The birth of a new Albion



As those that know me well are aware I feel that I have reached the endgame of DaOC, killed the mobs, got the eq, mashed up the enemy, the rest just seems repetative.

So in order to prolong the life I have in the game I'm going to take on the impossible task of trying to organise Albion, <shrudders>

Well maybe organise is too strong a word, maybe better put, I'll make myself a vassel of communication. There are many people in Alb and our strength on paper is the strongest in all three realms but we lack organisation and communication. I would like to see a stop to the squables between guilds and the self impossed exile.

So what do I want from you, well I feel a good place to start would be for those that can speak for there guilds in a RvR aspect, be it guild leaders or the relavent officer to post here or contact me in game. Once a list of people has been created a time can be setup for a chat group where we can sit down and iron out the problems and create a new super alliance.

Once this is created we will be better able to communicate with each other and arrange more and better organised events. Only good can come from this idea, the effort involved is considerable but I believe it will be worth it in the long run.

Tera Ferma

j000 d000d

The idea to create 1 big alliance was already made some time ago, but some people were against it, i wouldn't know why, never heard any reasons :)


I have an even better plan then one alliance but it may cause some feuds:( but then again it would make us so strong:rolleyes:.

It may be hard to do at first but i thing its THE ONLY way to make a realm strong then an alliance,this way would work more and better.

Anyone who wants to know pls msg me in game i think its such a good idea and everyone else will when i tell them:clap:


dont take the wrong way, i mean i really hope you pull it off, but unity does seem to be working OK at the moment..

j000 d000d

Yeah but my guild exists since the first week of daoc and we've never been in alliance they start with stupid reasons etc. :rolleyes:

Is that an alliance which works well? :rolleyes:


'Too many cooks' is a very apt phrase - but who will be the first warleader to give way? Lots of ego's involved here. Some Guilds left Unity Alliance as they preferred smaller alliances.

At a recent relic raid one Guild arrived late to the party as they considered their weekly Guild meeting more important than a 'mere Relic'. Other Guilds will feel the same way over plans put forward by others.

I don't know where the solution is, but I fear you're hoping for too much Tera. Still - if trying to organise this keeps you in the game then we can look forward to your company for a lot longer :)


Matt thats SO obvious mate, anyone who cant figure what your plan is, will probably still be looking as a lvl 1 for the button to draw their swords :m00:


bah well it may be to some ppl but hey its the only way but then again i dont think it will work we just gotta clean up our act in rvr.


you WERE talking about forming one big guild? or not...or am i completly wrong here :D

OW i just got this great idea i gotta test now! ...poisoned staffs :cool:


Ok I was hoping for a slightly more positive reaction. Basically the idea is to create a global channel for communication between the guilds, and the only way I can see of doing this is to use alliance chat.

Things like have a guild meeting clash with a Relic raid could then be avoided. Faster reaction times to people attacking our realm could also be achieved.

As a realm we just dont talk to each other enough. Having a realm wide channel can only be a good thing. It is not meant to change each guild atonomosy.

As for this Unity thing your all talking about, well I don't know what that is as I have never been in a guild that was part of it.

So once again I ask can we compile a list of relavent guilds so that at least we can discuss this in a chat group or something.



Our guild will be a great rvr guild when we have our 20 lv50s by next month defintely over 10 anyway with around 20 lv40s too BUT hitokiri you are wrong actually and its not an alliance either.Anyway i am not posting my idea on here i dont want mids looking hehe.:p


well well...

I'm positive to such a thing as a 'global communication link'/albion alliance. I'm not too happy with the way our current alliance is working out, mostly used to find groups, and really want to have a bit bigger guilds in alliance for a bigger impact ... miss guilds like SOTL, LoE and PL.

One important thing would be to have STRICT chat-rules for the alliance-chat tho. Absolutley spammed to death by our current /as and chances are people will miss some important information between all those 'lvl 8 ape LFG' :eek:

[edit] would very much like to have Ootkt in alliance too but they are currently part of a 2-guild alliance I think?

