


Lo fellow mates my name is Cuteashell also known as Secret spy.
i was today at tanglers with cute, lvling my self an afriend of mine.
I was pulling from Aquaducten, an it was going nice, after like 5 hours of instead pulls an killing gobs, i was starting to get hungry, i went out for a sandwish i was afk for like 5-10min most, mean while a alb named Xandro from the Guild Rhombos Emrys, came with some friends an startet pulling from the spot i camped, when i came back, i said i was camping this spot an i have been afk, but they said U CANT CLAIM A SPOT WHEN U GO AFK. ok breake here ! that means if a group camp a spot an they loose there sorcer/healer an cant pull an they have to wait, then other ppl can come claim the spot ? or if a sorc camps a spot an leave his buffbot an because he just going to sell ? is it me or do u just dont do that ? well some ppl would say yes an some would say no.
well back to the story, as i though as any other else i could keep camping the spot i start pulling again, then Xandro an 1 in his group starts leech an Unmezzing with aoe debuffs. an trying to get me killed. after 5min of trying xandros mates leave an only Xandro stays. well i though finally its over, but the war was jsut startet. my next pull was gonna be hell, i pulled an mezzed an then xandro AoE nukes em an got him self killed an me + my mate, i though that he wouldnt do it again, but nono he startet to aoe nuke or leech with singel DD. this was going on for like 1hour, after 15min i PMed his GM, an told him to make him stop this, but the GM wouldnt belive my story an xandro wouldnt stop, after i spammed his gm to make him stop, he finally stopped, but his gm was just so fucking i dont care more or less about it. now at this point i was so mad i could rip his head of, but still, that wouldnt help :D now i ask u guys, who did most wrong here, i know i just should have left but my mate was a at a Netcafe paying to play with me because he got the day off like me. an for the ppl who know i am not letting this go.

I made this thread so ppl could see how Rhombos Emrys are. because after 3 hours of talking with every singel guild (almost ) in Rhombos Emrys they didnt care less, What Xandro did. I hope none of u end up in a guild like this, cause this must not happen in a guild.

I also hoped ppl would flame him an his guild but, that would make this case even worse, but a living hell for him, AN would solved nothing.

Secret Out!

------Secret spy : lvl 50 Scout------

------Cuteashell : lvl 48 Sorcer------

------Fallenone : lvl 33 Infil------


There is a lot to read in the CoC but here's a couple of lines from it:


6. Engage in "disruptive behavior" in chat areas, game areas, bulletin boards, or any other area of the DAoC Services. Disruptive behavior shall be deemed to include, but will not be limited to, conduct which purposefully interferes with the normal flow of gameplay or dialogue in a Service area. Disruptive behavior shall also include, but not be limited to, commercial postings, solicitations and advertisements.

16. Engage in any behavior that is contrary to the 'spirit of the game' as defined by Mythic in its sole discretion.

1. You may NOT kill steal from members of your own realm. Kill stealing is defined as the repetitive killing of monsters who are already in combat with or pursuit of another player from your realm, without the other person's express permission.

2. You may NOT leech experience from members of your realm. XP Leeching is defined as uninvited, repetitive initiation of combat against monsters that are already in combat with another player from your realm -OR- univited, repetative healing of a realm-mate in combat with a monster. This is usually with the express intent of gaining experience with little or no risk to yourself.


In my opnion,

If a group lacks a class to camp a spot, they loose it right away to a group that has the neccesary classes. And if you go AFK for a while without newcomers knowing it, you can´t really blame them.
For all they know you could have been AFK 8 hours.

So, when you go AFK for 5-10 mins you loose the spot and since you started pulling and messing the camp, while they had a pulling group there (as I understand it)you in theori was the leecher.
I believe that you are both lame that none of you said, "Ok, np I´ll find somewhere else to xp"
Oh and another thing to all you lvl 50 sorcs and cabbys, who do Tanglers in prime time, : You prevent xp groups from getting any decent pulls. Do your money farming out of primetime. Ppl are putting you guys on /ignore list, which is not good for anybody, but when ppl see how lame you are camping Tanglers in primetime its the only weapon they believe they have. Good luck.


Think somebody needs to go talk to some native americans, you cant own a spot, spots are for everybody, except the ones on dalmatians they really do own their own spots, its a game have fun go play, dont sit waiting on spots(usually spots are signs of some kind of sickness so they arent really worth waiting for) sing a song do a small dance and go play poker at the round table


Well im pulling cabby and i do it only outside prime time, and at afternoons, when peeps starts to pop there i leave, but damn i hate at 6 am 1 blue wizzy pulling 1 tangler, not killing because whole spawn is after him....i go there at night, and very late, and make sure also there is spot free, but ffs if some1 comes to pull there and not even killing mobs...grrrr....


