< TG raid, Sunday the 7th of December 14.30 gmt / 15.30 cet >

  • Thread starter old.Rei Ayanami
  • Start date

old.Rei Ayanami

Mjellow ;)

Basic raid rules:

1. Any L45+ character can join up.
2. Any L50 character can roll for loot.
3. All items are class determined. Means if you are a SB, you can't roll for hammers. If a shield contains charisma no one can roll for it but skalds ect. ect. You have to have 100% benefit of the item before you can roll for it (Doesn't apply your spec though, only character abilities or items eg. Full TG set is needed to roll for Queen necky if we kill her)
4. You will have no bonuses from other raids of any kind. I'm an independant organiser and no official list or unofficial bonusroll list will apply. Although since this is my first raid and if it goes smoothly, i will make more and i will note down the names so you will get bonus on rolls on my next raid. This will happen the moment we start rolls and by looking through cg list. You can not roll for another person or can you get another player to roll for you. You will either stay the whole raid or you will not roll or get bonus on future rolls. It's as simple as that.
5. All items will be rolled for in the order they dropped. Although if you win an item at first and then find out you'd rather want an item there is being rolled for later in the roll, you can still roll for the 2nd item. But if you win the 2nd item you have to return the first item you have already won. Which means you get a chance to roll on everything on the raid, but can only take 1 thing back home with you. Any items returned will not go to the person who had the 2nd highest roll, but will be rerolled for when the item is returned.
6. I will of course roll for items like any other soul, and will _NOT_ claim any items.
7. Any left over items will be available for bidding on the trade forums. All money will be handed over to the WR alliance fund. For a fair price of course, so it won't be ripoff prices since no person is personally gaining from anything.
8. You can roll for another character of yours (L50 alt) if you state it to me _before_ we _reach_ TG. I won't make exceptions. You can do this by either PM on these forums, ingame PM's for Jurai or Rei or posting it in this post. Please do note that i want the name of your alt to prevent cheating.
9. You will listen to me only and only me. If i point out a raid assistant (depending on the size of the raid) i will let you know. else just follow my command and i won't be able to flame you :p

*Please note rules may be subject to change*

By attending my raid you accept all of the above rules and also agree to show appropiate behaviour at the event.

We're gathering in Hagall at 14.30 gmt / 15.30 cet, Sunday the 7th of December and we will depart at 15 gmt / 16 cet. I ask of you to be here at 14.30 / 15.30 so we can many leave a little earlier. If you bring guildgrps or any such kind that'd be great, but there will of course also be random groups :)

I hope alot of people will show up, and please do excuse me for any mistakes i do :) It will be my first raid in TG i've lead myself, but i won't make you disappointed :cool:

GL and hope i didn't miss any important events else people do slap me silly so i can cancel this in time :)

Any questions can also be directed to me in PM's on forum or ingame.

//Rei Ayanami - Ancient healer of Midgard


If you need a rezz, just PM me here. I'll reactivate my account and log on. I think my healer is still logged in Issordens room or in the spineroom.



Awww...visiting my parents this sunday, so i can't join :(

I hope you will hold one later thou, always good to see new TG raiders with good rules and behaviour :)


Originally posted by Kindar
I hope you will hold one later thou, always good to see new TG raiders with good rules and behaviour :)
the problen no is raiders, the problen is the ppl.


count me in ;D

Athom the 50 zerker <Thugz>


Originally posted by old.Rei Ayanami
Although if you win an item at first and then find out you'd rather want an items there is being rolled for later in the roll, you can still roll for the 2nd item. But if you win the 2nd item you have to return the first item you have already won.

Question: Whats the point of this? You don't want to macro the items?
Wouldn't this cause to much hazzle if someone uses it? What do you do when someone winning one of the first items goes on to roll for one of the last items. Do you just reroll the item handed back in? The person who finished second the first time around might have wanted just that item, and now he mightve won something else and want that first item again, then he has to turn in his item again, and so on and so on.

Tip: keep it simple :)

2nd question: if you get enough people for queen, will there be any restrictions on necklaces other than stats? Wondering cause since you do drops in droporder those will be one of the last drops to be rolled for and everybody and theire mother who didn't win anything else will roll for them.

Other than that Good luck! hope it goes well, and I won't try to focusfarm that morning, though I bet someone else will.


Like Nott said, Do you got any rules if the queen necky drops or smoething, like you gotto have full TG set to roll for it, it is quite annoying if a guy with maybe some boots won it and then just leave it in his vault or sell it for BW for LOADS of cash while another dude that got the full set couldve rolled for it and been Uber in RvR :p
anyway hope you will have a rule like this :)
Kindly Regards, Chosen :)

old.Rei Ayanami

Thanks for your advise people :)

ok first of all:

The roll rules where you are able to reroll for another item will apply. We use it on hib/pryd with quite a big success. It gives everyone a bigger chance to get something on the raid, and say if a person needs 2 items. The 2nd item is more important than the first. But still if he won the first item he will be able to roll for the item he needs the most. In short: You aren't restricted to "saving your roll". Which will increase _your_ chance of success. That goes for everyone on the raid.

Concerning the necky if queen drops one. Only persons with a full TG set will be able to use it. Check rule 3: "You have to have 100% benefit of the item". I would require proof before i will hand over the item.