Create a all-albion alliance and then remove guilds who abuse /as, don't show up for alliance events even tho they are online, behave like monkeys and so on...

That would be nice anyways - an alliance open to all but quick to remove/kick guilds that cause trouble or show to be no help at all.


alliance wont work.... i now have 2 good plans that r hard to do but the best ways oh well.


Alliences etc

Simply put we do need to organise our realm. problem is people wont give up their command when it comes to action.

turamber as for your guild meeting comment... yes us templars see our meeting as more important (well i do, i cant speak for rest) We are not sheep that follow on moments notice. our meet is same time every week, most know this and so if they want us there they got to take that into comsideration. on saying that what happened worked well as we reinforced when needed hitting from behind the enemy but that isnt point.

Yes us templars are in n allience with one other, the Griffon's ... this is because we know these are a guild we can TRUST and that is what we want. All plans will go to shit when info is leaked and so less know the better.

An allience will be abused by many, always will be. people will take from it and not give back. situation is futile

Good luck tera thou. you can count on my swords by your side when needed but i will not be a sheep and follow orders of those that have no authority and drop everything when there little reason too, hell i dont listen to lord aethelstan ironhand half the time unless we are in battle.

So good luck may be futile thou


Tera, people would love to see a more united Albion. It's a good idea -- I hope you can make it work. If you want a list of Guilds go to the Camelot Europe website and pull the information from there, along with contact details.

By the way, Templars were part of Unity - though I think that may have been prior to your joining them.

Another Guild this week had an officers meeting scheduled for the same time as the relic raid that was launched -- so only a handful of their members turned up for the raid. In the minds of those officers their Guild had to come first -- and one of the problems you will have is that people all have their own priorities.

Good luck !


We have some very good organizers, but we _need_ only one.
A Monarch with absolute and unquestionable authority.
Under him/her a council of Guildleaders, Guildleaders prepared to give up some of their own authority, but only when it comes to RvR, _not_ regarding how the guild is run.
This council can make suggestions, but the Kings word is Law.

The King and the Council decide what and when to do things, the Guildleaders make sure their guilds do their part.

I couldn't care less what you do on your spare time (ie. when bashing trees in Lyonesse, or drooling over some Diamond Seal in DF), but when it comes to RvR, you bloody well learn that there is _zero_ room for questions or twatty behaviour.
Order is given, order is carried out.
Cant take it, don't join in on raids.
Idiotic behaviour works in a group of eight hunting Cutpurses outside Prydwen Keep, it doesnt work when in an army consisting of 100+ people pressing on towards a Relic Keep in Yggdra.

Watching our borders...
How many guilds do we have in Albion?
Guilds willing to sacrifice time for the good of the realm?
Guilds willing to spend half a day up in Hadrians Wall with the sole purpose of looking out for Invaders?
One day, two guilds, half a day each.
Is that so hard?
The moment they open the PK Doors, word will get out and we will have an army on the move, instead of hearing through some /send "Excal inner doors at 10%!!!" and get there in time to see the Mids leg it northward at Skald speed with a shining Relic in their backpack.

Now there will _always_ be certain people who have a problem with certain other people.
"No, I refuse to let that moron give me orders, he KSed from me in Mithra 4 months ago and I lost 10 secs of XP time because of it!!!"
Drop it...
He may be a moron, but if you cannot disregard that and do your job for a few hours, you are an even bigger idiot.

If anything Ive said above feels like a personal insult to you, then read the piece again and make sure you understand it, because if you feel insulted, you are one of the persons I am trying to reach with this post.
None of the above words are aimed at any guild/person specifically, though certain guilds/persons surely need to hear them more than others.
I put it harshly and bluntly to make my point get through, if you want to flame me for it, go ahead.
If you agree with me and want to discuss it, I assure you I am a nicer person normally ;)


I think the idea of a "king" so to speak will make alot of people annoyed and jealous, and if something fucks up its all their fault.


speaking out of turn on /as in unity can be punished by a stern ticking off from jupitus ;) its used as /as should be imo.



