Testin da Cable
hmmm lemme see:
/updated again/ but more to come hehehe
- Anything with more than 4 legs or less than 2 should be killed with furious vengeance unsurpassed...anything else should merely be killed. The 'furious unsurpassing vengeance' bit I leave to thy discretion Traveler....
Also anything spitting, squirting, shooting, breathing or throwing things at you, see the above as the same rules apply. Oh aye...anything that's dead should bedead...you get the idea. Oh...anything with wings too heh. - Make sure your healer stays close to you. Real close. If he/she can't see you they won't cast spells! [Either that or they were out of frigging range heh]
- A wise man remembers to turn 'follow mode' off sometimes.
- That same wise man uses the camera to sneakpeek around corners.
- Don't follow a fairy if you're nearly dead!! NO! BAD!!
- If you're in a crypt and you can hear something scurrying about just out of the torchlight's reach...then yes, you heard correctly. There is indeed something there...and odds are it's big, mean...and ugly too!
- If you see something creepy that you've never seen before it might just come in two sizes: small/ugly and BIG/uglier.
- If you can't kill the foe [Gresh] in a full frontal assault...do it through sneakiness *cough*What?*cough*nothing
- Keep your mages in training: make them use their weapons every now and then. A strong mage is a happy mage [or a well protected mage, once he or she is strong enough to wear armor]
- Archers [or other things that use ranged weapons] shooting at you can be a real pain. Since they tend to be less well endowed in the hitpoint dept. than most, I try to take them out first.
- I have my chars set to 'hold ground'. This means they won't go running off after every evil thing that presents itself to them, as I want them to attack in my time, not theirs heh. The downside of this is that a char armed with a mace won't attack an archer standing 10 paces off pumping arrows into him. Good thing to know heh.
- If your [dead] enemies start standing up again look around for a mage. Also, it's possible that they weren't dead after all but unconscious. You can be it, so can they. Remember to check heh.
- When you're looking down the road and you only see 3 badguys lurking...mentally quadruple that number. Then go take them down.
/updated again/ but more to come hehehe