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- #31
Originally posted by Moving Target
Yes we all do goats in the bottom
Originally posted by Moving Target
Yes we all do goats in the bottom
Originally posted by SomeGuy
I want to make love with Wij and Britney Spears in a threesome!! P.S. I AM A TWAT!!
Originally posted by Wij
hey, making love with me and Britney sounds good to me
[Suds] So, you had your own clan server, how on earth did that become BW ? There seems to be a grand canyon between ..
[TedTheDog] Yep, Clan Fluffy's private server was called "Freds House". We alternated between QW DM, QW DM with the Orange Mod and ThunderWalker CTF.... Sp000000000n!!
Well, as we gradually expanded (ie, as we gradually acquired more Hardware) Tony needed a naming convention for the kit so I suggested Barry The Talkative Time Sprout, from Robert Rankins Armageddon Trilogy. Bit long, so Barry became the name of our 1st machine. Elvis was 2nd and then its all a blur
Basically, all our kit is named after characters in Robert Rankin novels.
By this time TS was running public servers too, not just private servers, and our most popular server was Creeper CTF. Tony discovered Stats output and so we started running a website, off of the TS webby, just for Creeper Stats. This had an amazing affect. I remember being totally gutted on nights when I played badly as I knew my overall ratings would be badly affected. It worked that way for many others.
We then started running our own News site called News At Quad (NaQ) and RobertJ was the driving force behind that, with occasional help from me and DBs.
Gradually, the server provision side of the TS site, stats, updates about the Mods etc, became FAR busier than the rest of the TS site and it became logical to seperate the 2 out. We wanted a name for this new website and BarrysWorld was born.