OotKT were in the unity (I was part of Kalina at the time) and they left over the way guild taxation was run from what i remember (The alliance rules basically said, everyone over 30 pays up, only 40+ can join in raids).

But i don't know how it's run now, may have changed greatly, so shush any potential flamers :p


Originally posted by old.Docwolfe
I think the idea of a "king" so to speak will make alot of people annoyed and jealous, and if something fucks up its all their fault.

This is my point exactly.
People must get above their own pettiness and _not_ be jealous, but see to the good of the realm and not to the good of their egos.
As for a "fuckup" being the kings fault, well that depends on how the King and the Council would be appointed.
The way I see it, the Council is formed from Guilds with enough dedication to the Realm so as to be prepared to sacrifice some of their own independence.
From and/or by this Council the King is elected.
Hence, if the King makes a misstake, the Council made a bad choice of King, hence the error lies within the Council and the King. A misstake is _never_ one single persons fault, because there is never one single person acting.
Ofcourse any such King would be replacable, in case it is demeed nessecary, but one must be allowed to make misstakes.

What we need is not a person of great strategic mind, but a person many people know and respect and are willing to listen to and whose orders will be obeyed.

On the subject of guilds and their independence:
a Guild is _not_ an autonomous entity in my eyes.
I see it more like a small part of the larger army that is Albions.
A guild is merely a Squadron, Platoon or Division, whatever term you would like to use.
Guilds acting independantly from each other will achieve about as much as a single platoon attempting to land in Normandie, facing X thousand of German troops. The word "slaughter" come to mind anyone?
Only way they could do it was to use _all_ the troops at their disposal, from _all_ the nations opposed to Germany.
And all these different Divisions, Platoons, Units, Men where _led_ by a Chief Commander (read "King"), who made sure they all acted as one, supporting and strengthening each other.

One or two guilds working together will _never_ make the difference needed, only _all_ (well, most) guilds working together can achieve the goal we all wish to reach.

So long as Albion's individuals and guilds fail to realize this and fail to make it happen, Im afraid we will not have the kind of success on the battlefield I know we are capable of.

For Christ sake, have you seen the amount of dedicated and skilled players we have?
Imagine them all working as one instead of pursuing their own shortsighted goals within the confinement of their respective guilds.


If you want an oraganised army then alliance isn't exactly what u want. I think we should have an Elite Force of peeps...this would be a army of people who have put there faith and time in defending the realm, all we do is ask people who are near lvl 40+ that can be depended on when the time comes to drop what they are doing and meet up. In guilds not everyone wants to rvr and might be more interested in xping or going for drops, so to be honest most peeps that join should be lvl 50 or close to it. Quality over quantity anyday.

I think this is a idea we should consider, tera could be co ordinator of such a thing if ye have more time then others as this will keep ya busy. People don't have to leave guilds or anything, this is simply a volunteers army for the best the realm has to offer.


Re: moocow

Originally posted by Galatea
OotKT were in the unity (I was part of Kalina at the time) and they left over the way guild taxation was run from what i remember (The alliance rules basically said, everyone over 30 pays up, only 40+ can join in raids).

But i don't know how it's run now, may have changed greatly, so shush any potential flamers :p

just to clarify, unity does neither of these two AFAIK, especially the second one (dont even remember this being there originally though gala??). hell most guilds do their own keep raids now i think, gop did it with 11 so im sure other guilds can do it with the same :)

btw, for the record jupitus = king cheese for unity, id advise you speak to him.


Well I'm all for the idea.. don't have anything to add other than that, really.


I'm sure Albion would follow some 'leaders' the question is though, who? .. I know for sure, that it would be VERY, VERY, VERY hard, to find leaders that everyone would follow, of respect ..

The problem as I see it, is that Albion have to many ego's.

I'd be happy to lay down my bow for any man or woman, that could unite most of Albion into one big alliance, or a few alliances with good contact to each other, etc. arrange RvR together 2-3 alliances.

