Talk about dumb....



You know what sucks here in the Euro servers is that you can only play on 2 realms.. this is a pain in the ass and i dont see why the suckie pvp server cant be turned into another english server. That way you avoid doing dumb things like i did.... :mad:
It all happened the other night when I was bored with nothing to do.. didnt want to play in alb... didnt want to play in mid.. so im thinking.. oooh Hib sounds sooo fun. :doh:
I get on my mids account.. looking at my lvl 43 healer and some others.. give some lucky noob in Gna all I own and I....i.........i DELETED!!! arrrg I went to hib and after lvl 3 i couldnt be arsed and now im thinking.. WHAT the hell was wrong with me?? lol DAMN IT!!! lol Give me back my healer :mad: :mad: :(
please tell me.. someone has done the same thing so i dont look so dumb right now lol


Aye did same with my hib chars but lv21 was the highest :)


roll a hib char on a french/german server and play it for 30mins look if you enjoy it? then you could always delete your char on mid afterwards :)


hehe, think many has done what you did, even I did it, was only a lvl 17 char tho.
Its pure frustaion that drives usto deletion, thrust me I know ( did it with a 50 arms on excal).
I wanna have a little cute luwie, but I also wanna have a BIIG troll who is a tough nut.
I think its a good idea to convert Camlann to a normal server. But then again, Mythic can´t market DAoC as a versatile game where you have teh chance to do PvP all the time.

I do not know if it has become fun to play on that server now, as I see it there are 2 posiible scenarios:

1. Only kiddie lamers who has a 50 chanter there= all are KoS

2. They made some kinda honourable rules, where its all about Guild vs. Guild.

if no.2 it could be really fun, knowing that there are no more than 300-350 active players there.


There's only about 300 players in emain + odins at any given time :X


Getting a 3rd English server is not going to be effecient in the perspective of GOA/ Mythic. Not enough players will exist on it to sustain it's level of interest and it will be a watse of money to the companies. Sure the players want it, but how many will actually use it and stay there making it worth the money? Most likely not enough. So, it's most likely never going to happen.


Saying that, peak on the pvp server is just under 700 - with one time this week according to statistics the server having 0 ppl logged in. How they can keep running that server with profit im not sure - there's bound to be more ppl playing on it if they made it into another English server tho surely?


Originally posted by Ekydus
Getting a 3rd English server is not going to be effecient in the perspective of GOA/ Mythic. Not enough players will exist on it to sustain it's level of interest and it will be a watse of money to the companies. Sure the players want it, but how many will actually use it and stay there making it worth the money? Most likely not enough. So, it's most likely never going to happen.

number of germans: 10779 atm
number of frenchies: 4512 atm with 2nd server DOWN
number of muppets: 3635

just learn some german ("du schwein!") and play on those servers :p

Kurik BHM

i played on Avalon server in beta.... rofl :) it was less laggy there


I started with having a lvl 25 hero on Hib
then i switched to albion where I had a lvl 47 minstrel,
deleted it and returned to hib, where i rolled a lvl 26 hero, only to delete that too and return to alb once again :D and now i got these chars, and will never do anything like it again :D
i learned my leason


Nerf your free time imo. If you have time to play three different realms, you have FAR too much!!


dam, deleting a lvl40 + the horror :(

cant you appeal to goa to undelete it or something? make something up like your escaped mental patient friend broke into your house and deleted


I think the argumentation of "3 realms need 3 english servers, so I can play all realms" is quite funny (especially these days, where every little lvl 30 Infil and his dog has a buffbot on a second acc idling around in Emain). What´s the next step then? 6 english servers, because you only have 8 character slots and want to play every class?


Originally posted by thorwyntf
I think the argumentation of "3 realms need 3 english servers, so I can play all realms" is quite funny (especially these days, where every little lvl 30 Infil and his dog has a buffbot on a second acc idling around in Emain). What´s the next step then? 6 english servers, because you only have 8 character slots and want to play every class?

WOW! Thats a great idea!!! How comes no-ones ever thought of this before!



hey, i deleted my lvl 42 scout to move to hib, then to mid, then back again...... :(

PS. this was before the nerf

nerf nerfs


i've done it to, first i got Chosen(a armsman up to 42) and decided to delete and join Mid, then i got a hunterup to lvl 23 and decided to join alb again, then i got a cleric up to lvl 35 and some lvl 20 chars then decided to join midgard again, and here i am ;P


It takes time to find the right place for yourself :D


i payed a hero to 24 , stopped because he had capped bg's, then played a thane till 32 and then moved to alb where i now have 2 50's and a gimp .. miss middy :(


Originally posted by thorwyntf
I think the argumentation of "3 realms need 3 english servers, so I can play all realms" is quite funny (especially these days, where every little lvl 30 Infil and his dog has a buffbot on a second acc idling around in Emain). What´s the next step then? 6 english servers, because you only have 8 character slots and want to play every class?

Your a smart one ... I paied for this game im playing and yes.. if i want to play all realms i should be able to.. On the US servers I can do that.. in fact I can play 3 realms on more servers then I need. I just dont see why the same cant be said for the euro servers.


The grass is always greener on the other side (no pun intended).

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