


Originally posted by sharma
Well, in 2 years when im 18 (minimum age for a tatoo) im gettibn ones of those rather large celtic symbols that goes from shoulder to should at the height or the lower neck, if not ill get a Barcode on my low neck :)

Did you check if you didnt already have one xDD


I have a full sleeve on left arm and half sleeve on right arm and am trying to design a back piece with much WOW! factor - tongue, lip and belly button pierced.

P.S. Damn! Isnt Derric the cutie pie :kiss2:


Originally posted by old.Noita
I have a full sleeve on left arm and half sleeve on right arm and am trying to design a back piece with much WOW! factor - tongue, lip and belly button pierced.

you are kidding right?

show pictar or no believe ;)


I wanan get one on my Right Deltoid, one between my Shoulder Blades and one on my Left Upper Arm, just dunno what designs yet, still looking :D


i got nice big shoulders and that but i got womans arms, they are way too thin :p


If you're desperate to get a tattoo because you're 18 and want to give the world a big 'fuck you' then sure go ahead, but remember to to put it somewhere where its going to:

a) look stupid - don't get a tattoo that you can't cover up easily like hands/arms/head - you'll regret it and look daft.

b) Stop you getting better tattoos if you decide to in the future - there's nothing more annoying than wanting a really cool tattoo somewhere but you can't get it to look good because you already have one there, or you'd need to do a cover-up job.

Don't get corny tattoos that mean fuck all and look shite with it - devils on 8balls, annoying little cutesy demons, butterflies and all that crap.

Make sure you get it done in a reputable place - you have to trust the tattoo artist.

Show your friends/people who's opinions you respect about your ideas/designs - if they think it looks shite and they genuinely repsect you, then it probably looks shite.

Well thats just my opinions anyway - you've just got to remember that you DO have to live with them for the rest of your life so make it a good one :D


im gonna get this one: :doh: under my foot !


bah.. whats this?!? here i come to flame.. and only mobius replies!? bah i shall not enter OT again! can get much better flaming started in rvr forum.


Cornell i love you, i really do but you think to god damn much :)

Many things will kill you slowly and many things wont look so good when you get old but just do it ffs :)

By the time my skin get old and shit i will treat my tattos as scars. I simply refuse to not do something becuase it might be bad in 50 years... :)

I work as a medico technician makeing sure respirators (sp?) and all those kinds of machines work when pateints arrive, and yes I have to wear sleeves that cover my tattoes (they even make me stop the shirt down my pants eek ! ) but so far i havent been held back in anyway, And i refuse to believe many modern firms will let something like that be a factor, so the senario of people ending on the streets as a old failed rockstar becuase they chose to have tattos pretty much dont hold water anymore :).

Some of my best memories today has all started with me jumping out in something and it might result in me only being 65 years old but damn i wouldnt live without it.

And Flesh lets see your picture ;)


When I was a youngster my mother told me not to get a tattoo becuase id regret it when i got older. Now im older i dont regret it at all. To be fair i chose the design I wanted when I was 15 and waited (albeit forced waiting) till I was 21 to get it. If you cant (and dont want to) wait that long I suggest getting a henna or temporary one done first to try it out and make sure that is the design/place you want.

and Opin Ive seen Fleshs picture and he is a cutey...even without tatoos :p


Nothing, and yet you still probably couldn't afford it. :(


I think 'Junglist Movement' across my back would be good.

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