Tanks in rvr, and some hits and tips



Very nice post, and good to see that it caused ppl to think a bit.

However I would like to add this (it aint new but just a reminder):

For Paladins: if you are not yet engaged in combat use your power to raise the fallen (instead of charging like maniacs and then everybody is dead and without any class with raise dead)

Start by raising ppl that as the ability of also raising ppl. (clerics friars palis)

I know this aint nothing new...but I am tired of seing massive groups passing by fields full of dead albs and NO ONE stops to raise them. I cant count the amount of battles we lost in Emain because of this...they raise we dont ....they win...we die.

Another thing I would also like to add...it seems that its becoming a regular fashion ppl yelling "CHARGE!!!!" when we are in "wall battles"...and usually what happens its that 3 or 4 actually pass the wall and the other 25 stick around to watch and bet who will be the first alb dead...and whats curious is that the person that actually yelled IS ALMOST ALWAYS ALIVE AND KICKING on the safe side of the situation.

I say: Lets make a simple rule...u yell u go first, after all if the person that is issuing the order doesnt have the confidence to perform it, why should the rest of the army follow it ???

my 2 cents...

Memnock -> level 45 Merc


Originally posted by sorusi
NO, they changed insta debuffs back to cast time coz chanters were abuseing them!! <cry>

actually the stat ones are still instas...

it's the resist debuffs that aren't (as light enchanters - I think - were debuffing whilst stun/nuke/nuke/nukeing... nasty)


Originally posted by sorusi
Donog the char is on mlf :p and my brother has the account + i enjoy eu more

And yes when i didnt have a caster i had no idea how they had it i just thought DOWN with the suckers, nerf ! (this was in the early patches when they were better - chain root etc) ive learnt alot since i rolled my sorc...

Perspective is ace :)

Being mezzed/rooted/stunned is really quite tedious, so Mythic are trying to make it less so...

However, being a sorc all you do is mezz/root (although you can do damage at medium range if you go for a different specline) which means the changes ain't fun for them :(

It's very clear that mythic never tested large scale RvR past level 30 ;) and it's taken them a year to start getting anywhere towards fixing it :)


Originally posted by sorusi
Ok ive played an polearmsman to L50 and gained RR5, so i got some insight how you tanks think etc.

Tanks are there to protect casters and support classes.

If you got the nmy mezzed, just let the clerics stun, and the casters nuke, stay passive and guard the casters - be awake, and wait & search for other inc.
Are you useing 2h or pole you could help bash the stunned targets - main thing to remember is NEVER break mezz w/o stun (healers insta mezz you and your grooup!!).

ALLWAYS keep an eye on the support classes/casters - they need you. if someone hits an caster Stun him imidatly - if you cant stun, then tell the group fast about it and let some cleric pbaeoe mezz or other caster mezz/root - DO NOT HIT IT, it makes no good, you cant kill it before it kills a caster!

To prevent being mezzed try to spread out more when engangeing in battle, try flank the enemy.

Allways stick on the leader in group, its VERY annoying for the group to pick up ppl not paying attention.

If you decide to kick some but with your pole/2h/sword, go for the casters first! - while you do this keep an eye on the casters and support classes (minstrels,clerics).

if you got 2 casters casting on you, and they are close, do like this, run between them and bash them.


Caster1, Caster2, Tank1

Tank point of view:

Caster1 beings to cast an spell.
You are hit for 300dmg.
You attack caster1.
Caster2 begings to cast an spell.
You attack caster2.
Caster1 beings to cast an spell.
You are hit for 300dmg.
You attack caster1.
Caster2 begings to cast an spell.
You attack caster2.

Caster1 point of view:

You cast an spell.
You hit Tank1 for 300dmg.
Tank1 attacks you.
You are interrupted.
You cannot cast for 5sec.
You cannot cast for 4sec.
You cannot cast for 3sec.
You cannot cast for 2sec.
You cannot cast for 1sec.
You beging to cast an spell.
Tank1 attacks you.
You are interrupted.
You cannot cast for 5sec.
You cannot cast for 4sec.
You cannot cast for 3sec.
You cannot cast for 2sec.
You cannot cast for 1sec.

= the casters wont be able to cast if you do like this.(best is to leave them mezzed)

Now do this if they arnt mezzed, and same time your doing it tell the group or chat group about the casters and tell them you need help!

Lets say you see an friendly caster getting attacked by a pet, see if the caster quickcasts (ask him is best), if not stun it so he or someone can mezz it - dont start attacking it its a great risk u will break some mezz.

And one of the most important things that goes for EVERYONE: use the chat, chat when you are in combat - learn to type when you fight.. lets say you get lost from the albs and get in a 2vs1 situation wich u cant win.

1. turn around
2. sprint
3. ./loc, Tell the group that you are at xx loc and what dir you are running.
4. if you know how to descibe were you are tell them were you are.
5. this GREATLY increases that chance for them to find you and save the day ;)


Now to reality on Excal/Alb

Most tanks seem to wack other tanks in rvr - NEVER do this, take out the casters/bards/healers first, AND ALLWAYS WAIT FOR STUN!
Enemy tanks got loads of life and IP makes them even slower to kill. :(

Also try wait a bit for the battle to merge, try locate all the bards/casters and wack those not being mezzed.

