Nul said:Hi
I recently had crash problems with my PC and daoc after I reinstalled XP.
This is a longshot, but perhaps u have the same problem as me.
For me it was "Data Execution Prevention" (DEP) feature
in XP that was crashing DAOC. To solve it I had to turn it off completly.
To turn this feature off u have to edit "c:\boot.ini".
Inside "boot.ini" look for "/NoExecute=OptIn" and change it to "/NoExecute=alwaysoff".
Edit using "edit" in a commandpromt. Not wordpad or something like that..
Dont blame me if window$ wont start after u tried this. It will start if u do it right.
Think its easier to:
Right click my computer
Click properties,
Click advanced tab,
Click Performance settings,
Then DEP tab,
Select the second option
Add DAOC in there
so it doesn't use it when u play
This way u dont have to worry about Windows not starting up