


Well im xandros bro, the story has offcourse to faces =)
From what he told me there was no 1 on that spot, they wore 3
in grp pulling from aqua , sitting and waiting for rezz sick when some1 started to pull from aqua, xan msged and said that she culd pull untill rezz ill was gone.
Rezz ill gone, he msged again asking her to stop she didint reply and kept pulling.
So xan and his fello grp members got annoyed and started playing her game. ( Xan talking ) I admit it was rwong to leach for a long time but i wanted an apologie. Its rude not to reply when mseged. I hope we can put this all behind, and keep having fun =)

BTW cuteashell didint msg the gm but a fello RE that had nothing to do with it, so he msged me and informed me about what had append and i contakted cuteashell and had a discussion. In that discussion i listend to her story and came to a conclusion, i asked her if she culd put it all behind like an adult and forget the hole matter, and rememberd her that THIS IS JUST A GAME!

No need to give the guild a bad name or even try to that is just LAME!!

LOL this is biginning to be to long =P

Cuteashell i hope u can keep this matter in the past and not make more fuzz about it =)

If u want an apoligiy I do apologise and wish u GL further in the game !! HAVE FUNN =)))


Well im xandros bro, the story has offcourse to faces =)
From what he told me there was no 1 on that spot, they wore 3
in grp pulling from aqua , sitting and waiting for rezz sick when some1 started to pull from aqua, xan msged and said that she culd pull untill rezz ill was gone.
Rezz ill gone, he msged again asking her to stop she didint reply and kept pulling.
So xan and his fello grp members got annoyed and started playing her game. ( Xan talking ) I admit it was rwong to leach for a long time but i wanted an apologie. Its rude not to reply when mseged. I hope we can put this all behind, and keep having fun =)

BTW cuteashell didint msg the gm but a fello RE that had nothing to do with it, so he msged me and informed me about what had append and i contakted cuteashell and had a discussion. In that discussion i listend to her story and came to a conclusion, i asked her if she culd put it all behind like an adult and forget the hole matter, and rememberd her that THIS IS JUST A GAME!

No need to give the guild a bad name or even try to that is just LAME!!

LOL this is biginning to be to long =P

Cuteashell i hope u can keep this matter in the past and not make more fuzz about it =)

If u want an apoligiy I do apologise and wish u GL further in the game !! HAVE FUNN =)))


LOL nm its the right forum just tired =PP and my first time at barrys =)) thank u all for listening =P


Originally posted by Fingoniel

Secret wasn't doing the debuffing - it was Xandro..

basically (to reword Secret's post)

Secret killing tanglers at aquaduct.
Secret afks.
Xandro et al appears and starts killing things.
Secret wakes up, says 'oi mine!'

Secret pulls, starts to kill things.
Xandro et al start debuffing the monsters to break their mezz.

Xandro's mates give up on this...

Secret pulls again.
Xandro aoe nukes.

They both die.

Secret petitions people on from Rhombos Emrys, gets unsatisfactory answers (people refused to believe him about Xandro? he wasn't talking to the officers? Secret says he was talking to the GM... so that reflects very badly on RE)

So he posts here.

Whilst I disagree with people claiming camps - AoEing someone's pull to deliberately try and kill them is really fecking stupid.

If Xandro did this in my guild he'd be out on his ear (again, assuming it's all true)

This is a short version of what happent, an claiming a spot well, if u play fair to other players, i can Tell that 3 sorc was pulling from the spot when i came back from selling i say mate i was pulling from there i just went to sell, an ppl understand i can name a few sorc/cabes who understand me, mayby u cant claim a spot but ppl play fair, but some just have to be jerks.


Originally posted by arenzo
Well im xandros bro, the story has offcourse to faces =)
From what he told me there was no 1 on that spot, they wore 3
in grp pulling from aqua , sitting and waiting for rezz sick when some1 started to pull from aqua, xan msged and said that she culd pull untill rezz ill was gone.
Rezz ill gone, he msged again asking her to stop she didint reply and kept pulling.
So xan and his fello grp members got annoyed and started playing her game. ( Xan talking ) I admit it was rwong to leach for a long time but i wanted an apologie. Its rude not to reply when mseged. I hope we can put this all behind, and keep having fun =)

BTW cuteashell didint msg the gm but a fello RE that had nothing to do with it, so he msged me and informed me about what had append and i contakted cuteashell and had a discussion. In that discussion i listend to her story and came to a conclusion, i asked her if she culd put it all behind like an adult and forget the hole matter, and rememberd her that THIS IS JUST A GAME!