But no way! I would take orders from ANY ego! - not even in the name of Albion, if he/she aint a respected figure, etc. not retarded.

I know whom I would recommend for this title, but I also know that 50% would argue against me.

Maybe we should ask the Mids for help on how to organise? ;)


Originally posted by Taggart
..... <cutout> In guilds not everyone wants to rvr and might be more interested in xping or going for drops, so to be honest most peeps that join should be lvl 50 or close to it. Quality over quantity anyday. </cutout>

Quantity != Quality is a false equation.
With the right organisation we can easily send 200 Albionites into the field and maintain good discipline.
Im not blind to the fact that there will always be "tag-alongs", people who just happened to pass by Sauvage and see a large number of people forming up, then hop on the train and act like morons (not saying all "tag-alongs" do).
We should stop assembling in Sauvage, for tag-along reasons and spy reasons. Another location, for example Avalon Marsh somewhere. Group up, brief the people then head to Sauvage, port ASAP and get moving.

On the subject of some people not interested in RvR...
Well, true. Some people are not, though I think those are easily outnumbered by those who _are_ interested in RvR.
I think the relevant question here is;
Who among those that enjoy RvR are serious enough about it to devote time to get things organised?
There are lots of people whos idea of RvR are the casual Emain Skirmishing.
I have nothing against those people, if that is how they wish to play the game and if that is how they have fun, then by all means.
But the headless "run-around-Emain-gank-and-get-ganked" routine wont work in a "serious" RvR environment.


First off, thank you.
Sensible people willing to be led is the first step, the second step is to find a good leader.
That is the tough part, just as you said.

Originally posted by old.Kram
I know whom I would recommend for this title, but I also know that 50% would argue against me.
Well, if you think of the person I think you think of, people would likely argue against it based on personal feelings, not because of that persons ability on the battlefield.
So I say again, disregard personal feelings and take a few moments to think about who _you_ feel has the experience and organisational mind to lead Albions Army.
Personally I do not know whom I feel would be the best, though I have a few candidates.


You people are damn funny to look at and listen to ..half you spend your time sitting in these forums spamming about what should be done ..but that's as far as it goes you all bloody whinge and whine but noone of you can be arsed to ever do anything ..played last someone who doesn't like what's going on is going to try and do something about it ~~
Although tera .imo if you wanted a super massive huge big alliance thing you might want to only take people in who actually want to take part in keep raids,rather than taking in ever guild into a big alliance cos then you'd always have people who arn't interested.Also some people can only play for small amounts of time each day and like to do thier own thing while they have time to play i.e talk to their friends ,do epics etc whereas someone of us play this game all the time ^^..if you want people to spend half a day camping hadrians on lookout graham you might want to pick people that are of the variety that play this game 24/7 ^^ and have plenty of time~~


Originally posted by -Najwa-
if you want people to spend half a day camping hadrians on lookout graham you might want to pick people that are of the variety that play this game 24/7

If enough people where comitted to it, they would only have to be up there 15 mins/day and that is my point (well, one of my points).

Originally posted by -Najwa-
...but that's as far as it goes you all bloody whinge and whine but noone of you can be arsed to ever do anything

1) Talk
2) Agree
3) Do

Right now we are on 1), hopefully we will reach 2) pretty soon and once we are there, we can aim for 3)
Solutions dont just pop up you know, they need to be discovered as rawmaterial, then worked into perfection.

Originally posted by -Najwa-
...but that's as far as it goes you all bloody whinge and whine but noone of you can be arsed to ever do anything

(yes, same quote, it is not a misstake)
Do _you_ have any ideas on how to improve things?
If not, you just whined without doing anything yourself which is exactly what you jumped at in the above quote ;)


no hence why i wasn't whining at the current situation i was just laughing at you lot and ...and my whining was about everyone always going on and on and never doing anything about stuff ...i was doing something about what i thought ..was laughing at them~~

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