Hmm yeah well aint they a spanish guild?? 'nough said? :D

No offence spanish guys ;)


This is not everquest... camps are not 'owned' by anyone...

it's common courtesy to leave a room/spawn if someone else is killing it (mainly due to both parties getting crap xp) but there's no "play nice" policy.

However, aoeing your pulls, dding your pulls, getting you killed etc is harassment, and deserves being reported to RightNow.


Originally posted by Adralend
Hmm yeah well aint they a spanish guild?? 'nough said? :D

No offence spanish guys ;)

No they aren´t

Another useless comment

Where are you from btw...?


There are many more places to xp then tanglers...


Hmmm, not a good place nor way to solve problems like this.
It's just a 'I blame you' game seen from 2 different perspectives.

The thing is that neither of you 2 are right. You can't leave a spot AFK and hope to camp it till you get back and you can't nuke / debuff mobs while one is puling ....
The worst thing however is that you played this stupid teasing / disrupting game for over an hour and got all involved killed. That my dear(s) is just being stubborn as hell instead of trying to solve the problem.

Go out, have a chill ... loads of fun places to xp besides Dark Age of Lyonesse :p


oh boehoe
i encountered much worser situations than u just described here
but i never had the intention to post their names and my complains about them on this forum

one thing i learned about the spot, dont get stressy and be polite
as fin said, if u need some money farmed dont do it in primetime
i even once took 4 40iesh peeps in my grp whiel farmin for my crafter , tell em to put autoloot off and evry one is happy
when i was xpin of when im helpin a friend of mine to that last horrible bub of his, i never minded to take an infi/scout in the grp

anyway i try to avoid tangz in daylight as uch as possible
i hate seein grps gettin killed just to get the new tree pop
and i hate gettin a join request evry 3minuts
some ppl actually get pissed if u dont invite him
ogh well tangz..
it aint never gone change


Originally posted by Adralend
Hmm yeah well aint they a spanish guild?? 'nough said? :D

No offence spanish guys ;)
What is your problem? This was a totally uncalled-for quip. Rhombos Emrys are not Spanish, and please don't bring your ignorant opinions on other nationalities than your own to this message board. Spanish guilds make up a lot of this server and have participated and more than pulled their load in many realm-wide events, outside RvR and in. I also hate when people say "no offence" after a flamebait comment like the one above.

Rhombos Emrys is allied to Shadowlords Society, and the high-levels I have dealt with are all very nice fellows (some of our own people came from this venerable guild). I am sure that this is a misunderstanding, and that Xandros (who from this post seems to be in the wrong) should be disciplined. Therefore, I think Secret should have limited his/her post to flaming the persons involved, not the guild itself.

One person spreading bad words about a guild can seriously harm the guild's reputation, regardless of whether it is justified or not. Please do not do it. Most guilds in this game consist of reasonable people, it's just that they are varyingly good at weeding out the bad eggs in their own ranks.


Originally posted by fl-gorre
ogh well tangz..
it aint never gone change
Oh yes it will. :) Next patch, pygmys will have twice the hitpoints and the tangler will insta-smite, so people are going to have to start looking for other places to level...


I see all your points here, i also see it would have been best for me to leave the spot, but still, i am not very good of saying "lets just forget it an go away" but thats me, all my guild would say the same thing, but even when i am no right to stay an camp, like nothing happent, None should leech/get me killed. But now, he still PMs me in game an flame me an still say he would AoE nuke my pulls anything i am there an he is. after 10min of that i put him on /ignore cuz that was to much :(

An btw, mayby i got the reply wrong but someone said i shouldnt PL/make money in prime time

1 : I aint 50 :)

2: I was Helping my mate lvl, an even so when some come ask me if i could help em with .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 the bub of there lvl i normally do when i got time.

an Sorry if i got your post wrong :) but anyway just making my point of view

Secret Out!


What you have to understand is that this
has been going on since tanglers first
were patched in .
While I can understand your predicament
flaming a whole guild or a gm isnt helping you win over anyones vote after all a
gm is just one person , a guild is many.

Rhombus have been around for bloody
ages in one form or another and they have gone through ALOT of changes .
But on saying that I never have had a problem with any of there members.

Best advice is dont go past the barrows
: ) cus you know what , its not worth it down their and you can get everything you need topside. Barrows is a great place to xp , you always find the same people there mainly a great bunch of LoDs , so you make friends their and actually dare i say it enjoy getting your xp. And you have DF ( The only place I xp any more ) etc .

