Thank god I'm not a newcomer

  • Thread starter old.Gombur Glodson
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old.Gombur Glodson

Maybe it's just me who's a gimp (no sarcastic comments) but it just seems to get proper xp groups after lvl 24 these days.
I went to cornwall to look, noone were lfg. Then I soloed a bit (mind numbingly slow) before finally getting a group.
We went to catacombs and our group consisted of: wiz (me), pala, cleric, caba, minstrel and some other class.
A good group it would seem.... but no.
The paladin didnt use chants and didnt know what taunt was.
We had 3 mobs inc per pull, so the pala said: "I'll take first you'll take bla bla"
The paladin did take the first mob, now the only problem was that he stayed on this mob through the fight, instead of getting aggro of the cleric/casters.
So 2 of us die and we tell the pala that he is fairly useless to which he replies "But I completed my task, I killed my mob, you failed to kill yours"
Now I'm just about ready to cry now, but luckaly the paladin felt insulted and left, and to our luck another paladin comes by (this one knew how to taunt ect)
Finally ,I thought to myself, now I can get some xp, but oh how very wrong I was.
It turns out that the cleric is smite specced and thinks melee is more fun than healing, so he melees instead of healing.
We die, I release, log and cry.

And this seems to be the typical scenario for lowbie xp groups, either there are noone to group with, or you get in a group with people who know jackshit about the class they play.

Seems like the only way to xp alts is either to solo all the way or get a PL bot - Discuss.


I very rarely group with anyone these days due to dying far too much which is why have rolled good solo alts. I just don't trust anyone with my life :p.


I duoed/soloed my friar together with a reaver friend (who was most of the time a bit higher than me) up to mid 30ish, then I went about to set up proper exp groups with guildmates at the weekend. Worked like a charm, you just can't rely on non-guildies to actually know their job or listen to your insightful input if they do wrong.


Made a guild group at 24 and got to 40 very quickly. That's what i advise you to do, get a guild pbae group going. Although it may be hard to find all the correct classes at 24, thats why when i level my next alt it will be in a pre set pbae group from level 7. :D

The Real Redi

I have two main alts; a fire wizzy and a cleric (rejuv/enhance specced, and no, not a bot)

The wizzy i spend virtually all of my time either SCing, or exploring the new lands, as for some reason, if your not Ice or Earth specced, your not required in groups below about 30th <shrugs>

However as a 25th cleric, i wake up late in the evening, when its quiet, so i can train without getting a million requests from those of 12th season on the plains, for a rez. Although i rarely turn anyone down for a rez, it is hard for me to understand why someone of only 12 seasons would think worse of me not asking how high, when they say jump - release and learn to not die. At that level its hardly any pain at all, you can make up that lost training in about 10 minutes, but telling a group you have to go and rez every ten minutes can strain even the holiest friars.

I love the templars, as i would imagine most love their guilds, as we have a huge range of training opportunities, and people who understand what their particular classes are capable of (and have the decency to accept when they are wrong and accept advice)

yay guildies! :)


I've got a 31 cleric and I'm having the same problem Gombur. Very hard to get groups and when you do get one it's full of lvl 35 n00bs :/

I think what's happening is most people are getting PL'd to 24-30 then being left to level themselves so they simply haven't played their class.

Of course I'm guilty of this too... I've PL'd my cleric to 31. But I know how to play him, honest! :D

Anyway, if anyone ever wants a lvl 31 rejuv/enhance cleric give me a shout - Curious/Spurious/Injurious in-game.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
"But I completed my task, I killed my mob, you failed to kill yours"
Now I'm just about ready to cry now, but luckaly the paladin felt insulted and left, and to our luck another paladin comes by (this one knew how to taunt ect)
Finally ,I thought to myself, now I can get some xp, but oh how very wrong I was.
It turns out that the cleric is smite specced and thinks melee is more fun than healing, so he melees instead of healing.
We die, I release, log and cry.

I really do feel for you here, im all for classes trying out different specs, but groups need to know from the start the abilaties of each member.

The only way to sucseed from 24+ seams to be a regular group meeting frequently to complete the level grind together, 40+ in avalon seams to be ok then.

I currently have a paladin and cleric around the 24 level and will be looking to level one of these in a few days (just got 1.7 levels left on my main) Both are re-created characeters that were previously 40+ so I'd like to think I know how to play them... but always open to sugestions. a single paladin in a group only stating he will take one mob is completely idiotic when all other classes are casters.

Things do get better... honest... Just sounds like a bad day.


I've played my merc properly all the way to 34 now, anyone need a real tank who looks after healers and mages and always seems to have 3 out of the 4 mobs we pulled bashing on his hide feel free to give me a /send in game as I'm always on the lookout for decent groups.

