The birth of a new Albion



Najwa, if you dislike the discussion, then dont take part in it, else contribute with something more constructive than "all you do is talk" ..

Well, like pebr saids 1) talk, then agreement, and then we do something about it, these forums are a excellent place to begin these discussions, to get peoples opinions, so to speak, if it turns out alot is interrested, then the "project" can begin, one for all, and all for one.

Nothing would please me more, than seeing a larger part of Albion working together as one big army/nation/team, and why not? first of all, we would not be the underdogs except when we are zerg:p - and the game would be ten times funnier, because when we log on, we have a plan, we have organisation, and best of all, we would have commitment.


About the discussion on having a King, we should rather have a Council, 1 man (the King) couldn't handle all the duties alone, instead there should be a council, dunno how many, maybe 3-4 from each guild? (guildmaster, overseer and 2 officers) - yes it would be a big council, but we would get things discussed, and everything wouldn't be on the shoulders of 1 person, or 5-10 persons, its not easy to organise things in daoc, raids, keep raids etc. takes time, you have to plan them :) or at least have a trained bunch of "warriors".

"No entrance to the Round Table, the Council of Albion is having their weekly meeting"

But yes, it would require commitment, and a good part of organisation, but I really believe, that alot of albions guilds would join in this matter, and we could establish a large alliance, that would work great, and eventually when things is near perfect (everything is hard in the beginning, but practice makes perfect) everyone would open their eyes to the "project" and hopefully come to their senses, and join in.

:sleeping: mm .. or that only stuff we could "dream" about?


Tera - I have many comments to make ... please let me begin here by saying I applaude you, unreservedly, for the effort you are making. Please remember that fact. :)



My candidates would be the following: Mattshanes, Jadow, hinako, krillin, wild and bartar. These people are well repected and nice peeps, without ego's and are well organised and are good in rvr. If there was any leadership thing for anything then these people would have to be in line for such a position.


If anyone should be appointed, it should be due to a vote.


No what should be done is every lv50 should be aware of anything effecting the realm they should all be contacted and attend immediately.Btw thx taggart u r a good player and cool guy too.



There are alot of points raised here which are very valid... the obvious thing is many people do not agree immediately on how this should work, and that is not suprising at all.

The 'one massive alliance' idea was discussed alot within the Unity of Albion alliance and finally rejected for a number of reasons which I am not going to present here. What is very true is the fact that Unity alliance are already cooperating very well with the Eternal Circle Alliance and also with the Templars and Griffon Knights combination (please forgive me, Tanya, Aethelstan and Gondo, I cannot recall at this late hour your alliance title).

A starting point is to find out more about other guilds and alliances and I'd always encourage GMs to come and visit Unity alliance here:

Pop in and say hi, we're open 24/7 and are not a nasty bunch.



P.S. Myshra - love the cheesy comment :p


Mysh, i remember taxes quite well

10g from 30+ and 30g from 40+ each week i think it was. Morden was collecting from people every so often for it. I remember this because i wasn't over 30 and laughed at the poor people who had to pay..There was even a thread in itself on what guilds had paid and what hadn't, Was it Vae keeping the record?

There were long winded arguments on why people 30+ shouldn't/couldn't go on keep raids (this was while Midgard powered to 50 and basically wiped the floor with everyone) Which, from what i remember, was some of the reason why OotKT left, don't get me wrong (can i stress this is from memory enough?) there were probably other reasons, that just happens to be one i remember.

And it was all in the past too by the way, i have no idea how the unity is run now since it's been a while that i was in it. So these are things past, what the alliance has evolved into now i couldn't say...

edit: In fact, i think the tax was abolished by the time i crossed 30, since i don't remember paying a copper piece to the fund :m00:


Uniting Albion is a great idea but it can be done without one big alliance. No offence to teh many older and more experienced players/guilds but some people want to have fun too (not that you dont) so tehy are never going to join one big alliance.

I think albion can cooperate without one big alliance too much administration always spoils things anyway and in my opinion teh last few weeks people have pulled together a bit better instead of flaming sotl etc.

I think everyone wants different thigns from the game so cooperation not alliance should be the way forward.

Lots of great ideas and valid points.

What id like to see is maybe some sort of organised way of keeping keeps for DF cause atm its just a few people and guilds doing all the work. The rest want to stay in DF.