I considered your idea with the rerolls for the items returned at the end of the raid. Will do it at the moment the item is turned in. That's a good idea, thanks.


Originally posted by chosen
Like Nott said, Do you got any rules if the queen necky drops or smoething, like you gotto have full TG set to roll for it, it is quite annoying if a guy with maybe some boots won it and then just leave it in his vault or sell it for BW for LOADS of cash while another dude that got the full set couldve rolled for it and been Uber in RvR :p
anyway hope you will have a rule like this :)
Kindly Regards, Chosen :)

For sikkerhets skyld må de også bruke setet til vanlig også ?
Er kun to jeg vet om som gjør det, og du er tilfeldigvis en av dem.


Originally posted by old.Rei Ayanami
Thanks for your advise people :)

ok first of all:

The roll rules where you are able to reroll for another item will apply. We use it on hib/pryd with quite a big success. It gives everyone a bigger chance to get something on the raid, and say if a person needs 2 items. The 2nd item is more important than the first. But still if he won the first item he will be able to roll for the item he needs the most. In short: You aren't restricted to "saving your roll". Which will increase _your_ chance of success. That goes for everyone on the raid.

Concerning the necky if queen drops one. Only persons with a full TG set will be able to use it. Check rule 3: "You have to have 100% benefit of the item". I would require proof before i will hand over the item.

I considered your idea with the rerolls for the items returned at the end of the raid. Will do it at the moment the item is turned in. That's a good idea, thanks.

kk, great i will come on this raid then :)


Originally posted by Denisée
For sikkerhets skyld må de også bruke setet til vanlig også ?
Er kun to jeg vet om som gjør det, og du er tilfeldigvis en av dem.

hmm, yes but it might be some people stocking up the TG set in vault because they wont use it before they get the necky, not sure tought.


Originally posted by Akyma
the problen no is raiders, the problen is the ppl.

Ehhh...english Akyma, english? Plz!!

Now shut up and go back to your cave! We got a new raidleader and we don't wanna see you going to corrupt the whole part!


Count me in =)

Tykk <Fellowship of Midgard> Lvl 50 zerker

old.Rei Ayanami

yeah lazy mods :) Give us a sticky thread


bump ;)

i'll be there as well!

now givf sticky mods ^^


I'll be there, need skald hauberk, sleeves and DS great sword, so please make it drop. I will nominate my skald if I play with any other char.

PS: Akyma, the problem isn't peeps on the raid, it's bad raid leaders who don't know how to speak proper english.


Originally posted by old.Rei Ayanami
Mjellow ;)

You can not roll for another person or can you get another player to roll for you. You will either stay the whole raid or you will not roll or get bonus on future rolls. It's as simple as that.

//Rei Ayanami - Ancient healer of Midgard

Very good rule.


Originally posted by angrykid
PS: Akyma, the problem isn't peeps on the raid, it's bad raid leaders who don't know how to speak proper english.

Hahaha, ofc its not the peeps on the raid, since every raider always do as told and always knows rules before the raid etc...

At least 50% of the trouble on TG-raids, is because of the people on the raid.

old.Rei Ayanami

Thanks for coming everyone :)

A few difficulties with the loot but else the raid went smooth as Splashors bottom ^^

I hope you all enjoyed yourself and with the feedback i got i will make more raids in the future.

Still need to get my lootsplit a bit more organised. But it was generally hard with around 65 drops. Everyone left the raid with something, some hauberks and some only a dye (Sorry Rolf) but i'm sure it will be rewarding next time too.


sorry couldnt make it :(

be on the next 1 tho



Originally posted by noaim
Hahaha, ofc its not the peeps on the raid, since every raider always do as told and always knows rules before the raid etc...

At least 50% of the trouble on TG-raids, is because of the people on the raid.

CBA'ed to take this discussion further...


Was a good raid, the best TG raid i have been on so far... but as you said yourself the loot-rules need to be looked at, but it went pretty ok considering it was your first raid... Good job :)

/the happy healer with a TG hauberk ;)


Great raid! that's for sure, and the lotto was still pretty good when you consider other raid leaders lotto's ;)
Just sad that unallveis wouldn't turn over the axe that i rolled 100 for and should have won ;< He doesn't consider himself as a thief but i don't know what else to call him... i remember another raid when Allways won a item but another guy announed to have a bonus after the item was handed over. allways gave the item to the proper winner and all respec to that. This case is much worse cuz there was no bonuses or anything, the raidleader just missed my roll... to bad that unallveis is another retard among the greedy mids :(

See you at the next raid =)

hope you'll get expended una....


Originally posted by athom
Great raid! that's for sure, and the lotto was still pretty good when you consider other raid leaders lotto's ;)
Just sad that unallveis wouldn't turn over the axe that i rolled 100 for and should have won ;< He doesn't consider himself as a thief but i don't know what else to call him... i remember another raid when Allways won a item but another guy announed to have a bonus after the item was handed over. allways gave the item to the proper winner and all respec to that. This case is much worse cuz there was no bonuses or anything, the raidleader just missed my roll... to bad that unallveis is another retard among the greedy mids :(

ye especially since the little twat ran off selling it on BW 5 mins after the raid :/


YEA - GREAT RAID Rei. look like everyone can get an item on your raid!!!

I got an item when I rolled 1!!! :)

I hope this wasn´t your last TG raid as a leader

and great lotto rules imo

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