The blow traspased the magical barrier



The blow traspased the magical barrier.
You are bleeding.
You are poisoned.
<macro /face>
You can't change your position when paralized.
You can't cast when paralized
Your are dead
Zilly, Oxota, Korv or another coward just easy farm Rps killing you.

¿Why BT have not chance against stealthers?
They have all, stealth, poison, really high damage critical, paralize.
Mages, the classes with less HP, can't sit to rest cos stealther make double damage to sitted. BT don't protect, allways fails.

Think assassins class must been hardly nerfed or even removed. yes REMOVED. They are the coward players, the easy RPs farmers and game sucks for mages with lots of stealthers easy killing them.


Originally posted by cabreado
Think assassins class must been hardly nerfed or even removed. yes REMOVED. They are the coward players, the easy RPs farmers and game sucks for mages with lots of stealthers easy killing them.

rofl. :clap:



dont worry about it mate, there nerf is coming mwahahahah hahah


Yes they're awful aren't they.
Can't sit down, can't stop runnin.
But think of it from their point of view, that 1 strike is all they've got, and to do it they show themselves, very few make it out of a group alive.
Yes they can kill my Enchanter with 1 strike, but without stealth, I would pick them off like flies.
Also without the fear of assasins I and other casters could just stand there pluggin away rollin in rp's, we would need nerfing then.


"If you can't stand the Miami Vice get out of the TV"

That's what my uncle used to say..actually none of them weren't that loony but would've been cool.

Anyway the point is, Shut up.

I hate tanks 'cause they hit so hard! Boohohoo...

I hate mages 'cause they hit from so far! Boohoohoo....

I hate monkeys 'cause they aren't in this game..well that i can understand.

But you get it!...or probably don't but...oh f it...


Personally i think no one should be able to 1hit kill another, especially through a BT!


they have to get on top of you and directly in front of you. If you can't learn how to make assassins miss their perf, then shut the fuck up and stay in your home realm.
End of story.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
they have to get on top of you and directly in front of you. If you can't learn how to make assassins miss their perf, then shut the fuck up and stay in your home realm.
End of story.



Originally posted by cabreado
Think assassins class must been hardly nerfed or even removed. yes REMOVED. They are the coward players, the easy RPs farmers and game sucks for mages with lots of stealthers easy killing them.


Originally posted by old.Thotori

Anyway the point is, Shut up.

Spot on mate :)


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
because casters have to die too (sometimes)

tee hee...seems like evry other death used to be by blood/bloodied, azal, melgar, hoster and svartulf. Now im dead before you can get to me:)

::btw not a whinge, its their job::

Think i have killed Azal, melgar and svartulf at least once but not blood/bloodied or day:)


How can you MAKE them miss their perf when you are sitting to regen????!!!

Also you shouldnt HAVE to make them miss their perf with BT, it should protect you.

Leave the guy alone, he is right, 1 hit kills shouldnt be in the game, end of story.

Originally posted by old.LandShark
they have to get on top of you and directly in front of you. If you can't learn how to make assassins miss their perf, then shut the fuck up and stay in your home realm.
End of story.
Everyone has to be so goddamn insulting to people all the time??! fgs its a game, and if I dont know how to stop a assasin perfing me, so what? I damn well WONT stay in my home realm.

Sheesh, lighten up!

NERF ASSASINS!! Heck, Nerf everyone! :D


How can you MAKE them miss their perf when you are sitting to regen????!!!

When you sit down in RvR, you know you are taking a big risk. And without a skald/bard/minstrel, sitting down is the fastest way to regen yes but not the only way. And yes, you get killed easily by stealthers or archers but what do you expect ?? Stealthers attacking tanks only ? Having only tanks charge you while you nuke em to death ? You my dear sir are a caster and thus a primary target for the many stealthers just as tanks are a nice rp target for, well, all the rest :p

Have a tank guard you, move around occasionally, cast or have someone cast pbaoe, ... anything that could help you detect the stealthers.

As for pbt, the same happens in PvE with high damage or strong attacks. They penetrate the bubble so why shouldn't it be in RvR. When you have max or almost max CS ... you expect it to work I think just as I expect e.g. heal chant to pull agro if needed.


Put True Sight on a 5 min timer .. problem solved, archers are happy again and Assasins cant solo on their own.


At least your reply was well put and not offensive, which was my main point.

The way I see it, the BT for mages was put in to protect them from 1 shot attacks. For example, my lvl 27 Mentalist (now deleted) was running back from Irewoods in the frontier (dont go rvr very often, cant remem if it ligen or cain) and was shot by archer, with what I would imagine was a Critical Shot. The BT protected me and I was able to get back into hib safely.

This surely is what its designed for, and against an enemy in the frontier, not a mob (pve and pvp should not work exactly the same cos human players are more intelligent than mobs), it should offer even a small chance to protect you from even crit hits from players your level or lower.


I don't think that you have an idea on how annoying BT can be, but hell you're a caster and all your nukes go throught other people's BT's anyhow.

