The Balance of Nature


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
“This must stop at once! Those poor creatures are absolutely not suited to this kind of climate! Come summer every last one of them will die from the heat, mark my words! Who knows what kind of strange and deadly diseases they might carry! Imagine our groves being fouled by the rotting carcases of hundreds of these birds! Just thinking about it makes me want to retch!”

Druid Portistax paced back and forth through the small cloud-filled hut, gazing intensely at his colleagues seated about the room. Lowering his voice to an ominous tone he begun speaking:

“Yet all that is nothing compared to the threat that these birds bring to us just by being here.”

“What do you mean?”

“These birds are found far from these lands, further than anyone from this realm has ever gone before. Of course they could have flown here, but how did that grumbling creature Gyrioch get here? He couldn’t have flown and he’s far too fat to have been carried. So I ask you again, how did they get here?”

Silence answered the old druid as rain continued to fall outside, pattering against the wooden walls of the rickety old shack. Just then the door slammed open as a hunched figure rushed into the room, pushing back the door with effort to block out the thundering storm outside.

“What have you found?” asked Portistax to the stranger.

“I’ve found Gyrioch and his… pets. They’re not far from Domnann – in the building near the four Sylvan watchers. He seems to have settled in quite nicely and keeps his birds up on the roof. He has already sold several but for the moment the storm has kept most people away and his presence unknown.”

“That’s good, we must send somebody over to have a little chat with our friend Gyrioch. Maybe they can also find out how he’s moving those birds to here and put an end to it. Now gather closer, I have a plan…”



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Requiel said:
but how did that grumbling creature Gyrioch get here? He couldn’t have flown and he’s far too fat to have been carried.

maybe he was carried by 2 birds using a piece of twine?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
First we need to know what the air speed velocity of an unlaiden bird is.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Nice Event .. :)
Brings some change to the game


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Raid over, here's what my experience was like:

Fisrt off was a nice Wyvern ride to Tuscan Glacier, which was the first time I'd been there. Descending into the dungeon, I was looking forward to the dangers that lay in wait.

The dungeon seemed virtually empty except for a dozen or so neutral green / blue mobs (harmless), 4 yellow / blue aggro guards (of which I killed 2 for fun), and in 1 obscure room there were reported to be some purples that died shortly after being discovered by the first animists and FoP that passed by. They were hastily butchered without loss of Hibernian life before much of our force got there, and all I heard were the details broadcast over the /bg.

Lots of stones dropped from those purples and were carried swiftly away by people suiciding out of the dungeon to lotto them. After a bit more searching and finding only more empty rooms, I teleported out to catch the post-lotto stone handing out ceremony. Raid over, I left empty-handed save for a couple of nice screenshots.

That was the first time I'd seen Tuscan Glacier and I enjoyed the Wyvern rides (always do :)), but there really wasn't much to do otherwise.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
omg :< wish id known, DAMN DRAGON RAIDS :< what was it like as a hib in tg? :D omg bet luris felt soooooooo small gainst the giants :D omg tg raids will b crappy from now on in thinking "i could have gone on hib :(" dude give me summit 2 do, i vote mid/pryd gets 2 go alb and massacre pallys/mincers/necros :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tallen login tbh and givf me that Immo ring i sold you back for the price u payed :)))


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I'm never going to be able to go into TG again knowing its inhabitants have been anally raped by Shrooms...

R.I.P - Tuscarian Glacier: 2002 - 2004 :(


[GOA] English Servers GM
Jun 8, 2004
While we did use the TG landscape we safely tucked away all the mib mobs into their dressingrooms with nice cups of tea for a well needed rest.

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