Must be the reason since I fought exactly the same way, tho I think I was at the volcano destiny mission at level 10, tho I might be mistaken.
Credit where credits due, you were right and I was wrong. Either because I sukk major donkeyballs or because the stars werent aligned properly. Doesnt matter actually. WTG mate!
BTW, I dont read this board daily, much less during the soccer EM, so dont think I was trying to avoid you mate.
Afraid of losing "TEH PRAIZE"? ;P
Actually I dont mind one way or the other, I am just puzzled that you had so little trouble while I struggled real hard. Had to chug potions to reliably do the duos and all I did was comboing and renewing the HoTs when they ran out.
We can also just wait and see if Funcom comments on the female attack swing thing.
Hmm...volcano naked?
And with the starter weapon (the brownish log thingie)! ^^
Did you use the slaver hoodie?
*runs away*
//edit: After the EM I am gonna roll an alt BS and try it myself. Thanks for the effort mate!
//edit2: Trying for myself doesnt mean I dont trust your findings. I just want to find out if I can do it now as well.