Afaik only "from stealth" moves such as bs and pa penetrate bubbles and it has a reason. Imagine you running around bt'ed, assasin makes a perfectly good PA on you, misses it due to your bubble so you go /face /qc root-stun-mezz whatever, take some range and nuke the fuckers to hell and back again.

Wouldn't that be a tad too overpowered?

ps : what did the assasin con to you? if you're like lvl 35 and he was 50 .....


dear o dear, you can't please people unless they can kill everything, all the time!
A stealther caught out of stealth and within range of anybody is more often than not DEAD. Do you think we might be allowed just ONE advantage? Maybe the STEALTHED ASSASSIN advantage that our class was invented for? :rolleyes:


A stealther caught out of stealth and within range of anybody is more often than not DEAD. Do you think we might be allowed just ONE advantage?

So true. I often explore the frontiers searching for mobs or just nice locations, also feeding rp's to the mids and hibs of course :)

A good archer/assassin can floor me with a crit shot and some good hits after that but ... only from stealth

... imagine a tank sitting and resting, gets shot ... another shot before he/she can spot e.g. the small luri ... and a third one before the charge reaches the attacker ... even at 25% health left a tank can do serious damage to a studded/leather wearing stealther, even higher con ones.

I got an orange con down to 20% once in that time span which is really painfull for them too you know. All they really have is a crit stealth attack and all a lot of peeps do is complain about that. Just not fair. Would be the same as for me to go screaming to reduce your nuking/bolt range with 50% :) because I can't reach casters. Everyone has his special thing / weakness and it's a matter of working together in a group to use all abilities in such a way you can defeat the strengths of the others.


It's true if the assasin doesn't kill me first strike it's over, 9 times out of ten I can stun-nuke -dead and if he just runs then my little pet hunts him down.

What is annoying is running buffed up to the hilt in speed and getting one shot killed, how do they do that?


Assasins got a harder life than many thought, actually an archer in grp can do pretty much more than an assasin, remember assasin = 1v1 and 0 range and front 30 degree arc, and 10 sec after that useless to be able to stealth and strike again in a SLOW spd.

And yes I´ve played casters, actually they r MUCH faster/easier killing ppl than assasins, assasins survive longer (if they want), that´s the deal.


Originally posted by old.job

What is annoying is running buffed up to the hilt in speed and getting one shot killed, how do they do that?

AF shield probably ran out, and if yer running in a straight line it's probably quite easy to PA :)


the sb i use is 48 + 12 CS.

i 99% land a CS move on any class BUT a caster.

i do miss a PA or a garrote on a caster, not because its gimped im sure :p

if you would of got ure facts right, ya gather abit of info, look at ppls reaction, on say vn boards about, you would remove most if not all ure pathetic whine.

theres more and more assassins hitting high levels(45+, enough to own ure ass) every week, just live with it, or if ure smart, as one of the posts above states, DONT sit on ure own, get someone to guard you, get a caster to use the lowest pbaoe on top of you.

there are ways of surviving you know, you obviously not found em :clap:

cant take dying:confused: :D

dont play.


there is all kinds of ways to not get fucked by a stealther when your sat down, sit in the middle mile gates is the first way, unless the stealther is stood in there, but i doubt they will because why would they have stealth if they gonna sit imbetween 2 gates?

Uncle Sick(tm)

Well... he has a point.


Now take a close look at the word... now say it.
Blllaaadeturn. Not magicturn... or spellbarrier, spellward... etc.etc.

It protects the caster from a physical attack. What is PA? Yes, young ones... a physical attack. So there is his point and it's a valid one.

Removing stealthers is a bit lala, though. Someone slipped some acid into your paella, Cabreado?


lets face it, assassins are meant to one shot people, espically casters, if bt did indeed absorb an assassin PA how often would they actually kill you? practically every class who has bt has some form of mez/stun/root. All you you need to do it /face, qc CC, and nuke away.

You also don't mention if you are alone or grouped, if grouped in RvR and I need to rest I tend to sit in other people (trolls are the best ;) ) to remain hidden. If you were a solo caster running around a frontier then quite frankly, you deserve to die.


If blade turn stopped pa then assasins would have a very bad time, it would be near impossible to attack any mage above lvl 19 and any group running pbt.

If your a caster you just have to keep moving, keep in a group, and never sit in RvR (unless your ress sick). Remember to keep turning even if you stand still.
A group works the best out of the above.

After the patch that assasins always destealth in attacks I noticed a big drop in assasins trying to get me, even before the patch I managed to kill assasins suprisingly easy. Once they are visible they die very easily.

old.Trine Aquavit

Just a quick tip for avoiding being PA'd: use a /face macro on your quickbar then just target stuff and hit /face, changing targets every few seconds. It's particularly good in a group as you can just target the other group members. Not only will you be moving on the spot, but you'll be moving unpredictably.

It can make you dizzy, though :)

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