Tanks in rvr, and some hits and tips



Ok ive played an polearmsman to L50 and gained RR5, so i got some insight how you tanks think etc.

Tanks are there to protect casters and support classes.

If you got the nmy mezzed, just let the clerics stun, and the casters nuke, stay passive and guard the casters - be awake, and wait & search for other inc.
Are you useing 2h or pole you could help bash the stunned targets - main thing to remember is NEVER break mezz w/o stun (healers insta mezz you and your grooup!!).

ALLWAYS keep an eye on the support classes/casters - they need you. if someone hits an caster Stun him imidatly - if you cant stun, then tell the group fast about it and let some cleric pbaeoe mezz or other caster mezz/root - DO NOT HIT IT, it makes no good, you cant kill it before it kills a caster!

To prevent being mezzed try to spread out more when engangeing in battle, try flank the enemy.

Allways stick on the leader in group, its VERY annoying for the group to pick up ppl not paying attention.

If you decide to kick some but with your pole/2h/sword, go for the casters first! - while you do this keep an eye on the casters and support classes (minstrels,clerics).

if you got 2 casters casting on you, and they are close, do like this, run between them and bash them.


Caster1, Caster2, Tank1

Tank point of view:

Caster1 beings to cast an spell.
You are hit for 300dmg.
You attack caster1.
Caster2 begings to cast an spell.
You attack caster2.
Caster1 beings to cast an spell.
You are hit for 300dmg.
You attack caster1.
Caster2 begings to cast an spell.
You attack caster2.

Caster1 point of view:

You cast an spell.
You hit Tank1 for 300dmg.
Tank1 attacks you.
You are interrupted.
You cannot cast for 5sec.
You cannot cast for 4sec.
You cannot cast for 3sec.
You cannot cast for 2sec.
You cannot cast for 1sec.
You beging to cast an spell.
Tank1 attacks you.
You are interrupted.
You cannot cast for 5sec.
You cannot cast for 4sec.
You cannot cast for 3sec.
You cannot cast for 2sec.
You cannot cast for 1sec.

= the casters wont be able to cast if you do like this.(best is to leave them mezzed)

Now do this if they arnt mezzed, and same time your doing it tell the group or chat group about the casters and tell them you need help!

Lets say you see an friendly caster getting attacked by a pet, see if the caster quickcasts (ask him is best), if not stun it so he or someone can mezz it - dont start attacking it its a great risk u will break some mezz.

And one of the most important things that goes for EVERYONE: use the chat, chat when you are in combat - learn to type when you fight.. lets say you get lost from the albs and get in a 2vs1 situation wich u cant win.

1. turn around
2. sprint
3. ./loc, Tell the group that you are at xx loc and what dir you are running.
4. if you know how to descibe were you are tell them were you are.
5. this GREATLY increases that chance for them to find you and save the day ;)


Now to reality on Excal/Alb

Most tanks seem to wack other tanks in rvr - NEVER do this, take out the casters/bards/healers first, AND ALLWAYS WAIT FOR STUN!
Enemy tanks got loads of life and IP makes them even slower to kill. :(

Also try wait a bit for the battle to merge, try locate all the bards/casters and wack those not being mezzed.

Most tanks seem to just press nearest hero and ./stick then do styles, and wtih this breaking mezz if there was any. so the Hero goes an wacks our casters...
- Think before attacking - play smart!

There are some basic stuff everyone needs to learn in order to know how to know what classes ppl are:

Primary targets:

CC (Crowd Control) - Celts,Dwarfs,norses. (sometimes firebolgs to, These are the classes that can be healers/bards, if they arent mezzed KILL and interurpt ALL THE TIME, STUN THEM FAST!)

Casters - usually: Elfs,Lurikeens,Kobolds, (sometimes dwarfs/norsemen/celts to, but if you see an stick in their hand KILL, exeption if hes mezzed)

Steatlhers - kobolds,lurikeens,celts,norses (do great damage and are a great threat to casters)

Support classes - Those that cast healing spells (blue glimmering stuff form their hands and no staffs), make sure these are mezzed or KILL, make sure healers are stunned before attacking if they are mezzed or you and your allys might end up insta mezzed and owned)

Tanks - wield spears,donkey kong hammers, chain armour, and chain-like on hibb (take these last, they can allways be rooted or mezzed and they make no threat then)

Targets that doesnt need to be stunned before attacking: Trolls (no class here can have insta root or mezz), Kobolds (same), Firebolgs, Lurikeens, Elfs. (isnt really that big threat on hibb side)

Use right eqiupment and chants:

Most common damage is made in: Heat,Cold.

Bard mezz is: Body
Healer mezz is: Body, might be Spirit (some say spirit some body)

Dont like hibb PBAOE DD? - get energy resists, and wack them instead of some tank.