No need to give the guild a bad name or even try to that is just LAME!!

LOL this is biginning to be to long =P

Cuteashell i hope u can keep this matter in the past and not make more fuzz about it =)

If u want an apoligiy I do apologise and wish u GL further in the game !! HAVE FUNN =)))

first : i was there but if u havent seen the sight of line the aquaduct scout got, then u should go look again.

Second : why the hell did i get flamed the rest of the night from your bro from your scout.

Third : apoligiy hmmm, when u keept flaming me the rest of the night ? no way.

Forth : Even though its a game i take it Serios, i pay to play, any more need to be said ?

Secret Out

The Dragon

definietly not a flame statix, very useful info imho. Was the kina response I was looking for.

Ppl are far too touchy on this forum. =)

Thanx bud.


Easy way out?

Wait for the next patch, challenge the guy who you're argueing about the camp-spot, whoever wins get the spot.

Tanglers is overcrowded, especially when a cabby lvl 50 is soloing them at 8PM CET. When you message him to do his money-farming 'Please on another time because us level 40 guys badly need the XP to assist him later on in RvR' I am told

'Go STFU I pay for the game as well and I don't care about your XP, the same way you don't care about my money'


After the message he was just pulling and not killing them but let his pet die so all gobbies are aggro-linked and the next pull of us would be the whole pack. Luckily we lived but I was so frustrated I disbanded my group and went to Barrows. Far easier to get a nice camp spot AND not the competition on XP as in Lyonesse


Who said DM sucks ass?

DM represents a fine hunting ground for a fg of 45+. Nice drops, good teamwork required, plenty of action/spawns and you'll be so busy you wont have time to scrutinise your lickle xp bar every 20 seconds ;)

Explore the whole zone, the quarry is the toughest part to get through though without excellent cc. Great fun!


Originally posted by Belomar
I heard Pazuzu once did that, and some infiltrator accidentally sold his level 40 epic weapon to said merchant. Then he kept spamming the poor sorcerer with abuse for the whole evening. :rolleyes:
Did it again last night. People were selling to the merchant, and asking me if I got money for the sales...
I should, but don't :p
Regards, Glottis


Secret, what more can you ask for? That's as much an admission of guilt and a apology you can get. Besides, it has already been established that you were very much in the wrong to throw a tantrum and start kicking dirt on Rhombos Emrys. This was totally unjustified. Do not for one second think that you are blameless, accept this apology (why else did you post to this forum otherwise?), and move on.


Originally posted by -nicolas-
We need more mobs like the tanglers in each realm at all levels. They're easily accessible, if you die there's always a rez near, it doesn't take eons to kill them and they make for exciting and above all fast xp.
exciting? for the first two pulls maybe...

DM is just a waste of time getting in and out takes ages and if the group is whiped it's release time and a long nice, xpless, walk back.
why? because everyone is xping at the tanglers.

Trees are slow, ever since they nerfed chaining, and dangerous because you need the perfect group setup unless you enjoy lots of, xpless, downtime.
purple BaFing monsters with no camp bonus... same as it is everywhere other than tanglers.

Ellyls much of the same points from DM apply to these guys with the added 'fun' of knowing you could be ganked by evil invaders at any time.

yeah, invaders hiding inside the ellyl :( myself I'm avoiding killing the ellyl despite the nice loot - gotta have tea-parties with Lord Eilidyn after all.


ugh how can you bring yourself to kill the ellyl they are soo cool :D


They make nice pets indeed. I believe with some luck a lvl 50 sorc can charm the Ellyl sage, if it is a low spawn :)
Nuke away baby, nuke away :)
Regards, Glottis

Hit ^_^

aslong as im not forced into killing them im happy :)
soloing is underastemated.



