Tactical Clans for a challenge??



sup all, i represent a tactical clan in Medal of Honor Spearhead that is currently looking for other TACTICAL clans for a challenge. By TACTICAL, i mean we don't run around and shoot the first thing we see. We make plans, ambushes, assualts and such as a team. We don't run unless someone is shooting at us. We are a true realism clan and we do not permit cheaters, TKers, Spawn killers or any other BS. We would like a challenge. We would like to face off with a clan that has some skills. We like to win, but if we lose we don't make a big deal outta it and start bashing your clan like some others clans might do. We would like a straight up, good, fun, clean war. If you think your clan matches this description email me at keepemflying@clan5wss.com . Hope to hear from you guys.

Keep Em Flying
Sgt. Wiking 5th Div. SS

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