THANE, friar and warden LOVE inc at last :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
Bahumat said:
i think paladins should be able to spec that ml9 super size pet line...but they can cast it on themselves :)
Even then they'd still not be able to kill anything. :p Maybe they should talk it up with the gods more often and get them to insta-kill people for em.. (Alternatively, go to Camlann and group with a warlock. :p)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Fana said:
Dunno about more but they certainly need love. Even if a thane cant get a group he can go find some tower or keep and leach some rp with his spellcasting, not so for the poor valkyrie that is melee only pretty much. Imo valkyries should have gotten the healing abilities instead of the warlock, maybe a self only buff that procced spreadheal upon melee hits. Would have fitted better with the lore as well. Or at least they could have given them baseline buffs.

Thanes can interupt well, they can BG, they have ST

Valks can interupt and....... not much else

A thane can improve himself with RAs to a much higher lvl then a valk.
It´s hardly worth the pts to put in str/dex, MoM is hardly worth it either consider the procc gets resisted so much. Ichor? naaah. Dual threat? Lol.
Get det5 and purge and then there isnt much else u can do to improve the valk anymore. This is common knowledge for all RR6+ valks.

You can grapple a valk out of the fight where the thane can still use his spells. Valks have no castable DD to use. Only its shortrange CAE pulse and the instants on a 20s timer.

The valk is good in solo. Warlord+battler is a great combination. But in a group a thane can do most things a valk can do and better (except CAE shear).

I see many ppl complaining about thanes and how gimp they are but I would always like to have on when I am running a caster oriented groupsetup. Especially if we are running with pbae.

But according to valk TL there are stuff coming for valks but not this patch. Maybe in .83 or .84


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
oh come on, friar love.. they already took our place in most built rvr groups... idiot mythic. :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Bahumat said:
The thane love is thus

Friars do need some love, they cant heal regardless of how high they spec, they cant hit as hard as a merc nor heal as well as a cleric so a group will eitheer take another merc/cleric.

Friars have resists and static tempest, thats it.

Isnt this the point ? If you want good heals - get a cleric, if you want good DPS get a merc, if you want a balance of both get a friar.

Giving friars heals the same as a cleric is as bad as giving htem the DPS of a merc- and yes, i know you wern't sugesting this :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 30, 2004
1. friars can survive longer than wardens:eek:
2. always room for friars for resists
3. friars CAN heal... they're excellant back up healers imo with the 2 clerics in grp as always ofcourse
4. friars also get a major heal

tbh i think friars are pretty damn good as they are:p but if mythic wanna give my lubly some love, go for it...
give str/con self buff! sorted. oo ooo or! they could actually fix friars stat increase when lvling so it is actually dex rather than strength >.<


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Mikah75 said:
oo ooo or! they could actually fix friars stat increase when lvling so it is actually dex rather than strength >.<

thats not going to happen. pallies dont train strength, and regardless the whine about changing it, mythic said they just cant redo the system.(even tho this makes 2h even more gimpier than it should be)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Righthandof said:
thats not going to happen. pallies dont train strength, and regardless the whine about changing it, mythic said they just cant redo the system.(even tho this makes 2h even more gimpier than it should be)

hah, are you kidding me?

Paladins get strength as a tertiary stat, while friar's do the same, but they don't get their damage stat increased at all.

Try to read up on it, or better yet, you play the class, so shouldn't you be able to give out correct information?


There you go, taken from the herald itself:





FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Tears said:
Isnt this the point ? If you want good heals - get a cleric, if you want good DPS get a merc, if you want a balance of both get a friar.

Giving friars heals the same as a cleric is as bad as giving htem the DPS of a merc- and yes, i know you wern't sugesting this :)

your right, but A jack of all trades, master of none.

people can simply have better dmg or better heals, technically a mixture would be nice but no one ever thinks like this.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Kinag said:
hah, are you kidding me?

Paladins get strength as a tertiary stat, while friar's do the same, but they don't get their damage stat increased at all.

Try to read up on it, or better yet, you play the class, so shouldn't you be able to give out correct information?

while champions(the same hybrid tank of hibernia) trains 45 strength from 1->50, paladins train 15 strength from 1->50. thats just unfair, that 30 difference does matter, so id like to see strength at least secondary stat instead of piety, and they just wont change it - thats what i wanted to say briefly in my last post.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 30, 2004
heals are never gonan be brilliant for obvious reasons... but atm ive got 25 rejuv and i manage just fine as of rr5 you can lower staff skill as long as you've got the +11 in temp then uve still got a staff skill of 50 in the end

and unfortunately strenght has absolutely no use whatsoever for friars ... ooo yay thanks mythic! i can hold more loot now!


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Righthandof said:
while champions(the same hybrid tank of hibernia) trains 45 strength from 1->50, paladins train 15 strength from 1->50. thats just unfair, that 30 difference does matter, so id like to see strength at least secondary stat instead of piety, and they just wont change it - thats what i wanted to say briefly in my last post.

str as secondary would be fine, then have dex as 3rd instead of piety...but regardless if piety is kept out Conc for buffs is affected by piety and yet its still piss poor iirc.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Bahumat said:
Most paladin's use

Unfortunately the answer is "well to make that change the devs have to spend alot of time and they simply cant be arsed"

you have to keep trying.. they can be nice sometimes too.. i can say i was truely shocked when i checked the last VW TL feedback.. ( ) they got very good responses, and those improvements went live afaik. would be dam nice to see the 90% of pally TL get positive reply too.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Friars dont need love :< well not if your Quicksilver .. ;x


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Righthandof said:
you have to keep trying.. they can be nice sometimes too.. i can say i was truely shocked when i checked the last VW TL feedback.. ( ) they got very good responses, and those improvements went live afaik. would be dam nice to see the 90% of pally TL get positive reply too.