Pay Attention, kill stuff that die fast, think before attacking, KNOW your enemy, Use the chat!

Im sure there is something ive missed...

My coppers /sorusi L50 gimp


Originally posted by sorusi
Healer mezz is: Body, might be Spirit (some say spirit some body)

its supposed to be body but is not set in this patch i think. gets set to body in 1.51 or 1.52.

max body resist anyway for those evil bards mez!


:clap: :clap: :clap:

great post, i hope tanks will read it and be inspired.

a little bit of wishfull thinking in some areas perhaps, but you could be right and i hope u are.

"play smart!"

think that says it all


Yep, some nice tips, please all tanks read :)

also im gonna highlight these 2 points cus a lot of tanks don't obey them.

ALLWAYS keep an eye on the support classes/casters - they need you. if someone hits an caster Stun him imidatly - if you cant stun, then tell the group fast about it and let some cleric pbaeoe mezz or other caster mezz/root - DO NOT HIT IT, it makes no good, you cant kill it before it kills a caster!

To prevent being mezzed try to spread out more when engangeing in battle, try flank the enemy.


not sure about the trolls - big hit points, big melee dmg & they can play skalds so they can have instamezz/snare (ok not aoe but still)

ya 100% aggree on grease those ratfuck kobbies, luris & elves, lowhitpoints they drop fast, and are usually highly damaging classes if theyre allowed to live long enuf to cast ;)


good post, learned a lot and i hope more ppl did too


Originally posted by sorusi

Most tanks seem to just press nearest hero and ./stick then do styles, and wtih this breaking mezz if there was any. so the Hero goes an wacks our casters...
- Think before attacking - play smart!

Dunno why our tanks go crazy for Heros and Trolls. At last 3 tanks kill one hero then turn back and see all our casters and clerics and the rest of heros with a big smile in his face.

Another point. If you try to kill an hib caster you will see how suddenly all the hib casters nuke you and kill you fast. I think our casters dont do that. They do a great team play...


sorusi i always protect u! :(

i'm so gutted now



Thank you Sorusi; I´m a tank and I´m Obedient and a tank, but its kinda hard to obey rules of engagements if you are unaware of them. This has been a great post and a great lesson, I wish these facts would have come forward a little earlier tho.

Now as you may or may not know a lot of us gets habits, good and bad. So even though your have opened some eyes, there is still traning to do. Things are not always learnt fast.

And to Treniel; He wasn´t thinking of you, but of me, cos I made some über-newbie mistakes when I grouped with him:(

Printing Sorusi´s tutorial now!!!!


ARGH yet another tank breaks a fast cast root on someone who was hitting me and i die.



wont matter when patch 1.53 is out with mezz being nerfed

will we have any sorcs left since all they can do is mezz n nuke somehow i dont think so...

so for all you tanks out there get yer zerging tactics at there perk thats the only way us albions will ever win in rvr


heh true mezz is a bit nerfed cus resists really effect the duration and lots of ppl get remove mezz spell but

all a wizz can do in rvr is nuke and bolt .. maybe a bit more dmg but slower cast time, gtae nukes are apprently good though, shame its in earth line.

and a theurg well they are like a gimed sorc in rvr, pets are useless most of the time, and will be dangerous once severing the tether RA actually works.

tbh sorc is good even after mezz nerf, con/str debuff instant cast, lifedrain nukes, yellow pet, way better than theurg anyway.


NO, they changed insta debuffs back to cast time coz chanters were abuseing them!! <cry>

sorcs WILL be crap,

oh and the yellow pet does jack shit - have it on passive or you got another tank breaking mezz ;)

Nukes will be crap :(

Lifedrain (woot! :D)

theurg still got their pbt wich makes them a bit harder to kill


bumping this thread to keep it on the first page..its a must read to all albion fighters!

nice one sorusi

lvl47 sorc


or another way to put it that alb tanks might understand ';)

you get same rps for killing a caster or a tank


you kill casters faster

sooooo kill casters = more rps!!

comeone u rp horny ppl :E


Well if i had to choose between pbt or lifedrain nukes i would choose lifedrain, very useful on assasins if they try hit n run and also good if u use a grey pet on passive, and if ur near death (but not in danger like at mg or keep siege) u can release it and lifedrain nuke it.

Also mezz breaks pbt, making u very vulnerable, although a crit shot that hits bt won't break mezz but it at least buys u time.

pbt has saved me a few times, but in the short time i have played a sorc lifedrain nuke has really helped :)


Originally posted by hotrat
... very useful on assasins if they try hit n run...

Errrr.... comment to assassins... NEVER RUN FROM A CASTER!

(QC-stun/mezz/root/snare, nuke, nuke, nuke... Oh dear)


Yes but ...