Well scunner i agree i am happy with our guild allying with yours we are underated and very very strong:rolleyes: .
I want us to stay that way since our 2 guilds get on so well,not form one big alliance because we could kick ass the way we are in the next month or two.
I am sure some griffon knights and templars would love to keep their alliance the way it is,ppl like having fun and dont want it to be controlled or it spoiled by others.
Thing i noticed is when someone leads a relic raid about 50% of high lvs go and the rest dont i wish more ppl would try and go for it then watch a blue bar move like paint dry.

In my opinion though every time a relic raid is on,keep taking or whatever all lv50s should attend and make groups themselves as an all 50s group then kick some serious ass since i saw 85 lv50s on a few days ago:eek6:


Originally posted by Jupitus

(please forgive me, Tanya, Aethelstan and Gondo, I cannot recall at this late hour your alliance title).

That would be Knights of Albion


Originally posted by old.Kram
Najwa, if you dislike the discussion, then dont take part in it, else contribute with something more constructive than "all you do is talk" ..
Nothing much to add there, well said.

Originally posted by old.Kram
...we should rather have a Council, 1 man (the King) couldn't handle all the duties alone, instead there should be a council, dunno how many, maybe 3-4 from each guild? (guildmaster, overseer and 2 officers) - ...
The problem I have seen during a number of raids is exactly the number of people involved in the Descisionmaking process, hence making it longer than nessecary.
A Council to aid the King, yes, but as I said a few posts up, the Kings word is Law and the Council cannot overrule it.
That way if a question risk getting debated too long, the King does as he see fit and make a descision.
Some might not like it, but at least we got a descision made.

Originally posted by old.Kram
"No entrance to the Round Table, the Council of Albion is having their weekly meeting"
How I would love to see that line spoken and actually see people respect it too :)

Originally posted by old.Kram
But yes, it would require commitment, and a good part of organisation, but I really believe, that alot of albions guilds would join in this matter, and we could establish a large alliance, that would work great, and eventually when things is near perfect (everything is hard in the beginning, but practice makes perfect) everyone would open their eyes to the "project" and hopefully come to their senses, and join in.
Blood, sweat and tears.
Afterwards we reap what we have sown and enjoy the benfits of it.
As you said, it will be _pure hell_ in the start, but there is no other place to start than at the beggining.


i think its a good idea but we need to learn to work together as a realm at the mo, i know that theres alot of people who dislike SOTL and SOTL seem to do things on their own. (please dont flame or ill beat your arses).


The Grey Wolf Pups should lead us into victory

Or maybe we should become farmers and just have mass orgies every day


Originally posted by Ozwaldo
The Grey Wolf Pups should lead us into victory

Or maybe we should become farmers and just have mass orgies every day

You have met the ingame wife.... what you want to trade for her??

- Pathfinder -

The tax idea wasn't actually that bad - it was a way to get money for Realm Defense/Offence, basically. Obviously it'd never work, humanity being what it is, but it was an idea.

Seeing how many people run around with several platinum while some of us have to scrape to pay con due to repairs/TS promotion, I do shake my head in disgust.


I do like your idea Tera, however I have noticed that you are not on usually during the very late hours when our enemies attempt to attack us. That said, The Dragon Senate and our alliance Eternal Circle always answer any call to arms when the threat is presented. If this is truly something you are interested in, please don't hesitate to message me, Choppy, What, or Matthias in game. We do have RVR reps/ministers but we also encourage our guildmates to take the initiative to lead us into battle when there is a need.

As far as the one big alliance or king idea... I don't like it and I will explain why.

Our realm is made up of so many different guilds, each with their own personality. Some small, some large...some very present in RVR, while others are just learning how to participate. Keeping this in mind, each alliance (3 as i recall right now) also has its own personality. There is the Knights of Albion, which promotes rp. There is Unity, which includes the larger guilds and is much more strict about the way they run things. And there is our alliance which is becoming a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. We allow anyone to chat on /as and yes we do allow for "looking for group" sort of chat...when (and only when) there is not a situation that needs to be reported. While many of you may think that this is a bit lax, we do enjoy the more relaxed environment and it is balanced well with our alliance mates being more willing to come when asked instead of perceiving it as being ordered to do so. Our call to arms is never ignored by the guilds who have people available and we have assembled great armies in a moment's notice.

So why not the king idea? Its like someone else said...who would be "king" ? Would there be elections? Would their successor be voted in or naturally come from the same guild? I think you see where I am going with this. I am sorry but giving one guild or one person ultimate control of Albion is not something I am comfortable with.

So since we are throwing ideas up against the wall to see what sticks... how about this one?