The paladin TL's are the one's telling us why our idea's cant be fixed, they have pestered goa/mythic over and over and we dont get anywhere.

incorrect leveling stats
double speccing
low wpn skill

I gave the idea about a weapon skill buff like the vamps, as this is something i think which would benefit us greatly (expecialy 2hand paladins), the spell would be a self buff and last 60 minutes (its not fixing the class its a suitable option thus we should not have to recast this like a normal buff.)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
I would want to see a patch nerfing OPed classes before patches like Improvements tbh.

Even though I play a hero and it will get better in next patch I would rather See Classes like BD, Sorcs, SM getting a nerf.

the 2 first more then the last even though it's a rather OPed class also.


shame it took em 2 years to realise they screwed over friars - might still be playing Bene the friar right now :(


Loyal Freddie
Jan 22, 2005
about fookin time us friars got some love :) even tho there is still numerous bugs etc that mythic have known about for eyars and havent fully fixed :(

but there again im gonna wait n see what the changes are untill i get all excited


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
GReaper said:
Seriously though, I'm interested to see what they decide to do - they can't exactly add yet another buff to fix the class.

wanna bet they will? unfortunatly thats the only thing Mythic thinks will do it.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2005
from drunkem friar

the proposed friar love, dont know if this is confirmed or not...


- The Friar Rejuvenation line has been adjusted in the following manner:

The group Heal-Over-Time spells have had their amounts of healing increased and time increased to 30 seconds instead of 15 seconds. Power costs remain the same.

- A new spell has been added: Buff (Offensive Group heal Proc) - Target generates healing via melee attacks. The spells are as follows at the levels specified:

8 Prophet's Penitence - Self instant cast/30 seconds duration/30 seconds recast. 25% chance to proc a Group Heal for 15 hit points. 1000 units range
16 Prophet's Faith - Self instant cast/30 seconds duration/30 seconds recast. 25% chance to proc a Group Heal for 30 hit points. 1000 units range
24 Prophet's Piety - Self instant cast/30 seconds duration/30 seconds recast. 25% chance to proc a Group Heal for 45 hit points. 1000 units range
32 Prophet's Conviction - Self instant cast/30 seconds duration/30 seconds recast. 25% chance to proc a Group Heal for 60 hit points. 1000 units range
40 Prophet's Fidelity - Self instant cast/30 seconds duration/30 seconds recast. 25% chance to proc a Group Heal for 75 hit points. 1000 units range
48 Prophet's Dogma - Self instant cast/30 seconds duration/30 seconds recast. 25% chance to proc a Group Heal for 100 hit points.

- A new spell has been added: Buff (offensive PBAE heal Proc) - Target generates healing via melee attacks. The spells are as follows at the levels specified:

10 Acolyte's Redemption - Self instant cast/30 seconds duration/30 seconds recast. 25% chance to proc a PBAE (250 radius) Heal for 25 hit points.
20 Chaplain's Redemption - Self instant cast/30 seconds duration/30 seconds recast. 25% chance to proc a PBAE (250 radius) Heal for 50 hit points.
30 Fanatic's Redemption - Self instant cast/30 seconds duration/30 seconds recast. 25% chance to proc a PBAE Heal (250 radius) for 75 hit points.
40 Inquisitor's Redemption - Self instant cast/30 seconds duration/30 seconds recast. 25% chance to proc a PBAE (250 radius) Heal for 100 hit points.
50 Zealot's Redemption - Self instant cast/30 seconds duration/30 seconds recast 25% chance to proc a PBAE (250 radius) Heal for 125 hit points.

- A new spell has been added: Buff (Defensive Heal Proc) - Target generates healing via melee attacks against them. The spells are as follows at the levels specified:

9 Protection from Fear - Group 3 second cast time/20 minute duration. 25% chance to proc a self heal for 15 hit points.
17 Protection from Doubt - Group 3 second cast time/20 minute duration. 25% chance to proc a self Heal for 30 hit points.
25 Protection from Dissent - Group 3 second cast time/20 minute duration. 25% chance to proc a self Heal for 45 hit points.
33 Protection from Anarchy - Group 3 second cast time/20 minute duration. 25% chance to proc a self Heal for 60 hit points.
41 Protection from Idleness - Group 3 second cast time/20 minute duration. 25% chance to proc a self Heal for 75 hit points.
49 Protection from Heresy - Group 3 second cast time/20 minute duration. 25% chance to proc a self Heal for 100 hit points.

- Friar Staff Styles have been adjusted in the following manner:

4 Figure Eight - New Prerequisite: Frontal position - Effect: 25 hit group heal
15 Double Strike - Pre-Requisite: Figure Eight - Effect: 50 hit group heal
25 Banish - Pre-Requisite: Friar's Friend - Effect: 50 hit group heal
39 Friar's Fury - Pre-Requisite: Counter Evade - Effect: FAE 50 Heal
50 Excommunicate - Pre-Req: Holy Staff - Effect: 75 DD & 75 PBAE Heal

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