Last comment , Just walk away from crap / people annoying you / Leeching
etc , because it will just ruin your day and Most importantly your Fun.

Just my 2 yoyo's


If you are afk for 10 minutes, yes you lose the spot.
The new person should /send you though, and then wait a little for a respond. And if you complain, move away. This is, if you complain within about 10 minutes.
If you go run off to sell at the Yarleys, well, you lost your spot.
A spot is only camped as long as you are present there. Leaving a single sorc at tanglers is not camped. Maybe a single cabalist, sorc or theurg, but those are the only classes who can own a tangler pull when lvl 49 or higher.
On a lighter note, I once brought a forest merchant from Sauvage to Lyonesse, every was selling their loot, and buying merchants...
Yet not one single selfish prick would even donate 5g, except for a guildmate trying to set the right example. Will no longer do all that effort now....
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by starblade
Hmmm, not a good place nor way to solve problems like this.
It's just a 'I blame you' game seen from 2 different perspectives.

The thing is that neither of you 2 are right. You can't leave a spot AFK and hope to camp it till you get back and you can't nuke / debuff mobs while one is puling ....
The worst thing however is that you played this stupid teasing / disrupting game for over an hour and got all involved killed. That my dear(s) is just being stubborn as hell instead of trying to solve the problem.

Go out, have a chill ... loads of fun places to xp besides Dark Age of Lyonesse :p

Secret wasn't doing the debuffing - it was Xandro..

basically (to reword Secret's post)

Secret killing tanglers at aquaduct.
Secret afks.
Xandro et al appears and starts killing things.
Secret wakes up, says 'oi mine!'

Secret pulls, starts to kill things.
Xandro et al start debuffing the monsters to break their mezz.

Xandro's mates give up on this...

Secret pulls again.
Xandro aoe nukes.

They both die.

Secret petitions people on from Rhombos Emrys, gets unsatisfactory answers (people refused to believe him about Xandro? he wasn't talking to the officers? Secret says he was talking to the GM... so that reflects very badly on RE)

So he posts here.

Whilst I disagree with people claiming camps - AoEing someone's pull to deliberately try and kill them is really fecking stupid.

If Xandro did this in my guild he'd be out on his ear (again, assuming it's all true)

The Dragon

End of the day I agree with the bad behaviour by both, but due to the massive traffic at Tanglers, tensions get high and things get out of hand.

I myself have been in a few run ins and also could have handled things differently there. But I have always stood by the rule if its camped leave it alone. Selling and afk Imho would say you loose your spot and I and plenty of others have lost 100's gold due to this...deal with it.

If there are ppl active in the camp in a group if 1 goes afk or 1 goes to sell and you stilll pulling or waiting for an ld, i would say you still camping the area. Its hard to say what an acceptable time limit is in this? but it dont take more than 5 mins to reboot machine and log back in.

but I think I digress, point is Tanglers is getting rediculous, its is THE best place to level, given the right groups and right tactics. As a result its over used and over camped. When u have to arrange times early in the morning to meet to be able to hunt there 'warning bells' should be going off.

I say to GOA make some other places that are interesting and good xp. Gobbo Syndrome destroying the morale of the game! That and mezz heehee

Before some ppl come back and say there is there is. Please detail them. Trees crap xp, almost as over crowded as Gobbos and dire money and drops. Darkness Falls, Good xp, high death rate, unlikely to still be open wen you travel from lyonesse. Barrows, crappy xp, good drops, wizzies dont get on in dungeons. My point its compared to a 3 man Ae tangler group nothing compares..........


Not flaming you Dragon at all. but..

Before some ppl come back and say there is there is. Please detail them. Trees crap xp, almost as over crowded as Gobbos and dire money and drops. Darkness Falls, Good xp, high death rate, unlikely to still be open wen you travel from lyonesse. Barrows, crappy xp, good drops, wizzies dont get on in dungeons. My point its compared to a 3 man Ae tangler group nothing compares..........

Sure it does ,
The only reason tanglers is good is simply
their grp bonus , high respawn rate and their Quantity. Now granted i havent been there in a while but im sure its still wedged full with 6 grps pulling which kills the grp bonus , respawn rate and quantity. making them pants! UNLESS you are going there late at night / very early when no one else is on.

Barrows can get great Xp if you know where to pull and if you know the dungeon. Alot of people have soloed lvl 48 there easily enough. Its just different tactics are used.

