It's very straight forward mate, there is even a tutorial to teach you what you do. Highly recommend you go through that. Controls are as intuitive as can be, you see what you get with the class types and they have tooltips which explain everything.
I suggest you play the normal game just to get a feeling for each class then go for MvM, the server wait time for MvM atm isn't appealing. Which is a non issue with the normal. But you generally have a 30min wait to play, which really isn't fun. Should be sorted out soon though.
I would like to play this on a weekly basis on certain night, and you come and play, first come first serve basis, my clan play it, but we're struggling to pull the numbers to get a full 6! (Yes, it's dark days for us) - I'll happily give our TS details for those that are interested
Infact, best way to do it, would be to add me on steam; Gwadien, then I can ask you!
Nah, notifications are crap with the group pages when you try and message people about it, unless you're a admin, then you can make announcements, which would be better @ organising a crowd.
MYstIC G has the RCON password, if you feel you can help run it start a PM with him.
In the meantime I will build a new host (faster) and also create an additional server which will be private for FH to use as the current one seems to attract players all the time. More details to follow.
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