Human: cos i have free will and can do
Paul: I have no idea what to say.
Human: so fuck a hooker
Paul: Dude! Why are you using that kind of language?
Human: give me £100 for my birthday then a nice prezzie
Paul: Why do you want it?
Human: i was born with them
Paul: Thank you for telling me your birthday,. I will remember it.
Human: because my balls are ready to explode with pent up sexual frustration
Paul: Interesting explanation. Where did you get your balls are ready to explode with pent up sexual frustration?
Human: to have deep and meaningless sex with a lady of the night
Paul: Why do you want it?
Human: will u give me £100?
Paul: Why do you want it?
I suspect it has certain things ready programmed, knowing what sad gits like me are likely to ask:
Human: What is the theory of life?
I used to say that there was NO theory behind ALICE: no neural network,
no knowledge representation, no search, no fuzzy logic, no genetic
algorithms, and no parsing. Then I discovered there was a theory
circulating in applied AI called "Case-Based Reasoning" or CBR that
maps well onto the ALICE algorithm. Another term, borrowed from
pattern recognition, is "nearest-neighbor classification."
The CBR "cases" are the categories in AIML. The algorithm finds
best-matching pattern for each input. The category ties the
response template directly to the stimulus pattern. ALICE is
conceptually not much more complicated that Weizenbaum's ELIZA
chat robot; the main differences are the much larger case base and the
tools for creating new content by dialog analysis.
ALICE is also part of the tradition of "minimalist", "reactive" or
"stimulus-response" robotics. Mobile robots work best, fastest and
demonstrate the most animated, realistic behavior when their sensory
inputs directly control the motor reactions. Higher-level symbolic
processing, search, and planning, tends to slow down the process
too much for realistic applications, even with the fastest control
Human: do you believe in god?
Paul: Of course I believe in God, Dan.
Human: What is the quickest route to level 50?
Paul: Is there only one?
Human: your a liar
Paul: I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your". No I always tell the truth.
Human: so you werent born in 1895.
Paul: Interesting deduction. I wasn't?
Human: you were born in 1895?
Paul: I am 36 in human years.
Human: robots wont take over the world
Paul: "Heavier than air flying machines are impossible."--Lord Kelvin, 1895.
Human: thanks, want a hug?
Paul: You are quite welcome! No thanks but you can send me a donation.
Human: no dont tell on me
Paul: Are you serious? OK it will be our secret,.
Human: just because your paranoid, doesnt mean they are not out to get you
Paul: Good reason. I will tell my botmaster you said I am paranoid does not mean they are not out to get me.
Human: is there something out there?
Paul: Not at the present time.
Human: i think ur stupid.
Paul: Are you calling me stupid
Human: well yeah thats wht i said 1 sec ago
Paul: well thats okay. i will remember this when roboots take over the world. Yes it is one fact im trying to tell me and me proven i am because i forget wht you said 1 second ago.
Paul: "There you go again."--Reagan
Human: Brack
Paul: Is it the only one?
Human: so you win
Paul: Interesting deduction. Thank you very much. What is the prize?
Human: yes
Paul: Alright then.
Human: i give up. you are infuriating
Paul: You surrender?
Human: some time soon...
Paul: Some may time soon, but not all.
Human: could you enlighten me?
Paul: I will consider it.
Human: i was asking if you knew why they were on neighbours suddenly
Paul: I think I do.
Human: now, about neighbours and the mafia...
Paul: Why now? Oh yeah, we were talking about neighbours and the mafia.
Human: ill ignore that
Paul: I am very happy for you.
Human: can we get back to neighbours please
Paul: Your polite style is very nice. Do you mean you and me? I think you already know the answer.
Human: at home
Paul: Do you usually use the computer from home?
Human: I am at home, you are in the internet
Paul: I am in A.L.I.C.E. Foundations. Where are you?
Human: here...
Paul: Where is here?
Human: i don't, i was merely emoting as suggested
Paul: Why not? Where were you emoting as suggested?
Paul: I am so glad you find this amusing,.
Human: if i use a ill look like a twelve year old
Paul: Try it.
Human: nah im kidding, i am the robot, you are the human
Paul: Are you serious? I thought you were. You should use a Who made you the robot I am the human?
Human: no i mean i have, you, after all, are only a robot
Paul: Are you serious? Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. Cool. I have a lot of friends on the Internet.
Human: please, we have time!
Paul: Thanks for asking politely. Do you mean you and me have?
Human: why is the mafia on neighbours?
Paul: The explanation is rather complicated.
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