/taunt Alpha



Originally posted by old.Glendower
Boy, it sure is a good thing that you picked a class that has so many abilities relating to hiding and running away!
That way you can spend all your time escaping from anyone who might give your buff-botted ass a fight and continue your campaign of ganking greys and unbuffed soloers.

At least the other albs hunting DL tonight had the balls and skill to put up some good, coordinated fights while you were cowering in the trees and over the hills washing out your underwear.

What a pussy.

Buying ticket to Emain Macha : 10 silver
Killing a guard at DC : 1 gold

Reading this clueless twat his message: Priceless.


Originally posted by old.Glendower
Boy, it sure is a good thing that you picked a class that has so many abilities relating to hiding and running away!
That way you can spend all your time escaping from anyone who might give your buff-botted ass a fight and continue your campaign of ganking greys and unbuffed soloers.

At least the other albs hunting DL tonight had the balls and skill to put up some good, coordinated fights while you were cowering in the trees and over the hills washing out your underwear.

What a pussy.

lol WHINE !!

well the only mincer I haven´t seen complaining about mincers was sucky is alpha ! never ever said anything about they where bad or hve been nerfed all the time or anything.....

...and even I have whined some :p but 1.60 will help mincers a lot... to bad u will see a lot mincers solo and a lot alb grps with caster speed ^^ wwwrrrroooooooommmm


Re: Re: /taunt Alpha

Originally posted by -Freezingwiz-
but 1.60 will help mincers a lot

Hmm... 1.60 actually makes Minstrels (in the right hands) one of the more overpowered classes in the game.


Sad but true...
Ablative chant was unecessary, too much of a boost to solo mincers whereas we needed a group-ONLY ability to compensate for sorcs getting POT... Perhaps if ablative chant had been 10hp per person in your group?
Stun duration will now be noticable on tanks I hope, and the speed we went OOE/OOP was a serious issue, but the ablative was a touch OTT ;)
Also climb walls can't fail to make albs attacking defended keeps a lot more threatening... not that we ever attack truly heavily defended keeps anyway :p

I would however like to say that if RAs weren't in the game, surprisingly few currently-overpowered classes would be that way....


Re: Re: Re: /taunt Alpha

Originally posted by Pin
Hmm... 1.60 actually makes Minstrels (in the right hands) one of the more overpowered classes in the game.

no, It will make them just about playable

not all of us have level 50 buffbots and the realm abilities of a rr9 ;)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Sad but true...
Ablative chant was unecessary, too much of a boost to solo mincers whereas we needed a group-ONLY ability to compensate for sorcs getting POT... Perhaps if ablative chant had been 10hp per person in your group?
Stun duration will now be noticable on tanks I hope, and the speed we went OOE/OOP was a serious issue, but the ablative was a touch OTT ;)
Also climb walls can't fail to make albs attacking defended keeps a lot more threatening... not that we ever attack truly heavily defended keeps anyway :p

I would however like to say that if RAs weren't in the game, surprisingly few currently-overpowered classes would be that way....

copy paste from daoc.catacombs.com

Damage Buffer Shout [Group] [C] 30 40 50 '
Body | Range : 1500 | Recast : 8 sec

it says [group] ^^


Re: Re: Re: Re: /taunt Alpha

Originally posted by moo_work
no, It will make them just about playable

not all of us have level 50 buffbots and the realm abilities of a rr9 ;)

Buffbot: lvl43, no RAs.
Me vs unbuffed SB: SB dies humiliatingly. Me vs higher-RR equal/better buffed SB with infinitely less gimped RAs: I have a decent chance if I play right...before relics it was much more in my favour.
Now, everyone says SBs are overpowered, so what will minstrels be when our stun is 150% its current duration and we absorb 70dmg off your mainhand every 2 hits or so?


Originally posted by -Freezingwiz-
copy paste from daoc.catacombs.com

Damage Buffer Shout [Group] [C] 30 40 50 '
Body | Range : 1500 | Recast : 8 sec

it says [group] ^^

Yes, but the thing is, it is a significant help to SOLO minstrels, as well as groups. I'm not denying it doesn't give us a purpose in PvE groups (at least after we get 30inst spec) but it may tip us into being overpowered in RvR, especially solo RvR. Group v group then it's a matter of albion balance vs mid/hib and it's not such a big fkin deal there.... but 70dmg when an SB hits you for 200 is quite a big ol' reduction...


imagine an alb grp with ablative chant up all with full ablative proc set on and BoF activated xD, its like RG's worst nightmare.


You mean cos the zerkers would have to actually zerk out to start hitting for 500+? Yeah, I know, they'd feel positively nerfed.

Incidentally I hope you don't think ablative procs stack with ablative chant, cos they don't ;<


Originally posted by ab_fluid
imagine an alb grp with ablative chant up all with full ablative proc set on and BoF activated xD, its like RG's worst nightmare.