Most tanks seem to just press nearest hero and ./stick then do styles, and wtih this breaking mezz if there was any. so the Hero goes an wacks our casters...
- Think before attacking - play smart!

There are some basic stuff everyone needs to learn in order to know how to know what classes ppl are:

Primary targets:

CC (Crowd Control) - Celts,Dwarfs,norses. (sometimes firebolgs to, These are the classes that can be healers/bards, if they arent mezzed KILL and interurpt ALL THE TIME, STUN THEM FAST!)

Casters - usually: Elfs,Lurikeens,Kobolds, (sometimes dwarfs/norsemen/celts to, but if you see an stick in their hand KILL, exeption if hes mezzed)

Steatlhers - kobolds,lurikeens,celts,norses (do great damage and are a great threat to casters)

Support classes - Those that cast healing spells (blue glimmering stuff form their hands and no staffs), make sure these are mezzed or KILL, make sure healers are stunned before attacking if they are mezzed or you and your allys might end up insta mezzed and owned)

Tanks - wield spears,donkey kong hammers, chain armour, and chain-like on hibb (take these last, they can allways be rooted or mezzed and they make no threat then)

Targets that doesnt need to be stunned before attacking: Trolls (no class here can have insta root or mezz), Kobolds (same), Firebolgs, Lurikeens, Elfs. (isnt really that big threat on hibb side)

Use right eqiupment and chants:

Most common damage is made in: Heat,Cold.

Bard mezz is: Body
Healer mezz is: Body, might be Spirit (some say spirit some body)

Dont like hibb PBAOE DD? - get energy resists, and wack them instead of some tank.

Pay Attention, kill stuff that die fast, think before attacking, KNOW your enemy, Use the chat!

Im sure there is something ive missed...

My coppers /sorusi L50 gimp

how much have things changed from back then, readign such an old thread brought back how much the game has changed


Great post soruzi :)

I dunno if this has been said, havent read all the replies. All groups should set up an MA, that EVERY dmg dealer assists. In that way support classes go down fast as hell


Theres no hard and fast rules, and you cannot just disregard all trolls as tanks, as some can be shamans and skalds with a few more hit points.

And as mentioned earlier, tanks can resist mezz/purge it or simply have high Detirmination and resistances and may well of already been through the stun immunity timer, if you've just finished killing a caster and find that your nearest enemy is an unmezzed tank already damaged then IMO he makes a good target as well, a rear style or two will take them below half hit points and therefore slow down there movement making it much harder for them to reach your support classes.

The key is to use common sense and not to panic, take a second or two to survey the battlefield, your a tank, you have the hit points and armour to get away with doing this.

Kurik BHM

Originally posted by Kagato.

The key is to use common sense and not to panic, take a second or two to survey the battlefield, your a tank, you have the hit points and armour to get away with doing this.

the sorc/theurg/wizard close to u may not have as many hitpoints


oO, first i thought soru was guiding all albs to hit all mezzed trolls w/o stun cause they cant have any insta ae cc (ichor) then i saw teh date :s


hehe old stuff..... but... still the reason I don´t play my wiz a lot anymore !! ppl just can´t play tanks the right way.... even tho ppl have been playing for a loooonnng time..


the game seriously needs collision detection >< then a tank might actually be able to protect his caster whos being charged by a fully buffed rr8 det5 zerker with end buff. and it'd take more skill then sprint, /stick, hit style button.


Originally posted by iluvatur
the game seriously needs collision detection >< then a tank might actually be able to protect his caster whos being charged by a fully buffed rr8 det5 zerker with end buff. and it'd take more skill then sprint, /stick, hit style button.

slam is 9 seks anyways even if they ahve determination 5.... that should be enough to kill him for my wiz.....


Originally posted by iluvatur
the game seriously needs collision detection >< then a tank might actually be able to protect his caster whos being charged by a fully buffed rr8 det5 zerker with end buff. and it'd take more skill then sprint, /stick, hit style button.

Collision detection would be the worst thing possible for this game.

Ignoring whether it was implementable with server-client latencies and prediction code. If albs wanted to do a relic raid on Mjol, it would just require someone to log in a level 1 Troll at Svasud and block the doors so no defense could come through :m00:


well, gamemyths chinese mmorpg was more balanced and fun than this game.. that had no speed, no instas and every class was viable. and this was when i was lvl 12 and everyone else was 30-40+

/rant off


and you'd make it so you could run through your own players .. sheesh :p


Originally posted by Pin
Collision detection would be the worst thing possible for this game.

Ignoring whether it was implementable with server-client latencies and prediction code. If albs wanted to do a relic raid on Mjol, it would just require someone to log in a level 1 Troll at Svasud and block the doors so no defense could come through :m00:

This would NEVER result into BAN same IP Accounts + relicreset. :m00:


Originally posted by Kagato.
a rear style or two will take them below half hit points and therefore slow down there movement
FYI, going below 50% hitpoints does not slow down your running speed, only below 10%.


Good post but alot of things about talking to your group, I don't usually get chance to even look at the chat window much less type something when 3 trolls are rushing me. It should be pretty obvious who needs help and when, It's always a good idea to say when your mezzed though, plenty of time for typing then. ;)

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