Have been in a few odd groups.. paladins who don't use any chants, tanks who don't use *ANY* styles and many times when all tanks just hit the first mob that comes to them and ignores the 2 that just went past them and are eating on the wiz behind them :p

But we all had to learn somewhere, I'm pretty damn sure I died a lot more times when exploring hib for the first time as my mentalist and searching for new places to xp than I have as my merc. But then no-one ever explores for xp anymore, it's all camp to camp to camp to camp... does anyone know whats in between all these xp spots anymore? :)


I mostly soloed to 45 on my alts, grouping was just much less effective.


Guild groups...there's very few people out of guild or not old friends I've grouped with for any considerable length of time. The rest of the time has been spent soloing, or just xping with one or two other people (again, normally guildies).
I generally don't group up with n00bs, not because I make a concerted effort not to, but because I never flag myself as lfg. I have levelled my paladin to nearly 47 now in just over 10 days /played. No powerelevelling or pbaoe groups, just constant xping with friends.
Its much more fun and you can't say I don't know how to play my chars (except for Mattshanes but he couldn't tell his arse from his elbow anyway ;))


After lvl 35 barrows groups tend to be pretty competent. Up until then I suppose I mostly soloed all my chars.


i`ll tell yo why this is IMO

back in the good ol days the more experience people in the realm would teach people how to play..for example

"ok lets whats that...i`ll show you"

"these mobs BAF..whats BAF?..i`ll tell you...?

"pally no1 can you twist heal and damage i`ll do shield and do i twist?..i`ll show you..."

nowadays however things are very many older members of the realm are powerlevelling characters their is virtually no experienced people about levelling alts anymore they`re all /stick to a level 50 in barrows bening pl`d

people using buffbots....for example pulling the whole ant room in keltoi using a level 50 theurg then letting the group pick targets off at will ..this is how crap CCers learn their trade


I've gotten up to 18 on my inf in 2 days. Must say that I turned down any group that looked like a bunch of noobs and soloed until some decent group was formed...Not sure how easy or hard it'll be next though :/


:doh: :help: I'm about to start tonight....last thing i needed to hear :lol

Oh well, at least I have another account to group with...conversation becomes a little stale though ;)


Well for the record, if anyone wants to group with any of the following (on a regular basis would be nice!) just send me a msg (Im trying to cap some of them from the BG first though:))

Stiffler - 24 matter cabalist
Spob - 13 ice wizard
Dances - 24 sorceror
Ulrig - 25 pally


Just keep reminding all those new Clerics that the Acuity buffs are useless for Clerics themselves and are pure Int ...... and to give any other possible buffs (except Acuity for non casters) before dishing out health regen......

Had an annoying time yesterday when trying to explain this and being ignored with "Yes, I know!!!! (not sure about the "I have a lvl50" was part of it somewhere as well) and still they wouldn't remove them from themselves.

First Cleric (in a 8 man grp) hogged his whole range off buffs on himself including Int buff and Health regen... dished out Health regens as higher priority than Con buffs for example. Second Cleric that joined came with just one buff.... Guess which one?????? When second Cleric started buffing up grp I don't know how it was prioritised as my try to explain the Int buffs use and worth of Health regen fell on deaf ears I just gave up.....

I mean it's ok not knowing.... no matter if you have a lvl50 char or are totally new... don't be so damn scared of admitting you have done a mistake and might be a n00b with the new char u are playing....

PS. I'm playing a buff-boted Infil-n00b, don't be afraid to give me advice...


Nooooooooo dont talk to me about clerics !!!

How many times do clerics give themselves the full range of buffs before/joining a group

How many clerics actualy use heals properly, If someone is pretty close to death then use one of the lower heals as its got a shorter casting time... a much shorter casting time... died so many times to silly clerics that think they only have the one heal

Ok ok so the cleric has agro, and 2 tanks in the group are taunting like mad.. thats no excuse to spam "ON ME HELP FFS" over and over again, cant you see there trying !!

Pity the cleric who saves the insta just for himself...

rant over.. sorry :)


i`ve never played a cleric so find it very annoying that as a paladin i`d like a str/con buff over a health regen/acuity buff

had a cleric yesterday who gave str/con to our scout and gave dex/quick to the tanks /sigh

or how about the shield tanks who refuse to take aggro because they dont wanna get hit ...yes i`m not joking i`ve met them ingame

minstrels who attempt to mez a target once and if it fails switch to powersong and sit down..i shit you not ...

minstrels who refuse to melee in any circumstances even when the cleric or casters are being beaten to a pulp..use the confuse button idiots!

clerics who heal themselves just after you`ve managed to take aggro off them... ffs you just pulled aggro back onto yourself idiot!

scouts who melee because it`s cheaper than shooting arrows..this my friends is why no one lets you in groups..