While all that has been posted makes good sense, though an awful lot to take in, there is a one problem.

Middy and Hibby casters stand at the back of their group, and so we have to charge or draw them to us to get to them. Maybe it’s me, but Albion never seem to be co-ordinated, so while the order to charge is given only half actually charge forward and so the inevitable happens?

Yet when Middy or Hibby do the same they seem to be more willing to come as a whole group and so are more effective.

Or have I just been unlucky with the RvR I have been involved with?

Therefore, we usually end up facing other fighter classes, and if we took time to “look around” we are generally swarmed.

I must say, I do try and press F8 until I find a caster class close enough, which usually means I m the middle of nowhere with a bloody great big hammer being smashed down of my poor skull by some troll!

Perhaps I need more RvR experience (OK OK I do need more), and we need some experienced players in groups to share their experience with us, rather than the silence that usually surrounds us?

What would be useful is an abridged version of the original post with points made which everyone could understand.

For example, the instruction to “stun” a guy attacking our caster may seem confusing to newer guys as they may ask “how does an armsman stun”, maybe they have never used such abilities in R v E?

Also, how do you pick out the one who is attacking the caster you are protecting? I know, but does everyone else?

So, can some one do an idiots guide to using an armsman in R v R, including shield styles and protect abilities?


Drawing aggro in RvR

Ashgen, actually its good that the trolls think its you they should be crushing their hammers on. You will live far longer than if it was a caster they did it to. When it happens think: HAH that will leave space for our casters to deal with you. Trust in your cleric that he will heal you before it gets too bad.

The major mistake I see in RvR is people using the RvE aggro instinct. They think they can get an enemy tank to aggro on them by hitting on him with their sword. A good enemy tank will ignore you and think HAH as I demonstrated above and go a kill one of your casters.

If an enemy tank goes on a caster the only thing that helps is STUN. If you cannot stun him, hope that the caster manages to quickcast root/mez or that someone else will do the stun. Do NOT hit him with your sword for ridicolous damage, better find their caster and make the score even. I often play a theurg in RvR, and I wont even begin to count the times I have quickcasted mez on a tank that wanted to kill me, only to have it broken by someone who think they could take aggro and save me before I had moved to safe distance. :-(

Which reminds me one thing: Learn how the mez graphics looks like. For sorcs and clerics its almost the same with the ZZzzz. Theurg mez graphics looks like haste buf: Brown wind circling around the target. I often believe that my fellow Albs are not even aware of the fact that some theurgist may have mezzed someone.

Last advice, Hibernia and Midgaard have tons of mez and stun, and many of them are Instas too. So as a tank, you MUST take a high level in determination, as you can be sure the hib caster will try and stun you for 9 secs when you are heading for it. Purge is a must too.

Make me some waffles,


re: 1st post

Wonderful theory. However thats all it is.

Systematic cleric stunning to break mez?

Tanks guarding casters?

Chat in combat?

In Emain?


It's not the game mechanics that are at fault, its the ppl that play it. You cannot fix that in a post. The type of play you have theorised requires cooperation and in many cases the sacrifice of RP's in order to maintain the control over the battle so that the maximum number of 'allies' (loosely referenced) survive the encounter. Frankly no-one cares who lives or dies as long as they do and get points to add to their tally! Its that simple. Deal with it.

Or post an alternative hints and tips mandate that accommodates selfish, non-cooperative, uncontrolled, undisciplined and in many cases, laughable, gameplay by the VAST majority of these ppl.

The only consolitory point for me in all of this.....and Im personally pleased about this.....is that not one of you referred to yourselves, combined, as an army or a force of any kind in this post. Thats because your not. I include myself by default.


bring it on if you cannot handle the truth.

Donog Nanorch - Sorcerer
Muck Savage - Cleric
Calibra XVIV - Scout


Is it just me that's depressed at this?

as a tank I'm the least important pawn on the board...

the enemy don't attack me because I can be safely ignored... one spell takes me out.

:rolleyes: @Mythic

though in theory the mezz/kill one at a time game is being changed...


Sorusi Im hazarding a guess here but it occurs to me that your lvl50 Polearm wielding char never gave a flying flick about casters until you lvl'd one?


Donog Nanorch - Sorcerer
Muck Savage - Cleric
Calibra XVIV - Scout



I hope all tanks read this and go to gank enemy casters and not tanks and they protect us a little... It can be done!

