Indeed powerpool is a issue and that are one of the reasons why I dont think Thanes will do that well in the casting area after all. They simply go oop to fast from a already very low powerpool due to no effect from piety buff and low piety already.
If you want to include more %power then its gonna be even harder to make a suit. On the top of my head I can only think of charisma and archer toa bonuses that thanes doesnt need..
I have +11 shield in my current suit. Wanting to raise caster stats tho for 1.82 and there simply arent room for it. Just have to comprimise somewhere..
Running around with 205 piety atm(209 absolute cap for me) with no aug acuity.
Think i'll let it stay there for a while (although i'm gonna try alot of different stats, ra's, specs, items in template to augment my casting).
20 piety cap, or so that i at least got 200 piety all in all with template and no aug acuity.
Power gonna go down fast, but i think i can do 17-23 (or something) nukes atm, if only the dd(but in rvr, the 2 instas make the power drain all the much faster :/ ).
Think i'll try and see the actuall dd's possible with 205 piety, will have to be after work, tonight that is.
Since dex affect, castingspeed, block and parry... AND indirectly the melee dmg (the more you parry, the more you gonna land Lambast (and if 50hammer spec also more chances to land mjollnirs fury) i'll stick with my 330+ dex.
Have found out that with 320+ dex both the parry, blocking and the ability to land slam is nicely enhanced.
With the changes I at first was kinda wondering if frostalf was the right race. But since you can get that pie cap easily and dont have to worry about that too much in template (15-20 pie cap can still be obtained from decent util items). Im actually quite happy with being one atm. Template can be based around other stuff instead.
Its still hard work for my template but Im gonna be basing it around 209 pie, 310+ dex and then see how far I can go for util and melee boosting. Hard part will be the shield, I like cyclops for its 'healer' looks and SL along with nice util, but swapping that means hits loss and such, which isnt that lovely. Best would be a shield with high +shield and casting stats, to switch with a big hammer of doom (malice probably) for 2 handed bashing.
although i dodn't know much about thanes i think it's ok for soloing, energy is important for sorc mez too not only hib pbaoe but w/o det i bet u have purge2-3 so it's np
Energy wont rly matter. If I get bombed I'll have enough instas to interupt em. Unless they moc, at which point I would be dead even with 26% resist.
26% energy +det5 means I'll still be mezzd for way to long. So yeah I got purge 3 and I recomend that for all thanes.
The real reason for dropping AT is higher dex which will both raise my chance to land slam, castspeed and chance to block. But I'll still be able to trade in AT at anytime after landing that slam for the resist pierce.
Looks very nice, look forward to clashing with you in the daytime with my new Sun weapon template
Will probably still get beaten up by the mean troll <sulks>
Pfft, you should be aware that I don't engade in melee if I can avoid it. Slam + doom hammer + kite + spells if I can. I will prolly resort too melee more when 1.84 is realsed. 50sword 50SC spec inc. =)
Hmm, I'll prolly get my ass handed to me when I come to think about it. Stealthers always purge all stuns anyways. Better hope for polar rift to land, heh.
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