Its a lot like Tera's idea, but its not just one person. Rather, a council of ambassadors. One or two representatives from each guild meet weekly or what have you to discuss plans and strategies for our realm. This would take a lot of dedication AND sharing of ideas. They would be the contact persons for each guild in case of emergencies, as well as maybe a back up person (like say someone who is known to play at odd hours when everyone else is asleep) as a point of contact also.

I have pointed this out before, but will say it again for those who do not know. Doghod and Casbardh are our rvr ministers. Also we have Fightersuntzu who is our master siegeweapons man and is a yank like me (yes we both live in the US) so he and I are often on when the rest of Albion sleeps.

/em finishes giving her 2 cents. :)



You need 3 Alliances and 3 leaders that can arrange events. That way its not all down to 1 person to provide. Whoevers leading everyone must follow..... Personally I feel Pyro to be the best Raid organiser ive ever followed (from Unity), and Graham leads for The Knights.... I resigned as Raid Organiser of Eternal Circle as I havent got the time for it anymore but they definatly need someone who knows what they are doing, and can make people follow them, to take on this job.... They have the biggest alliance and its currently on a reform it seems, so expect to see much action from there.
But to be honest if you get your own alliance working properly you should be able to take a relic without having to call upon help.


Re: ...

Originally posted by old.ShadowBlood
...and Graham leads for The Knights....
Hehe, thanks for the compliment, but I am just a grunt, our officers lead us.

Originally posted by old.ShadowBlood
...Its a lot like Tera's idea, but its not just one person.
That was my idea, based on something I had read about a server in the US. No idea if it would work or not, but the RPer and Militaristic persona that I am quiet like the idea :)

- Pathfinder -

TBH the dictatorial system has several advantages, one of them being rapid action. A democratic system is SLOW; everyone knows and acknowledges that; one of the main problems with it :)

Of course, the fact that Albion could never agree on a "dictator" rules out that option :)

Brannor McThife

Hey! I'll stand as King. :D

Seriously though, reading all of what has been said, a king isn't quite the correct term. The United Nations includes NATO, but NATO can do its own thing as an alliance in itself. Now, the UN has a "General Secretary" who speaks for the whole, but doesn't decide on everything.

I agree on a war council, where the field commanders (NOT GM's) of the various guilds discuss tactics and proposed invasions. This does not mean that new alliances need to be created, or old ones scrapped. The primary concern is that his/her vote should only be used if a vote is a draw, and when a vote is taken, and you lose, you give your support 100%, no sulking or refusing to support the final decision. Field commanders would have to regularly discuss tactics, both ours, and the observed tactics of the enemy. Within this structure should be the Intelligence Core, basically, our stealthers or "scout units". When a raid, be it keep or relic, happens, there is a dedicated IO (Intelligence Officer) to whom all scouts report, he (or she) in turn reports to the field commander of the day. Reinforcements should be hidden, and used as the enemy breaks down the first door of a keep in defense. "Scout units" should be posted on all possible approaches to warn of approaching enemies.

The IC (Intelligence Core) should have it's own CG and rotate scouting responsibilities in the frontier. There are more than enough stealthers about that can be on active patrol for 30 minutes of their gaming day. This means, for an infiltrator, that you can leave Sauvage, for e.g., and sneak from Excalibur Castle all the way to an enemy PK going via a few keeps in that time, then suicide and carry on with your gaming. Those that have the time, can stay longer.

All of these do not require a change to the Alliance, but simply a war council to be set up. I am sure that the alliance web site that PL, SotL, et al. uses could accomodate this.

And yes, ego's are the problem. Too many people want to be the field commander so that they can tell others what to do. I take the greatest pleasure in scouting and merely making our army aware of the enemies position. There is nothing greater than finding a small enemy force hiding somewhere, and directing an Albion army to their position.


Just the thoughts of a traitor. ;)



I think it was Laird who took us on a Relic raid about 3 weeks ago and at the last minute turned it into multiple keep raids in Mid.

This to me was a great example of leadership and by all accounts we pissed the Middies off over a couple of nights as they were all camped at their Relic keep for 2 or 3 days while we bashed their high level keep doors.

This to me was a great ploy and the leaders of those raids used common sense by realising that we could not possibly take the relic but could inflict pain on the Midgard.

If this was Laird (my memory is terrible) this is the man that I feel could do an excellant job working along side the 3 main Alliances.