DartMoor . Is another great spot , seemingly forgotten after lvl 34 , virtually empty, a good grp can get V.good xp here and a lot of high end drops aswell.

Frontier . Apart from the recent sauvage grps .it is empty and you know what full of Mobs, harder to get a grp to go maybe but still great xp doing worms, ellyls etc.

LB . this is more for high end xping
but still a good place. Good drops to.

DF . Like I said great xp . Learn who is a smuck and dont grp with them and you wont die a lot. I practically never die in their because of constantly grping with smart people and not getting over greedy. Granted I still have ACCIDENTs now and again ;).

look i dont meen this to sound like a flame. its more for everyone else but
very soon the whole goobo thing will
be gone and people need to know about the other places to go. The only differance is these places are kept quiet so the people who do xp them
have them for them selves.

Take a Look around.


Dartmoor is ace,
not too difficult to find people - go to the yarleys and grab all the tangler-wannabes..

Pounders/Stonelords are _insane_ xp for a 45+ group, from woodeworm to >tree levels so nice nice xp :)
Speedy pop rate too.
If you're only 40+ you can still kill the pounders, or go kill the stonecrush clan... plenty in there :)

There's also elders, oracles, earthmagi if you get higher :) (admittedly quite hard to get to)

On top of the xp - Dartmoor is _fun_... it's like running around in RvR, have to all be awake and alert to get there. Once you get to your pull spot it reverts to PvE xping :) but the journey is fun.

Frontier is harder to get groups as he said, but nice xp :) Ellyl, ravenclan, drakes, loads out there. And shedloads of camp bonus.

Not too much in the high level range unlike DF (just the Ellyl really) but still good solid things to kill.

Barrows is good xp, kinda drops off after about level 44 - the celts/lichs just get too easy for a full group - but if you get a smaller group they're still good.

Darkness falls is evil xp... camp bonus regens fast because it's a dungeon... it's fairly easy to get a good level of BAFfing monster for your group...

Llyn barfog is good too - gorgers/feeders/devourers are around the woodeworm/witherwoode level, and more camp bonus. The epics won't be very good xp :)

Even lyonesse has other things to kill - cailleach guards are interesting for a group that finds trees no longer a challenge (just don't pull Uragaig!) Danaoin soldiers for a bit lower leve...

Danaoin farmers are good for killing with pbaoe after you finish with the pygmy house (which you can skip and kill fishermen instead)

There is a hell of a lot more out there than tanglers/trees, but everyone lives in lyonesse, loses their minds and forgets how to get out again.


The thing is that neither of you 2 are right. You can't leave a spot AFK and hope to camp it till you get back and you can't nuke / debuff mobs while one is puling ....

Was talking about the 2 ; one camping AFK and one nuke debuff till all die.

As for the high tensions at tanglers, I suggest you read fingoniels post as it sums up the places that are fun to xp in. After all, you can make 50 without the tanglers and the trees (ok, did it one time for 2 hours just to see what it was like :p ... and didnt like it ), no problem.

This game has too much to offer to fight all the time over a bunch of gobs.


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
On a lighter note, I once brought a forest merchant from Sauvage to Lyonesse, every was selling their loot, and buying merchants...
Yet not one single selfish prick would even donate 5g, except for a guildmate trying to set the right example. Will no longer do all that effort now....
I heard Pazuzu once did that, and some infiltrator accidentally sold his level 40 epic weapon to said merchant. Then he kept spamming the poor sorcerer with abuse for the whole evening. :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Adralend
Hmm yeah well aint they a spanish guild?? 'nough said? :D

No offence spanish guys ;)

rofl dickhead


We need more mobs like the tanglers in each realm at all levels. They're easily accessible, if you die there's always a rez near, it doesn't take eons to kill them and they make for exciting and above all fast xp.

DM is just a waste of time getting in and out takes ages and if the group is whiped it's release time and a long nice, xpless, walk back.

Trees are slow, ever since they nerfed chaining, and dangerous because you need the perfect group setup unless you enjoy lots of, xpless, downtime.

Ellyls much of the same points from DM apply to these guys with the added 'fun' of knowing you could be ganked by evil invaders at any time.


All in all I personally think that the time spent to get to lvl 50 should be = to the time spent to get to lvl 45. It's about RvR isn't it? I don't think a guy that lvl's to lvl 45 has got that much less control of his own character. Infact I think the lvl 45 has more control and knowledge than someone who has gotten powerlevelled to 50, don't you?


been awhile since we had a good old fashioned bitchy tangler thread :)


Is it only me or has the boards gone more silent than they used to? Perhaps I should crank up an archer thread again? :p

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