Hmm u guys never thought about that lyonesse is the fastest way to exp for every caster class in this realm....barrows is way much lousier for casters ;PP

For other classes tanglers still are the fastest way to lvl til 44. Then start going DF.

Barrows exp cant be compared to lyonesse in fast exp way.

But i aint telling u its the funniest way thou.

Just a note


Re: Lyonesse

Originally posted by leorin
Hmm u guys never thought about that lyonesse is the fastest way to exp for every caster class in this realm....barrows is way much lousier for casters ;PP

For other classes tanglers still are the fastest way to lvl til 44. Then start going DF.

Barrows exp cant be compared to lyonesse in fast exp way.

But i aint telling u its the funniest way thou.

Just a note

I totally agree it's the fastest way to lvl to 44. But it has to be the most boring way as well :)

I mean, get a group can be tricky at tanglers, but OK, you found yourself a group with a sorc (or other good CC) and start pulling. CC kicks in, kill the resists, sorc 'tingles' 1 loose, you finish it, sorc 'tingles' 1 loose, you kill it, sorc.. etc..

Next pull, same.... Next pull, same... etc. etc. And after X pulls DING you're levelled ;)

Sure it's the fastest but I play the game because it's fun, not to level as fast as possible to 50.

And I like to get a drop every now and then. Gobbies is money-farming and nothing more. Oh yeah, a needle mace and an oversized crossbow! Oh goodie!


Re: Lyonesse

Originally posted by leorin
Hmm u guys never thought about that lyonesse is the fastest way to exp for every caster class in this realm....barrows is way much lousier for casters ;PP

For other classes tanglers still are the fastest way to lvl til 44. Then start going DF.

Barrows exp cant be compared to lyonesse in fast exp way.

But i aint telling u its the funniest way thou.

Just a note

If there's less than 6 groups killing tanglers ;)

which there never is.


Re: Re: Lyonesse

Originally posted by Fingoniel

If there's less than 6 groups killing tanglers ;)

which there never is.

And don't forget the lvl 48-49 sorc with his telamon and the lvl 48 cabby pulling the whole pack. Have fun competing with the other 4 full-groups around pulling the left-overs....


IMO people should stop looking at tanglers as THE spot. Several good (and better) places are available - just look at the different suggestions in this thread.

Throwing mud on a full guild in here because a few members annoyed you is childish, and too far out to comment. Seems to me like some people take the "I OWN THIS SPOT!" way too seriously. I've been in several tangler groups, and somehow they always end up with a pull-war between rivaling groups.

Sometimes arguments break out between al lvl 40-47 group who thinks that they are entitled to the xp, as they are "a real group", vs. the solo Sorc with her Medial telamon or the DoT Cabalist...

Other times groups start to argue when someone else pulls a train of gobbos, and another group gets the returning gobbos in the back...

Then there's also the "you must wait in line"-argument between the puller who's waiting patiently for the pop, then losing it to some quickcasting caster who was 0.1 secs faster, or the other puller who pulls the same time (or even 1 sec) after you...

Never has a mob caused so many arguments - it's sickening how greedy people can get. I myself used to be like that, but I have avoided tanglers, as they are only a cause of grief and boredom.

Tanglers are a good xp/money spot, but not the only one. If you can't deal with the competition there, you should find another spot instead of crying in here Secret. This brings shame on you and the guild.


All I can do is laugh at this one...I mean really...

As an ex co-gm of Cuteashell/Secrets guild all I can say is typical.
I can't count the amount of fights secret has at tanglers...I mean really, the guy can't go there for 5 seconds without offending someone.

Secret, you have no right to bitch about someone demezzing your mobs and trying to get you killed when I know you have done it to other people before...

Hypocrit, that's the only word for it

Posting about it on BW when you couldn't strong arm the guys GM to side with you is pathetic.
Granted, I don't know exactly what happened in this situation, but any time someone tells me something Secret has done, I'm inclined to believe that persons story over Secrets for the simple fact that I know if secret gets pissed he gets rude. He doesn't stop to think about anything but the other child took away his toy. Grow up Secret, and get a fucking life.

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