And for the more serious aspects of the game maybe it would be best for the main Gm leaders to be contacted which inturn contact their main guild members only, so we can strike quicker and get rid of some of the idiots who tag along


Just leave it as it is most guilds now r getting very strong,wait and c what happens.


A few weekends ago when we demolished the middies all weekend it was Laird's idea for an attack and then several different people led relic raids or keep attacks all weekend. We continually changed targets or left it for 2 hours in order to distract and confuse the middies (and even the hibbies). We captured 5 of Hibs keeps at once and also took 4 of Mids keeps although they took them back as well as capturing 3 relics and destroying the relic doors several times, every time they repaired them :)

The whole weekend of the attacks was masterminded by a command chat group including representatives from as many guilds as possible. We decided on the target for the next wave of attacks and someone was appointed (or volunteered ;) ) to lead it. It meant several people had the chance to lead attacks and involved virtually all the RvR guilds in Albion at some point. It was highly successfull and IMO is what we need to repeat.

In any defence whoever's on the scene first starts a cg of reps from as many guilds as poss - The people tend to be the same each time so they are not that hard to remember and means that decisions eminate from the command cg with ease to each guild or alliance.

I'm sure someone will comment that that weekend was mainly Unity led - We are entirely happy for other alliances/guilds to be lead though and would welcome it :) We just seem to get involved quickly in any defence or attack :)


Maybe Acuda & Ownage could double team and lead us to victory?



These events and several Relic Keep defence's all focussed around an ad-hoc Co-ordination Group in a CG.

This was the co-operation of various Albion Alliances- and it worked well as the posts suggest.

We do not need one major alliance - just a will to co-operate, appreciate and have a go together.

Some may say the end result of such co-operation is the most important matter. Personally, I think the biggest matter here IS the will to co-operate and share our guilds strengths. If people co-operate there is more chance that a good end result is guarenteed.

100 players or 250? Which one stands more chance of making an impact for Albion?

All that needs to be remebered is that as Brian says..."[we're] all individuals"! I think we do not need a large formal alliance - ad-hoc co-ordination between Alliances curently works well enough.

Further to my view of the need to co-operate, and co-operate again, people may like to view some discourses that suggest ways in which guild level/alliance level RvR can be performed.

One Guild has put them on their site for all that pass by to view -

These discourses were written not for the glory of me, my guild, nor for my alliance, BUT FOR ALBION AS A WHOLE - and merely represent ideas for thought and discussion by those who read it.

Have a read and please please remember that when victory is acheived or the bodies on the battlefield are being counted - what matters is not how many from what guild/alliance there are...but the fact they are there together defending ALBIONS HONOUR!


Failing the above we could always do a /who Arthur and appoint him?


I know it goes against the grain of these boards to be a tad optimistic, but actually I don't see disaster out there. Albion has the largest player base, and is catching up with Midgard on lvl 50s (although still 40 or so behind). This is reflected in the shifting balance of power on the server. Albion armies take keeps more or less at will. We have shown a capability to both take and defend relics. Midgard's own frontier is no safer than Hibernia's these days. Only last night a Midgard relic raid was defeated and the Albion frontier secured very rapidly immediately afterwards.

What tends to happen when there's a major defensive operation is that one of the large frontier guild warlords - me, Jupitus/Laird, Boney/Ariant/Pyro, Gondo etc - form a chat group and invite the others in. Last night, for example, we had a cross-guild, cross-alliance, cross-realm chatgroup within minutes of hearing the Mids were attacking Excal. On this, we let each other know our proposed movements (eg Templars and LoE went off to retake Beno and Eras, while others went to Boldiam and SoTL repaired the doors). I find that communication in these groups is now brief, to the point and effective.

On an offensive operation, the leadership goes to the organiser. If Unity organise a relic raid, then they'll pick a leader and we all agree to follow orders. If the Knights of Albion organised one, Gondo or I would be issuing orders. All the main RvR guilds have now reached a common understanding that single command is desirable, and all have shown themselves willing to submit their forces to an agreed commander for a mission. This doesn't need to be a permanent commander or council. I tend towards the view that a permanent command structure across guilds would cause resentment/argument, whereas the mission-specific structure allows people to have a go, and allows new and effective leaders to emerge. And leading raids can be fun - we shouldn't deny new people the opportunity to do so by trying to impose some permanent military command system.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Aethelstan
Last night, for example, we had a cross-guild, cross-alliance, cross-realm chatgroup...

CHEATS!!! Cross-realming!!!!



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