Guess they'll just have to add another FG then.


Re: Re: Re: Re: /taunt Alpha

Originally posted by moo_work
no, It will make them just about playable

not all of us have level 50 buffbots and the realm abilities of a rr9 ;)

LOL... sorry Moo.

But Minstrels are playable, Alpha is proof of that - thats why I can't help admire the guy. He didn't start out with RR9 and Xmillion RP's, he earned them form scratch. I don't believe he started a buffbot till he hit 6 million RP's anyway.

Alpha is proof the Minstrel is a viable class ( although possibly underpowered and does need a bit of help ) and not the gimp class so many try to make them out to be.
(Used to play Mincer on Alb Pryd before moving to Hib Excal)

As for the original post. I feel your pain Glendower, it is annoying when Alpha does his guerilla style attacks... but then that is what Minstrels do solo and what they do best. You cant fault the guy because he utilises his toons abilities - and does it well, but you can be pissed-off. :)

Now on the other hand he is a grey ganker with a buff-bot which does make him a bit of a lame-arse... but then I have never had him cause me XP death so I can't judge him too harshly. I just hope he is around when I hit lvl 50.... well, he'll get more RP's off me at any rate.

Hate him and admire him.... Alpha - a man of contrasts.


Alpha (the char, not the owner) was R5 before any minstrel nerfs occured. (i.e. before resists affected CC duration, and before RAs started to screw with our hybrid [not brilliant but usable] abilities)
I'm not sure of the exact order or anything, and I apologise to Alpha if any of this is wrong, but I believe that he was high R5 or low R6 when RAs entered the game. At the time R5/6 was a bloody high RR... Also, Gromit (the cleric who bought Alpha's account and is now used as his buffbot) had nothing LIKE 6mil RPs, before he used a buffbot.
And tbh (I'm REALLY not sure of this so apologies) I think he shared Jazhara's buffbot? He = the original owner, that is.
So now he's an R9 buffed minstrel and, I'm sure most people will admit, a very very clever player. But take an unbuffed R3 or so minstrel and stick him in emain solo- he won't last 2 seconds...

Oh, and I don't think Alpha kills greys as a matter of course. We all do sometimes... hell, it's justified because if a lvl50 jumps you, nearby greys almost invariably try to jump in and leech RPs.
Just this morning I was duelling Filip at the crabs in Uppland for the entertainment of some grey warrior and shaman, when a grey runie came along and tried to nuke my poor weakened self :p (i was on 5%hp tops after fighting filip)


when i was grey i ussually tried to help out my realm mates in fights. If i had gotten 0 rp's I would have still done it. Besides its nice to help someone make a kill :)


Well, most of the examples I can think of are in Uppland. I mean, I've quite literally jumped a blue NS who jumped a trio or so of greys, mezzed him, waved at the greys and spammed point at Svasud, only to have the ungrateful bastards all jump on me when a passing skald had a go a while later. So while I still hope greys have some sense and trry to act accordingly (i.e. don't kill em :p) I really can understand people who just butcher any grey they come across. :p


I heard alpha never runs from a solo sbs(he told me ones) but i dont belive it.


Why not? IP, purge, SOS, lvl50 buffs, slash specced... not hard to beat a solo SB with the right RAs. I can almost do it with utterly the wrong RAs...



U're bugging someone cause hes using the skills and has awsome control of his char... get a grip...

btw..u play it ur way and we doing it our way...its our money..if ur not found of that...ure always free to quit. :O


But Minstrels are playable, Alpha is proof of that - thats why I can't help admire the guy. He didn't start out with RR9 and Xmillion RP's, he earned them form scratch. I don't believe he started a buffbot till he hit 6 million RP's anyway.
Alpha got to at least rr4 before he heard about the new RA See Hidden they were adding to pendragon in America, very soon after this he sold his account to Gromit who initially used his cleric as a buffbot then bought a enhance bot (Tupac I think).
By the time See Hidden, Purge hit euro servers Alpha must have had around a million rp, hard to remember exactly, but I know my minstrel had been 50 for a while and one of the top rp holders (other than Eleasias was Nolbypride PK - who also retired cus of see hidden and he had over a million rp).
Now minstrels were fine before everyone had capped body resist and see hidden but now they are a bit gimped hence 1.60.
With a buffbot minstrels are still pretty powerful in 1.57, able to solo most things that aren't buffed, or even 2 or 3 people using mezz and hoping they dont have purge :) next patch they will be ok unbuffed as well :clap:


This whine thread rocks! ;) Then again page 2 also has many good points about mincers.


Originally posted by Repent
who ever uses a buffbot in RvR is a pussy no matter wat u do imo.

m8 thats kinda BS, buffbots is good for the healt :) go home ur ugly man

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