n1 ty m8noblok said:21 sc, 18 shield, 15 hammer, 11 parry. Mastery of Parry 2. Current spec. Obviously for defensive playstyle.
21 sc, 18 hammer, 18 parry. Mastery of parry/pain 2. My spec before I went 1h, worked nice vs assassins.
23 sc, 24 hammer. Mastery of pain 2. My oldest spec, probably the best to kill casters with.
Some important things:
1) Shield: go 18 or none. The off-block stun is lovely. It's not worth speccing just for engage, your insta should cover you enough to close the gap and you shouldn't run near the keep.
2) Hammer: in 1hand I barely notice the difference between 19 and 15 spec. In 2handed it's ~0.5% extra damage per point in hammer.
3) Twohanded mechanics: the formula is 10%+0.5% per point in weapon spec. Decide for yourself if it's worth going twohand spec. Keep in mind that even when speccing onehand you still have the option to go for the twohanded, but you'll lose damage and/or defense when compared to a thane specced specifically for 2h.
4) Stormcalling: I'm a really passive kind of guy, so it doesn't happen often that I nuke before I engage, hence the 21 sc. If you're a bit more active than me 23 sc might be worth considering though. The 21 sc also mainly dates from when my main enemies were assassins (OF).
5) Weapon: axe is pretty nice, it has got an anytime attack speed debuff (pillager) and slash tables are pretty good. I prefer hammer myself, provoke comes in handy in fights which last an eternity: low end cost means I can do a few off-block stuns (drains end, even if I miss it). Crush is also good vs assassins and vampiirs, bit annoying when fighting scale/chain though.
6) Get a 1h: to break bubbles with.
7) Weapon speed: as fast as possible. You want to be able to get as many reactionaries of as possible, there's nothing as annoying as blocking and getting hit again before you can stun. It's also better for "overkill damage".
8) Dual wield: halves blocking rates. Most enemies you'll meet will be dual wielders, so this might be something to take into account when deciding your spec.
That should cover most aspects, I think.
You only say that because you're a dual wielder and want easy targetsElkie said:As many hits as possbile, atleast 8 stre cap and if you go unbuffed then go blokkies spec for self stre buff and id suggest mastery of blocking 2 rather than parry