Originally posted by case-rigantis
minstrels who attempt to mez a target once and if it fails switch to powersong and sit down..i shit you not ...

minstrels who refuse to melee in any circumstances even when the cleric or casters are being beaten to a pulp..use the confuse button idiots!

Like to hope my minstrel wont do either of those.
I constantly look out for "xxxxx resists the effect" message when messing, even turned that message bright blue on my setup. Normaly if the 3rd or 4th mez fails ill give up.

As for melee, tis a toughie, if the groups in crap and the healer and casters are oom what do you do... switch to melee or prey that SoP will provide enough mana to end the fight... guess its play it by ear.. I do melee when i think its need.

If you're a mins and reading this... heres a TOP TIP !!!
Ever been in a situation where a healer/caster has soo much agro that the tanks cant pull the mobs off, providing the mobs are purple enough a Minstrel can out agro any other character, even a L50 paladin with heal chant, taunt and that agro shout...I was L35 when i found this out and managed to pull a mob off the agro whore paladin.

the secret ??..... CHARM !! For some reason, the charm ability builds up soooooo much agro its amazing for helping out a group when all else fails. Just make sure the mob is purple enough to actualy not be charmed and keep whacking the quickbar icon. Its a suicide mission, no one will get the mob back off you - but it can easily save a cleric in the heat of battle... Amazing trick :)


Originally posted by -Nxs-

the secret ??..... CHARM !! For some reason, the charm ability builds up soooooo much agro its amazing for helping out a group when all else fails. Just make sure the mob is purple enough to actualy not be charmed and keep whacking the quickbar icon. Its a suicide mission, no one will get the mob back off you - but it can easily save a cleric in the heat of battle... Amazing trick :)

Good tip but wouldn't confuse be just as effective and also spread the damage around? (slightly situational if you have lots of casters waiting to be 1 shotted).

As for clerics healing the best cleric heal is either the smallest base heal for rejuv spec or the smallest spec heal for non-rejuv specs. You keep aggro low, they have the most efficient heal to power ratio and you just spam them instead.

I don't think I ever/have ever used the large heals except in RvR. I'll chain cast the tiny heal like anything and except against stupidly powerful mobs it works fine (works fine for epics on a cabby pet bar Mordred). With capped dex and good dex buffs you'll hit cap on it and with the spell queuing system there's no longer the need to judge just the right moment in the snimation to recast the spell :)


I use my biggest heal available, but then I'm a friar and I love aggro:D


Well, at least those clerics known what is the constitution buff...


Originally posted by hangianix
Well, at least those clerics known what is the constitution buff...
shame they seem to rarely give int buffs


Originally posted by case-rigantis
scouts who melee because it`s cheaper than shooting arrows..this my friends is why no one lets you in groups..

A scout guarding the right person can be a lot more effective than using the bow.


Originally posted by old.Vae
Good tip but wouldn't confuse be just as effective and also spread the damage around? (slightly situational if you have lots of casters waiting to be 1 shotted).

Confuse gets resisted on uncharmable mobs :) Think !! hehe


if anything gets through to a cleric or caster i chuck everything i have at it 2dd`s a stun confuse and hitting it usually does teh trick unless the silly cleric insta`d ;)


There is also a change in attitudes.

Certainly in the days of ye old if you asked someone to do something that was for the benefit of the group people would listen adjust and work better. The people about these days if you find any get defensive and arrogant. This is tied in with the level of intelligence of individuals too (sadly).


Never had so much aggro on my cleric that the tanks couldn't pull agg, it helps if they have protect on though.

Minstrel is almost always better off meleeing unless it's likely to be a very long fight. Time saved by extra dmg > minimal power gained in combat from powersong.

BTW if the mob is so high charm won't ever stick, you need to find easier mobs to kill. :p


lvl40+ when I leveled Padre I had a fairly spread spec.... but quite high rejuv for that period, when Smite was teh ub3r...

anyway, what I did in order to minimise aggro on myself was to use the stun as much as possible in the beginning of the pull and when a tank dropped to about 60% health toop him/her up a bit. If the stuns stick ok you might not even have to heal anything at all (providing you have good CC in grp).

When a tank is dropping use a spec heal, when a caster/infil is dropping use quicker base heals. If a caster is hit by highend mob and he has dropped to 50% or less use insta and be prepared for aggro.... but!! insta can be your own suicide, sometimes holding it back might be wiser if it can save the rest of the grp (i.e you are not allowed to die for the rest of the grps survival = no tanks in grp)

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