Tbh Mids Have No Respect



I cant really understand WHY ppl cant act as friends for 30 mins? Imo this was more than just a memorial service, you gave respect to fellow players in the game. Its a game yes, but real ppl play it and how can it b so hard after 7 months of hardcore playing to stop and do something else for 30 mins? It just eludes me tbh.


Commiserations to Oggys family and friends.

It is sad to read BW forums at the moment. Sad because the untimely death of anyone is always tragic. But I am also saddened because the death of a human being has been turned into a quite pathetic rant by some people about 'Mids' and a 'You AE Mezzed first'. Sheesh, a person has actually died of cancer in real life. A family has lost a son/brother. And we have managed to turn his tragic death into an oppurtunity to flame each other, yet again.

Daoc is a game, a game which many people play to escape the harsh reality and banality of real life. It is incredible to expect that a memorial to the death of a player, held in the #1 RP farming hotspot, at possibly the busiest time of the week would get universal observance and respect. The world doesn't work like that, and it was crassly insensitive to hold this event where it was, and when it was in the first place. IRC was a much more fitting place to hold a memorial, where people who have been effected by Oggys death could pay their respects, with dignity and unharrased by people who are indifferent or unaware.

I really, really, don't like to see these kind of events inside the game. Mainly because the tragedy of death of a real human being is too massive an emotion to be expressed inside a computer game. But also because no matter who dies, or under which circumstances, some will always feel that they are justified to disrupt 'in game' memorials. Real-life morals and ethics just don't and shouldn't apply inside daoc, and please can we keep real-life and computer games seperate.


you people who say things like: why did you hold the cermony in emain? What's wrong with you? As someone here said , can't we be friendly to each other 30 min? Fully agree with him.. guys like Alpha , Venomski , Anarki and other "famous" guys have to think a little... and of course wake up..it's only a game.. you will get better status if you dont do things like this

I don't blame midgard / albion or hibernia

i blamde the assholes who can't respect nice things

/salut to Oggy , his family , friends and to the nice people


Originally posted by varhees
you people who say things like: why did you hold the cermony in emain? What's wrong with you? As someone here said , can't we be friendly to each other 30 min?

Evidently not. My point is, this service was destined to be disturbed and ruined, this is how humans are. Sad but true. In a perfect world everyone would have held hands and had a nice time remembering Oggy. In fact, in a perfect world Oggy would still be with us. But we live in a world that is far from perfect.

Try to get some persepective on this guys, a guy has died in real-life. Daoc is just a game. I am certain that the people who disruputed the memorial in Emain wouldn't disrupt a memorial in the real world, but daoc is just a game, real life values just dont apply (and please don't argue about this, accept the fact that some people just behave absolutely differently in games than they do in RL, that is why they play games in the first place.)

Would be nice to see an end to these threads. They are all over the forums, and have overshadowed the real issue. The death of one of the community from cancer. Try to remember this.


The Americans managed it when one of their friends died . You know those people across the great divide who think nothing of taking guns to school and shooting classmates or recently driving around sniping innocent bystanders , they got together and held a service exactly like last night with no deaths . Europeans bah .


Sorry for the guy that died :( only explanation for the mids i can think of is that they didnt know that you were holding a funeral for someone in real life and thats why they nuked ya. commiseration to the guy that died family/friends :(


Originally posted by vladamyr
Sorry for the guy that died :( only explanation for the mids i can think of is that they didnt know that you were holding a funeral for someone in real life and thats why they nuked ya. commiseration to the guy that died family/friends :(

I should like to point out ht at the funeral was peacful until nearly 9:30 when a mid aoed the chances of a Mid standing in boul since before 9:00 being afk till 9:30 then comming back wondering what was going on and aoe'ing a whole guild WITHOUT knowing whats going on seems highly unlikly if u ask me



i think the mids did know vlad they were just waiting for loads off people to be there so they could rack up loads off rps.i bet nOOBY pride had it planned to do that.


Well i dont know if they did or if they didnt IF they did know then its very ignorant if they DIDNT then its understandable but the frontier is still a silly place to hold it and you can say "but cant we have peace for 15 mins" then the answer is NO its human nature to be ignorant and this aint a perfect world a big gathering of people is just RP heavan to some people. But dont let it give you the message that the whole realm has no respect as face facts you get idiots EVERYWHERE not just in DAoC not just in middie but everywhere.



Originally posted by Tilda
Next story, i die cause i walk up to a firby and bow. then some nice paladin resses me. then im running as fast as my half dead legs will carry me back to amg, and what should happen another LAME person called Rahvinn kills me.

FFS this is stupid.

I am personally speechless.
i am gobsmacked that people will degrade themsleves and their realm by doing this.


Ì must admit i get a good giggle out of little hamsters like you who like to hide behind a keyboard and bitch your little hearts out, at 9:15 i went LD and was unable to get back on, it crashed on the loading scene.
When i finaly got back on at 9:45 i turned around to get blasted by 3 albs who happily zapped me to death, i got ressed and headed back towards Crimm and as soon as my res sickness wore off I sought out the guys who killed me, all 3 were in black and camped a bunch on trees oposite the towers door, i killed one, badly wounded the 2nd and the 3rd ran, then i moved further up towards the bowl where i saw a wall of albs facing off a wall of hibs exchanging arrows, spells and blows
so i said fuck this and loaded my caster killer arrows and let rip, any caster i saw in range i shot, wounded or killed and if you got in the way im not going to lose much sleep over it. Whether your were low on hps from a fight or newly ressed I really dont care cos hesitation gets people killed.
Get a life 'Boo hoo this bad hib killed me' , it was a memorial to a real person, he died in RL and people wanted to give him a final farewell if they didnt know him personaly in RL and some people like NP came only for the Rp feast after 9:30.
You want to call me lame go ahead like I care, it's only a game but if people show no respect for the dead they wont get respect from me and any i killed who were involved in the killing of sitting, mourning hibs im glad i did, those who weren't involved my apologies, but Tilda blatently calling me sad for killing you LOL
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


from reading a few of these posts there are a lot of people here with respect for the chap that passed. however, there are also people that whine about being killed in the game, with a glancing thought to the poor guy with cancer. notice no mention of the Oggy's name until the 22nd post in this thread.

Yes you would like to organise a nice event inside a game but you can't expect everyone to obide by your rules. Some are selfish, some don't care and some maybe didn't know. In this game, when you die, you release (or get rezzed) and you live again. Real life isn't like that, focus on what's important, not on your silly little virtual person.

Someone dieing is an awful thing. I came very close to this myself with a recent emergency visit to the hospital. This has made me think a lot clearer on what's important to me.

I didn't know Oggy online or in real life but... I feel for his family and friends at this time.


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Would be nice to see an end to these threads. They are all over the forums, and have overshadowed the real issue. The death of one of the community from cancer. Try to remember this.


This is just another laim excuse to whine about others, and has little or no bearing on what the whole event was about.

As for who started it, who knows let alone really cares, I saw all 3 realms killing ppl before, during and after the event. Its part of the game, what else did you expect, us to all bow, turn round and head home peacefully, no chance!

Now can a mod pls close these sad threads that are really beginning to make the whole event sound like a free for all RP farming session rather than what it was REALLY about.

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