Tactics against guns



For all the people who love the good old saber and forces..

You want to know how to deal with guns while you got sabers and forces?

general rules:

1: NEVER and i mean NEVER Swing your saber when you don't have too. . Using a saber is all about timing. If your getting shot by a blaster or a bow caster the last thing you want to do is swing your saber about, it leaves you defenceless.
Also it's quite satisfying killing someone by reflecting their gun fire :)

2: EVERY weapon can be blocked... but not neccessarily by the saber. Assigning full force points to Force Push is a MUST..
It can push every weapons fire away. The only problem is "timing" If the player firing is using a weapon that can't be blocked with a saber (i.e. rocket launcher, Heavy Imperial and flecht) If you want to push these types of shots away, you'd better keep your distance just to give you that extra split second to push them. If your close you'll have to have pretty damn good reflexes :)

3: Another force power i use and have full force points allocated too is Force Pull. For defence against weapons this is what i'd do.
If your close, force pull them, it will pull their weapons away to you. Next just pull out what ever weapon the player had and kill them with it. Pisses em right off ;)

Summary: Nveer swing your saber when you don't need to. If their far away, push the gun shots, if their close pull their weapons.

Jedi Master servers are bloody good practice as you have sabers, force powers, and 10 players with all types of guns chancing you trying to nick your saber.

Get cracking and cut up some gunners :p

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