For casters:

Plz plz plz never nuke the big badass tanks, go for every char who is waving his arms into the air, who has a staff or some instrument in his hand... and if u see a fellow caster being charged, nuke that tank to death as fast as u can (if u were nuking a mezzer, try to target both of them, switching nukes between both, that will prevent mezzer from casting)
I save tinaydien's ass and she saves mine a lot by casting at our aggroers, if we all do that we can farm lots

For tanks:

We got numbers, we got parties, and is fecking sure the caster in ur party is gonna farm more RPs for u that u can do in 3 times the same time if u keep them alive, so dont mind personal killing but group RPs if u wanna farm =)


A lot of good points have been made in this thread, but there are a few points that have been overlooked or glossed over.

1. Don't forget that enemy tanks can and do resist mezz... That Hero I'm beating on just resisted half a dozen attempts to mezz / stun / root him, so I'm trying to get his HP's down enough that a nuker can kill him before he gets too close!

2. It's all well and good knowing what the mezz effects look like.... but in large scale RvR, how many people haven't typed in '/effects self' or '/effects none' before they engage the enemy? Personally I think that it would be VERY useful if mezz effects were on a different filter. Without effects, it's impossible to tell if the enemy is mezzed or is just standing around waiting for you to come closer. Hesitation in RvR loses vital seconds of the enemy being powerless, which can be fatal!

3. Concentration of attacks is VITAL... if several Alb tanks go for a the same Troll / Hero, he'll go down in seconds regardless of IP and Instaheals.

4. Casters spend a lot of time telling tanks to do this, that and the other to keep them alive.... This works both ways. Help me out when I'm fighting the Troll that resisted all the CC by nuking him and debuffing him. And heal me!

At the end of the day, what those of us who are newer to RvR need is experienced RvR players to provide some guidance. I've been very fortunate to be included in groups of experienced RvR guilds <salutes the Black Falcons and First Cohort> and have seen how effective Albion can be in RvR if people work together as a team. I generally make 5-10k RP's in an evenings play in general groups in Emain, while the few times I've been lucky enough to find a spot in a group made up of one guild + me I've been able to make 15-20k (and even in excess of 30k in one night with the Black Falcons!)

At the end of the day, we need to work together as a REALM to defeat the Hibs / Mids, so it's in everyones best interest to make sure that those who are new to RvR are given a basic level of instruction in the general do's and don'ts.... the 'idiots guide' that has been mentioned would be a good start!


Maybe sorusi could organise some group RvR sessions similar to Girigu's (but at different times obviously) to train our RvR newbies (like me! :))

Can't wait for 1.53 and Prevent Flight... even if it costs stupid amounts of RPs...



Just a personal feeling here but I suspect that Tanks charge other Tanks to see who is the "Hardest Tank".

I used to do this with Aegis (I've been RvRing since the end of week one the game was released in case you are wondering why I'm only RR2 with him you didnt get alot of RPs in them days as there werent many of 20 plus etc) and I thought to myself man this is st00pid I never get any RPs I'm the fisrt to die all the time!

So i thought about this and came to the conclusion that if I ran straight in even if I get lucky and resist Mez standing in close to the enemy becos i am now in caster AND tank range i get ganked by both - life expectancy under 5 seconds.

Right i thought I'll let the n00b tanks charge in full frontal and i'll sneak round the side to the casters and hit one of them!
Net result goes like this:

You target Elf
(Use Style) You hit Casterxxxx for xxx hitpoints (usually around a third)
Next round F*** me says casterxxxx get this tank off me! to his group (hehe)
(Use style) You hit Casterxxxx for xxx hitpoints (usually around a third)
By round three there's a tank or two on you but hell I can cope with that for a round. At end of round 3 you have xxx RPs cos the little bugger is dead and you are not. Sure you may die cos the tanks get you but you have SOME rps which alot better than none...and also with luck you have killed either a speeder (they will have trouble escaping) or a mezzer (you prolly saved your group - GratZ!)

Tanks job is to kill the fags in the carboard armour not the d00ds in the chain keep this in mind and you will enjoy your trip alot and earn good RPs to boot :)


Donog the char is on mlf :p and my brother has the account + i enjoy eu more

And yes when i didnt have a caster i had no idea how they had it i just thought DOWN with the suckers, nerf ! (this was in the early patches when they were better - chain root etc) ive learnt alot since i rolled my sorc...


Originally posted by alithiel50
At the end of the day, what those of us who are newer to RvR need is experienced RvR players to provide some guidance. I've been very fortunate to be included in groups of experienced RvR guilds <salutes the Black Falcons and First Cohort> and have seen how effective Albion can be in RvR if people work together as a team. I generally make 5-10k RP's in an evenings play in general groups in Emain, while the few times I've been lucky enough to find a spot in a group made up of one guild + me I've been able to make 15-20k (and even in excess of 30k in one night with the Black Falcons!)

Thanks for the kind words :) .
It was fun playing with you the other night. I thought you played really well. I have a soft spot for female mercs. Hope we can do it again sometime :clap:

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