank will most surely die, if he miss his alpha strike or slam on another tank, and a caster missing his stun etc etc.

it adds to game flavour. it adds to variety. everyone is meant to have an archnemisis. i just happen to be yours.
why would they have stealth if they gonna sit imbetween 2 gates?

to PA the mages? :p


in my view, the BT is designed, with the purpose of stopping attacks that you are AWARE of, ie, any attack you know can come. Archers shooting you, is the exception, which, by my best reasoning, has been added, because archers would be too good otherwise. and as far as i know, BT only has a certain chance of stopping arrows?
Yep, its a certain chance, about 99% on equal level target. This is only an estimate, but its extremely rare to penetrate BT as an archer. But I agree, we would be too good if we penetraded it all the time. But a reasonable chance of about 20% would be a bit more balanced. IMHO.


Hey here's a suggestion!

Every time you auto-attack, cast, PA, shoot, sick your pet or whatever at another player this happens:

A dialog box between you and your victim is immediatly opened. Here you have a timer counting down from 10 to 1 and the choice between three things; a rock, a bit of paper and a pair of scissors. When the timer is at zero the choice of each player will be pitted against eachother! There can be only one!

Rock, scissor & paper mmorpg yeeeeaaaah ~;D


PA will always pentrate BT and is not able to be blocked parried or evaded. The only way to not get hit is if the assassin fails PA (and you have bt or block/parry/evade) or if they miss.

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